cover of episode Ep07 - Trending in Tesla: Tesla FINALLY Gives Owners the Update They'™ve Been Asking For

Ep07 - Trending in Tesla: Tesla FINALLY Gives Owners the Update They'™ve Been Asking For

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Kim Java - Trending In Tesla

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
主持人1:就Cybertruck而言,我对工厂员工的积极态度印象深刻,这与以往的负面评价大相径庭。此外,特斯拉鼓励员工利用废料进行创意改造,展现了公司文化中积极的一面。就Cybertruck后排空间而言,虽然空间宽敞,可容纳三名成年人,但头部空间可能不如Rivian R1T。关于Cybertruck基础版,我认为其高昂的价格应该包含全自动驾驶功能。此外,我认为Cybertruck的续航里程扩展器是事后考虑,而非车辆设计的一部分。就电动汽车税收优惠政策而言,我认为其对电动汽车普及的影响存在争议。特斯拉假日更新包含诸多新功能,例如类似Waze的社区共享功能,以及驾驶员活跃度监控系统,以防止滥用自动驾驶功能。 主持人2:Cybertruck基础版售价高昂,且不包含全自动驾驶和扩展续航电池。特斯拉早期交付存在禁售条款,特斯拉保留取消订单的权利。美国税收抵免政策调整将导致部分特斯拉车型价格上涨。一些新闻报道夸大了美国电动汽车市场低迷的程度,特斯拉的销量依然强劲。全球电动汽车销量增长,美国电动汽车销量突破百万辆。Lucid汽车销量未达预期,正在采取促销措施吸引客户。Lucid汽车与特斯拉Model S相比,在性能和配置上具有优势,但定价过高。特斯拉Gigafactory的生产效率很高。特斯拉推出新的轮胎保护计划,目前仅限于加州。Cybertruck发布会的演示视频制作精良。特斯拉将在德克萨斯州生产2.5万美元的Robotaxi,预计年产量达400万辆,主持人1希望Robotaxi的外观设计能够与Cybertruck类似。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their experience at the Cybertruck delivery event in Texas, noting the positive atmosphere among employees and the impressive features of the Cybertruck, including its spacious backseat and creative use of scrap materials.

Shownotes Transcript

This week in the Trending in Tesla podcast we discuss the Cybertruck delivery event, an updated Tesla warranty, and a holiday update that will have many owners getting what they've wanted for years. All that and more in this week's Trending in Tesla podcast.