cover of episode Electrek does CES, Tesla deliveries, cheaper Model Y, and more

Electrek does CES, Tesla deliveries, cheaper Model Y, and more

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Fred Lambert
Seth Wintraub
创始人和出版人,主持Electrek Podcast,专注于电动汽车和绿色能源新闻。
Fred Lambert: 本期节目讨论了可持续交通和能源领域的热门新闻,包括CES上的电动汽车新闻、特斯拉的交付数据、更便宜的特斯拉Model Y以及其他新闻。特斯拉2022年第四季度交付了40.5万辆汽车,低于预期。特斯拉将此归因于其在季度末的交付方式更加均衡。此外,特斯拉正在准备在美国推出价格更低的Model Y车型,并已在中国市场大幅下调了Model 3和Model Y的价格。关于特斯拉在中国降价的原因,众说纷纭,有人认为是由于成本控制,也有人认为是为了刺激需求。特斯拉还允许Model S和Model X车型可以选择圆形方向盘。特斯拉宣布将于3月1日举行投资者日活动,届时将讨论其第三代平台等问题。Rivian在2022年第四季度生产了超过10000辆汽车,但其汽车生产成本远高于其售价,这使其难以盈利。梅赛德斯-奔驰将与ChargePoint合作建设其自有品牌的充电网络。 Seth Wintraub: CES上最大的电动汽车新闻是Ram Trucks发布了其首款电动皮卡Ram Revolution概念车。该概念车拥有一个200多千瓦时的电池组,这与悍马EV的电池组相当。大众汽车公司在CES上发布了其新款高端轿车ID.7,其车身涂料可以通过电激发光,但这种涂料成本过高,不太可能用于量产车型。Lightyear在CES上发布了Lightyear 2,这是一款售价低于4万美元的太阳能电动汽车,续航里程超过500英里。索尼和本田合作推出的电动汽车Afeela预计将于2026年上市,配备了400千瓦的电机系统,0-62英里/小时加速时间为4.8秒,最高时速为149英里/小时,并配备了45个传感器。

Deep Dive

The CES showcased several electric vehicle concepts, including the Ram Revolution concept, VW's ID.7 with lit paint, and the Lightyear 2 with solar charging capabilities.

Shownotes Transcript

This week on the Electrek Podcast), we discuss the most popular news in the world of sustainable transport and energy. This week, we discuss all the EV news coming out of CES, Tesla delivery numbers, a cheaper Tesla Model Y, and more.

The show is live every Friday at 4 p.m. ET on Electrek’s YouTube channel).

As a reminder, we’ll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel) to get your questions and comments in.

After the show ends at around 5 p.m. ET, the video will be archived on YouTube) and the audio on all your favorite podcast apps:

We now have a Patreon) if you want to help us to avoid more ads and invest more in our content. We have some awesome gifts for our Patreons and more coming.

Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the podcast:

Here’s the live stream for today’s episode starting at 4 p.m. ET (or the video after 5 p.m. ET):