cover of episode Massive Tesla price cuts, Autopilot update, Corvette E-Ray, and more

Massive Tesla price cuts, Autopilot update, Corvette E-Ray, and more

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Fred Lambert
Fred Lambert和Sepp Wintraub讨论了特斯拉最近在美国市场对所有车型进行的大幅降价,降价幅度高达13000美元。他们认为,此举可能与特斯拉的需求问题有关,尽管特斯拉官方声称是由于成本通胀的部分正常化。他们还讨论了此举对特斯拉销量、毛利率和市场竞争格局的影响,并认为特斯拉凭借其行业领先的毛利率能够承受这些降价。他们还讨论了特斯拉即将发布的Autopilot硬件套件更新,以及对特斯拉在中国市场表现、在美国市场成为顶级豪华汽车品牌、在德克萨斯州扩张以及太阳能逆变器业务的看法。 Fred Lambert和Sepp Wintraub还讨论了雪佛兰即将发布的2024款全轮驱动科尔维特E-Ray,以及对捷豹I-Pace改款和马自达MX-30电动汽车重新上市的看法。他们还回答了听众关于特斯拉FSD、Autopilot安全报告、二手车市场以及其他相关问题的提问。

Deep Dive

Tesla announced significant price cuts across their vehicle lineup, with the Model Y seeing a 20% reduction. The cuts are speculated to be due to demand issues, indicated by a buildup of inventory.

Shownotes Transcript

This week on the Electrek Podcast), we discuss the most popular news in the world of sustainable transport and energy. This week, we discuss the massive Tesla price cuts, the Autopilot hardware update, the Corvette E-Ray, and more.

The show is live every Friday at 4 p.m. ET on Electrek’s YouTube channel).

As a reminder, we’ll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel) to get your questions and comments in.

After the show ends at around 5 p.m. ET, the video will be archived on YouTube) and the audio on all your favorite podcast apps:

We now have a Patreon) if you want to help us to avoid more ads and invest more in our content. We have some awesome gifts for our Patreons and more coming.

Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the podcast:

Here’s the live stream for today’s episode starting at 4 p.m. ET (or the video after 5 p.m. ET):