cover of episode More Tesla layoffs, charging team all gone, what is going on? Let's talk about it

More Tesla layoffs, charging team all gone, what is going on? Let's talk about it

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Fred Lambert
Fred Lambert: 特斯拉解雇了整个充电团队,这可能是因为团队负责人Rebecca Tenucci反抗了Elon Musk的大规模裁员计划,而Elon Musk以此事为戒,警告其他高管。Elon Musk解雇整个充电团队后,声称特斯拉仍然计划扩大超级充电网络,但速度会放缓,并专注于现有充电站的扩建和100%利用率,但这并不现实。特斯拉在北美部署快速充电站的数量远超其他公司,解雇整个充电团队将导致北美快速充电站增长速度大幅放缓。 Elon Musk解雇整个充电团队的理由站不住脚,这将对北美快速充电站的部署造成负面影响。特斯拉解雇整个充电团队的行为不利于电动汽车的推广。超级充电站的部署是特斯拉电动汽车销售的重要驱动力,其部署速度的放缓将对全球电动汽车销量造成负面影响。盲目支持Elon Musk的人助长了他做出这些不合理的决定。特斯拉解雇充电团队将不可避免地导致北美快速充电站部署速度大幅放缓。Elon Musk正在特斯拉内部进行大规模重组,这可能是为了巩固他在公司的地位,尤其是在股东投票即将到来之际。 Elon Musk解雇充电团队的行为与特斯拉的使命相悖。 Seth Wintraub: 就特斯拉解雇充电团队一事,Seth Wintraub表达了与Fred Lambert相似的担忧,并补充了一些细节和观点。他认为Elon Musk的这一举动是不可理喻的,并对特斯拉的未来发展表示担忧。

Deep Dive

The podcast discusses the recent firing of Tesla's entire charging team, including the head, Rebecca Tenucci, and speculates on the reasons and potential impacts on Tesla's charging network deployment.

Shownotes Transcript

On the Electrek Podcast), we discuss the most popular news in the world of sustainable transport and energy. In this week’s episode, we discuss the additional Tesla layoffs, the entire charging team's departure, and more. Let's talk about it.

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The show is live every Friday at 4 p.m. ET on Electrek’s YouTube channel).

As a reminder, we’ll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel) to get your questions and comments in.

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Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the podcast:

Here’s the live stream for today’s episode starting at 4:00 p.m. ET (or the video after 5 p.m. ET):