cover of episode Chasing Life S:1 | Rest In Peace E:18 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

Chasing Life S:1 | Rest In Peace E:18 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

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Chasing Life After Show – AfterBuzz TV Network

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Heather Cruise
Heather Smith
Kristin Strange
Michelle Phi
Kristin Strange: 本集开头直接揭露April没有癌症,避免了长时间的猜测,是一种不错的叙事方式。但如果将April得知自己没有癌症的剧情设置得更晚一些,可以增强悬念。在面临生死攸关的时刻,人们更容易找到信仰和内心的平静。April 正在探索不同的途径来寻找信仰和内心的平静,这与宗教信仰是两码事。 Heather Smith: 剧集应该将April得知自己没有癌症的剧情设置得更晚一些,以增强悬念。如果April在找到信仰后才得知自己没有癌症,会显得过于戏剧化和说教。April 的焦虑源于对癌症复发的担忧,这促使她寻求各种方式来缓解压力。April 的医生在度假期间仍然接听了她的电话,展现了医生的责任心和专业素养。Graham 的话虽然带有黑色幽默,但也反映了April面临的巨大压力和焦虑。 Michelle Phi: 在面临生死攸关的时刻,人们更容易找到信仰和内心的平静。April 正在探索不同的途径来寻找信仰和内心的平静,而不是仅仅依赖宗教。April 的焦虑源于对癌症复发的担忧,这促使她寻求各种方式来缓解压力。April 吃大麻饼干的行为,是其缓解焦虑的一种方式,虽然不被提倡,但在特定情况下可以理解。 Heather Cruise: April 正在寻找一种精神寄托,而这与宗教信仰是两码事。剧中医生缺乏社交技巧,这与现实生活中大多数医生的情况有所不同。Dominic 的母亲对April的性格有误解,但她对April的坦诚感到欣慰。April 没有必要去见前男友的母亲。April 和Dominic 之间的感情并未完全结束,他们之间仍存在情感联系。Leo 的性格过于戏剧化,令人讨厌。Leo 的行为自私且不体贴,没有考虑到April的感受。Leo 的医生态度冷漠,缺乏同理心。Leo 的行为举止与其成长环境有关。Leo 向April 道歉,承认自己的错误并试图解决自身问题。Natalie 表面看似轻浮,但内心坚强,有自己的目标和追求。Sarah 对Natalie 的态度粗鲁无礼,缺乏同情心。Sarah 对Natalie 的态度可能源于她对Brenna 未来发展的担忧,以及她对Natalie 不了解。Sarah 对Brenna 的态度可能源于她将Brenna 之前的错误行为视为Brenna 目前困境的原因。Brenna 想休学旅行的想法,体现了她与April 截然不同的生活态度。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss April's search for faith and religion, including her interactions with a rabbi and her exploration of Buddhism.

Shownotes Transcript


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Now, let the buzz begin! Hey guys, and welcome back to AfterBuzz TV. This is the Chasing Life After Show for Season 1, Episode 18, Rest in Peace. If you guys are watching on YouTube, make sure to subscribe. If you're on iTunes, make sure to rate us 5 stars. And we are also on SoundCloud. You can tweet us anytime during this broadcast at abtvchasinglife. That's a long one, sorry guys.

You can tweet me at Heather Joy Smith. You can tweet me at Kristen Strange. You can tweet me at Heather underscore Cruz. And you can tweet me at underscore Michelle Feen. So welcome, everybody. Welcome! We are getting down to the final few episodes in season one. And I feel like last week's episode and this week, they kind of, like...

teased us almost. Like, I was not expecting this episode to come out from the previews that we saw. Like, they do that. I appreciate it. I liked how they told us right in the beginning that she didn't have cancer. So we weren't wondering the whole time. Because that would have been mean. I think they should have done that. You think they shouldn't have? No, they should have, like, dragged it out a little bit longer.

because, like, the whole, like, preview last week was about, like, her finding faith and stuff. And so I feel like if they really wanted to, like, stretch it out, they should have been, like, she's trying to find herself, and then she learns at the end. But, but, here, if she had learned at the end, if she had found faith or whatever, and then learned that she didn't have cancer, wouldn't that be a little bit propaganda? Yeah, I don't know if anybody wants, I don't know.

Can you find God when you're, like, dying? I don't know if that's, like, a good time. You can. That's probably a really good time. That's probably a really good time to find him. I just feel like that's kind of cheating. Well, it is. Well, but that's... But, I mean...

we were talking about religion before we did this. Like, I mean, I grew up religious and I feel like you find God in your own time and, like, when you're faced with, like, a life-death situation, I feel like you really find your peace. But then she didn't even stick to it so then if she found out she was okay and then she was like, actually, like, never mind, I don't need this, then that would have been... But she didn't... I don't think she...

I think she's still trying to find it because, oh, see, I didn't catch that. I thought she kind of moved on. No. Okay, so because she went to the, um, the bar mitzvah. Thank you. Um, and then she kind of talked to the rabbi there, kind of a little bit like, she's like, well, I'm not Jewish, but,

like, you know, trying to find out. I liked what he said. I liked what he said. And then, you know. Then she took the quick fix though with the pot cookie. And then next week we see her in yoga. So I think she's just trying all the options first. But at the very end, I don't. A pot of religion? No.

Yeah, I think the pot was completely separate because at the very end, which we'll get into a little bit more later, she has this book, which we find out Dominic's mom... Oh, right, it's a Buddhist book. And it's a Buddhist book. So I think she's still trying to find... Well, going back to what the rabbi had said, God and religion are two separate things, so you don't have to find God and find religion. I think what she's trying to do is find a way to find God. I think that this whole episode was over my head.

I think so. Clearly. It wasn't deep. She was just like, there was a pot brownie and that's all I remember. I didn't catch any of it. Did you have a

I was eating so much when April was eating. No. Clearly. So let's talk about April and her anxiety because this is kind of the whole situation that brought about her trying to find the religion and the pot cookie and all that. She is kind of freaking out because she doesn't know if she has cancer. The cancer can come back.

What was it? Like a 99% chance that I wasn't going to come back, but there was that 1% that she might be that 1%, you know? I can understand why she's freaking out and why she'd want to call her doctor, like, on a camping trip. Poor doctor, by the way. She's a great doctor. She's a great doctor for answering the phone on her vacation and being open-eyed. And I just, I still need to know where I know her from. Wait, no, she was on private practice. But that's, oh.

Yes, that did it. Okay. I was like, I know you. And then I looked her up on IMDb and she didn't come up in anything. And she was on Alias. I wouldn't recognize her from that. It's private practice. I love private practice. That's a good show. I love some Alias. That's a good show.

I like private practice too. I was so sad when it ended. Anyway. Moving on. Moving on. I really liked what Graham, well, I really didn't like what Graham said, but I really thought that it was funny how he was like, if you're that 1%, then it's 100%. And he like totally freaked her out. And it was kind of funny, but it was really sad. Like,

She has no social skills. Zero social skills. I don't think any of the doctors have social skills either. No, but most doctors don't. Like, the girl we were just talking about, the doctor on her camping trip, like, listen, I'm on my camping trip. Don't bother me. Stop freaking out. Like, I'm sorry. If I had cancer and my nose was all bleeding, I would be freaking out every second. She's so much better than any doctor I've ever had, though. I don't think any other doctor would answer the phone. Yeah. No other doctor has ever given me their cell phone.

Right. Although none of us have ever had cancer, so that's like... None of us have ever had uncles in the business either, have we? Or like any serious health conditions where we would need to be in contact with a doctor. You're right. All the time. Like when you're pregnant, I'm pretty sure you have your... OBGYN. Well, I wouldn't know. Not really either, but that's the closest thing that I can... I know people who have been pregnant. Well, that's good. I don't even know that.

And I knew that they had their OBGYN phone number. This is like tangent day. The funny thing is we talked about all this stuff before we even got on air and here yet we're still talking about all this. I guess it just kind of fits into the show. So April, you know, like we said, she's trying to figure out a way to deal with this anxiety and anxiety.

And so I think the pot brownie was kind of like her way, one way of trying to deal with this. I liked it. I liked it. I love how Beth was like, have some more. Yeah. You didn't have enough. She had a tiny bite.

And she thought she was freaking out. What is that supposed to do for you? You know what, though? I was worried that it was going to make her more anxious and paranoid. Like, I just thought she was going to have, like, a really bad trip. Yeah. That could happen. Yeah. But she did really well. I liked seeing her kind of let loose. I did, too. Not that I'm condoning eating pot cookies. Yeah.

But in this situation, I think that it was kind of necessary. I think she needs to let loose a little bit more and just not be so uptight all the time. Yeah. It was nice to see her, like, fun. And then she was so funny with Dominic's mom. Yeah. Okay, so, I mean, crazy situation that

this would be their first meeting and here she is. Hi. And that's a perfect way for her to meet. I guess. Do you guys think her mom knew or his mom knew? I don't think. I think she knew something. She called her quirky or something like that. So I think she kind of just thought that was her personality. But, but I don't know if she didn't really seem like the kind of person that would really even care if she knew. No.

But I think she liked the fact that April was, like, opening up to her and telling her all about, like, their relationship. And, I mean, it's one way to meet them. Mother and her ex-boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend.

I don't know. Do they really need to meet? I mean, do they really? Yeah, don't everyone meet the mother of any of my ex-boyfriends? Yeah, no, thank you. That's true. Yeah, once they're an ex, you really don't need to meet their mom, I guess. It's like, hi, I broke up with your son. Nice to meet you. I like how she was all, like, she brought that up. Yeah. And she was like, you're too hard on yourself. But I think it might have been good for the future April, maybe, because they're not quite

They're not done yet. I don't think they're done either. They haven't squashed it yet. She has feelings. I know they brought it up and she said no, but she has feelings. You could totally tell she has feelings. And I think he has feelings too because he brought her to the house, put her on the couch, and whispered in her ear even though she was like...

But Heather, he had that moment with Natalie. Okay, we're not there yet. We're not there. We're not there yet. We'll get there. It's a play on both sisters. Maybe he just wishes it was her. We'll get there. We'll get there. We'll get there. Let's talk about Dominic. I mean, not Dominic. Leo. I thought we were going to talk about Dominic. Leo, the other guy in April's life. Ugh. Why that face tonight?

She doesn't like Leo. I've never really, yeah, exactly. I've never really been a big fan. Let's be unconcerned. He's so dramatic. He is so dramatic. A tumor. I think he's the worst. He is.

I feel his pain. I feel his pain. Yeah, but he's... I mean, I understand his pain, but that doesn't mean you have to go ignoring your girlfriend or... He's going through a lot. But he didn't necessarily ignore her. They both ignored each other. Okay, they both need to grow up. I got one thing to say. Okay. Do it. So... I'm really sorry. I'm going to have to be anti-Leo for just like two seconds. Yes! Come over to the dark side! Okay, not quite, but I got one thing anti-Leo. Okay. Okay.

When he left that voicemail on April's phone and said, oh, like, oh, you didn't pick up. Ha ha. You know, like, just kidding. I'm going to New York City. I'm taking the train there.

He was going to leave her for a couple weeks? Yeah, exactly. He's so inconsiderate. That is just so rude. Okay, I do see what you're saying. I don't think he's thinking about her, and that sounds bad, too. But I think... Obviously, he's not thinking about her. I think he's just thinking, like...

I think it all comes from a good place of him wanting to get better, partially for her. So it's like, he thinks he's thinking about her, but he doesn't quite do that. And my boyfriend does that all the time. Like, he's like, leaves for weeks. He just leaves for weeks. No, leaves a voice message. But he'll, like, do something and be like, I thought I was thinking about you, but you, you weren't. Like, because it didn't turn out. Because boys are dumb. Because boys are dumb. That's what I'm saying.

That's really when it comes down to. I don't know. Well, all right. To Leo's defense, which I hardly ever do. I mean, he had that meeting with his doctor who, again, has no manners. He sucked. Yeah. Well, you're just going to be on these medicines for the rest of your life. These symptoms are irreversible. You're just going to have to deal with it. Gee, thanks, doc.

Yeah, he was terrible. He was not... Like, give him a... Throw him a bone. Yeah, exactly. Just pretend one. There are ways that we can deal with this. Like? Give him a psychiatrist. I don't know. Do something. No. I mean, that's a lot to take in, especially for a 20-something year old who thought he was going to die. He was dealing with all these family issues. The fact that he's alive when he thought he was supposed to be dead. And all his friends are dying. Exactly. It's a tough

situation to be with. I don't know. Maybe it's just me because I'm a girl, but I feel like I would gravitate towards people instead of push them away, which I feel like that's what he's doing to April and everybody. I don't think he knows, though, how to gravitate towards people. I think that he was raised to push people away and push everything away. So I don't think he... Like, you were raised in a loving home and he maybe wasn't. He was, like, raised in, like...

You know, so I don't know. I think it has a lot to do with how you're brought up. It's kind of like Greer. Exactly. Exactly. Maybe him and Greer. Oh, wait, no. Greer's the last name. I forgot. What if she ever decided to change? I mean, who would change? I didn't even think about that first hand. I was like, she's too young for him. Yeah. Okay, so I'm going to go back to Team Leo really quick. Oh, goodness. I'm going to flip-flop. Flip-flop, I'll just say. Flip-flop back and forth. Because he did have some really good moments. And...

He apologized, kind of, to April for the whole drug situation, that it should have never happened, that he's trying to deal with these certain things that are going on in his life that he doesn't know how to deal with. Similar to April's anxiety, you know? Like, she's trying to deal with her anxiety, he's trying to deal with his...

you know, outbursts of anger and emotions and all of that. So he, you know, explained that to her and I thought that was good that he did that because it needed to come out and like he needed to apologize for what he had done to her because it wasn't right. Yeah. So that was very great team Leo of him to do. I'll put that at the top of my why I love him list. Actually, that's nowhere near the top. It's on there. It's on there. But,

But I think also, because he was going to New York, maybe that was kind of like his escape to try and find something. Like, April's trying to find whatever she's looking for. Maybe he thought he's going to go there and find some balance in his life. I don't know. But the train incident happens where...

Several people are. That was a dramatic one minute. My heart literally stopped. I literally, okay. And my heart fell into my stomach. Yeah, the episode's called Rest in Peace. And I literally was like, he can't.

I was going to have a heart attack. Really? I was not worried. What? Are you serious? Well, first of all, we saw the previews from last week and we hadn't been to that scene yet with them in the kitchen table. So I was thinking like, we haven't been there yet. It could have been like an emotional thing though where she was imagining him right there like, Kataya.

Yeah, but I didn't go there. I just thought... I don't even think about it. Well, I think she didn't go there because she doesn't like Leo. Yeah. I didn't want him to die. I mean... Like, kill him off. No, no. I don't wish death upon Leo. I'm just saying I wasn't scared that he was going to die in that.

Well, I mean, you never know. You literally never know with these shows. That's true. I mean, I thought he was a goner. Really? I did, too. I kind of did, too, just because I feel like they've been teasing us that he's going to go. Yes, but die. And because we keep saying, like, his character isn't supposed to be on the show still. Like, he was supposed to be long gone a long time ago. And we know he's a busy, busy man.

Yeah. So I thought, oh, this is the end of it. But do you think they're going to kill him off or do you think they're just going to be like, he's going to New York indefinitely? Ah.

Well, now he can't go to New York. I kind of think that they'll kill him off. Yeah. I think he's going to die. You really think he's going to die? Yes. Because I think that that's going to be a more powerful way for him to go for April's character, like evolution. I don't know if it would be as powerful for her character if he just... I think this would become a very depressing show. It's a puzzle.

If her boyfriend dies... No, I feel like this show is pretty uplifting, honestly. Well, you already had the first half of the season when we were crying every week. Well, I watched it! He already had, like, 95% chance of dying, and he was in that 5%. And it's like, some people... There's a lot of people that have cancer, and just statistically, some of them are going to die. Like, if you look at...


I'm interested to see if now that this train incident has happened and he wasn't on the train, now he's kind of feeling like this, like, he needs to fail survivor guilt type thing. Like,

If he's going to feel like now, like, now I really need to find myself or find what I'm here on this earth to do. Because he said, you know, that Meg's cancer is returning and she, you know, has all these plans. His other friend, I can't remember his name, wanted to be a big Broadway star. He passed away. It's like all these people with, like, actual legit dreams and, like,

things they want to do in their life are getting more sick or dying and here he is with nothing and he's fine right now. Yeah. You know, like he's in remission. So it's, I think he's going to have a really hard time in the next couple episodes. I think April will help him deal with that. Yeah. Because we did kind of see it a little bit during their interaction when he was telling her all of this. I feel like now she's just not going to leave his side ever again.

I mean, she was really, really upset when she thought that he was gone. Yeah. Gosh, you are not very remorseful. She was upset. Me? I said she was really upset. Like, she really was. Yeah.

She really cares about him. That's all I'm trying to illustrate. In the previews, she does look really excited, and she's like, me and Leo are going to try again. She's like, yay! So I liked that. I really thought that she was going to get back with Dominic, though. I did, too. What is that face? No one's getting on to her about her faces. I can't see her faces. She's looking over that way. She's like, I'm just going to get back together with Dominic. All right.

I don't like Dominic. Although I do kind of like him in this episode. Oh, gosh. He was so good in this episode. When he was wearing a suit, I just, I was like, oh.

Okay, bring me some of that. Because he looked really hot in his suit. But let's just, okay, let's just play this little game here. We got Dominic on this side and we got Leo on the other side. April doesn't treat Dominic extremely well, but who's there at the hospital? Dominic. That's because Dominic was already there with her. And he told him. So, I mean, like, a lesser person would have just been like,

But he's still her friend. Yeah. They're close friends. Ish. Ish. Let's focus on the ish part. And she didn't even call Leo. And was like, hey, I think my cancer's back. Come to the hospital. I'm sure he would have come. Yeah, but she didn't. I don't know about that. Okay, so after the night where she was just kind of like loop-de-loop-de and she couldn't go home by herself and Dominic took her back home. There was love in those eyes.

No, I think it was more... Dominic or April? April was baked. There was nothing in April's eyes. April was lazy. April was not seeing any of it. There was love in his eyes. Love. I don't think it was necessarily love. I think it was more of like a friendship love. Compassion. Yeah, like he... If it was real love, he would have gave up his bed for her. Yeah. Oh my goodness. I can't believe it.

can't believe he did it. I was so surprised. He let her sleep by the couch? Yeah, how rude. That would have been a little presumptuous if he had put her in the bed. But then he

he sleeps on the couch? I'm okay with this. Her being on the couch is fine. If some guy was like, here, sleep on my couch. I guess I can't be offended because you're letting me sleep on your couch, but I would still be like, really, you wouldn't offer the bed? Because if someone's sleeping over at my house, I'm going to be like, here, sleep in that bed and I'll sleep on the couch because I'm a good hostess. People sleep

slept on my couch last night and I did not offer them my bed. Well, you share it with somebody. So it's different. But I don't have any...

Oh, man. Oh, man. Okay, moving on. Let's talk about... We need to stop getting sidetracked today. Let's talk about Natalie. Because she seemed to be causing a lot of trouble, but not on purpose. It's just her being her. Yeah. Yeah.

I think that she grew a pair and finally stood up for herself because she does come out and she plays this, you know, she wears those short shorts and the crop tops and she's this ditzy. But, you know, underneath that is a strong woman who really does have goals in her life. And I'm really glad that we got to see that side of her. I like her a lot more.

now. Me too. I was so proud of her for standing her ground with Sarah and saying, look. And I thought Sarah was really rude. Yeah. I was so appalled that she said that. Yeah, it was not very nice. And the fact is, Sarah's mad at her mom. Natalie did nothing wrong. If anything, she should have more...

more like empathy and compassion for Natalie for how she had to grow up because of a mistake her husband made. Like, she should be mad at her husband and Natalie. Well, she, yeah, Natalie's mom maybe. I don't know. I don't know if she knew that they were married or not. So I don't feel like we can really be mad at her. We can't make assumptions on that. Well, I can kind of see where Sarah was coming from when she made that comment kind of towards Natalie because I feel like some part of her, she was upset that her daughter was

Like, she's concerned about Brenna's future, first of all. And then now Brenna's, like, hanging out with Natalie. And, like, Sarah doesn't really know who Natalie is, you know? She should trust her daughter enough to know that she raised her... She's 17 years old. Yeah, but Brenna has...

has done some questionable things. But she's had a really tough go of it as we've seen. Yeah, of course, of course. But I don't think Sarah realizes that. Yeah. You know, like she doesn't see that side of her at all. But, okay, so, um, Brenna has made all these questionable choices. She was a party girl before

Back in the day. Whatever, like six months ago. You know. Do you think because she made all those decisions back then, and now she's paying the consequences now by whatever, not being able to get into the great colleges that she wants to, that she's almost taking out her frustrations on Brenna, on Natalie too? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Because it's an easy target? Yes. Definitely. And who was surprised by Ford? Ford.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Go for it. She was like, she's like, what? I want to learn how to knit. Yeah. That was so funny. It's so random, but I love it. It is random. But she's a hipster. She is. I think Brenna just wants to find her own way. And, you know, she's obviously so different from April. And I'm sure that Sarah's, like, super proud of April. She's, you know, battling cancer. And she came through it. And she's got this amazing job. And she won't quit. And Brenna is a lot different. Yeah.

But it's like, I want to travel. I want to take a gap year. I don't think that really went over so well. No. But she seems supportive. I think she should do that. I'm supportive of that. Hey, if she saves up her money like she said she has. I think Brenna needs that year before college to kind of figure out what she wants to do because she's a junior and she doesn't really have any goals or goals.

or anything that she wants to do with her life, which is fine. You don't have to know what you want to do with your life as a junior. But, I mean, she's coming up on senior year, and it's like she needs to know what colleges to apply to, and it's all coming up really quickly. And she's the kind of person that could, you know, benefit from a gap year and spending time traveling the world and learning about herself. I agree. Yeah.

Exactly. And that's still fine, God. Yeah, she might. Or like spirituality in India or something. India. I've never been there. I've just heard of spiritual. Does she seem like she'd go to India? I feel like she'd be more like a London kind of person. I feel like she would go everywhere. Gap year, like all across Europe. This begs a question. How many...

much is she getting paid at this tattoo parlor right yeah part-time after-school job i'm gonna take a whole year off and travel the world oh my goodness obviously more than minimum wage yeah her pay her pay right yeah right well but then if you think about it she doesn't have anything to pay for it's true mom pays for everything so if she was smart which she probably is nice i know right seriously take me back to high school i know i know

We're all just like reminiscing. Oh, thanks for the change. Sometimes I wish I still lived at home. I keep begging my parents, please move to LA so I can live. I just want someone to pay my bills. I don't want to live with anybody. There's nothing in it, but I just got a little excited. Okay.

Because you're probably thinking the same thing. You want to go live at home too. I don't want to live with my parents, no. But I would like them to pay for everything. Yeah, exactly. Just send me a check every month and I'll be fine. Like Liam. Exactly! That would be a trust fund baby. I know. Okay, so real quick before we go, we gotta touch on the last scene of the whole show. Natalie and Dominic. They are supposed to be off-limits. Guys!

Yeah, that's not... She was like, ha ha ha ha ha. She really was. Look at this book. It's so entertaining. I felt like the whole scene was super random. Yeah, I thought it was. But at the same time, I'm like, wait, what? You can't do that to us.

But they will. I will. I thought the transition into that scene was very odd. I had to go back and watch it because it's April sitting on her bed. She's like meditating. And then white light. And there's Dominic.

on the street. I'm like, how did we get here? I was like, did I miss a scene in between here that was cut? I literally backed it up. I did too. I'm like, wait, I think I just missed something. She's going to need to do a lot more meditating. You're right. Yeah. I don't know about that one. I don't like them because I really just like April and Dominic.

I think that Dominic just wants April so bad that he'll just take the next best thing. It's an ABC family show. We should have them in studio and we'll each be their coaches and have them fight each other. Yeah. Or participate in activities. Girl, fight. Well, the guys. Oh, guy fight. Even better. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Like, duke it out in some way. Like, running or jousting. Jousting? We'll work on this. We'll have the Dominic and Leo Olympics. And then me and Heather will be their coaches because we both support each one of them very much. We're, like, unbiased.

You'll be the judge. You'll be the judge. You guys are kind of flip-floppity, and you kind of can go both ways. That would be very interesting. Okay, anyway. I don't like this. Let's get into some predictions, then. You can tell us what you think. Okay. Wait, have these lights always been pink? Yes. Ah!

How long have you been here? I just never looked at them when they were pink before. Now they're blue. Now they're blue. And now they're blue still. Okay. Let's start with Heather tonight since she's so eager to tell us. Oh my goodness. Alright. Obviously, Natalie and Dominic are going to do something. Hang out, sleep together, kiss, whatever it is, it's going to piss April off.

April's really going to realize she has feelings for Dominic. Again. This is Heather's fantasy episode. They're taking a long time to get to my predictions, okay? I've only been predicting this for like seven weeks. Alright, I don't think that Leo and April, they're going to try, they're going to fail. I feel like I said the exact same thing last week and it's just being dragged out.

All right, I feel like let's move on to Sarah and Brenna. Because I feel like Brenna has got this in her mind that she's going to take a year off. She's going to travel. I think Sarah is going to do whatever she can. I think she's going to get a little manipulative. I think their relationship is going to strain a bit. She's going to try to be supportive, but secretly she's going to try to do something to, like,

get her to go to college and it's going to strain that relationship. I like that. That's definitely going to happen. I feel like that's going to happen. Let me bank on something here since I've obviously not been good on the other ones. Right. Go. Okay. Well, I'm going to not go off of your prediction. That's good because it was pretty general. It was. I feel like

Dominic and Natalie are going to get together. I said that. But I don't think April's gonna like... Well, okay. Okay, yeah. Okay, you're right. I want them to get together. I think they would be great together. They're cute. What? Wow. Coming from the girl who wants Leo and April to stay together. I'm not really sure I want them together. Who should Dominic be with?

New girl? New girl! Oh, wait! No, wait! Oh, for some reason I thought you were saying Dominic and April. No. No. And I was like, uh, did you have some of April's pot cookie? No! I did not. Um, let's see. Well, I think they're gonna get together. Um, I do think April's gonna get mad, but then they're gonna be like, you need to get over it, because you said you were fine with this. I think Beth would be the one. She's not fine with it! Yeah. She thinks about Dominic all the time. Yeah.

But she needs to choose. She can't have her cake and eat it too. Yeah, true. She cannot have the hot cookie and eat it too. She can't. But she did. I know. That's like my biggest pet peeve is girls like in April's situation right now where they have a boyfriend and they're like really happy with them. And then, or boys in the same situation. But she's not happy with Leo. But she is though. But she's not. She is. She is.

She's happy? No. They have like an ex or something that they keep holding on to and it's like, they can't be with anybody else, but they can't be, I'm not going to be with them because my boyfriend is like, pick sister. Yeah. That's so different. I mean, it is. So, like, your best friend cannot be with your ex-boyfriend. No, that's true. Under any circumstance. It is different, but they're not normal sisters. They're not normal sisters. But now they are. They haven't been

They haven't been bonding. They're not BFFs. They're like acquaintances that happen to share a father. Yeah. It's still not right. I mean, I totally get it. I get that it's not right. But at the same time, like, they don't have that relationship where it's like, you can't date my boyfriend. But Natalie revealed that she wants that kind of relationship. She's looking for it. So she needs to step away from the exes.

But everybody makes mistakes. Not twice! She was warned once and said she would stay away from Dominic. Yeah, she promised. Promised. But you guys, if it's love, you can't... Oh yes, because every time I walk by a bookstore, I go, you never know. You never know.

Love can happen in weird ways. Sometimes you just have a connection with someone and it's really hard to pull yourself apart from them. Well, obviously they had a connection. They weren't connected at the lips. Yeah, exactly. Emotionally. Anyway, moving on. I think Beth and her boyfriend are going to move out together. Move out together? In together. In together. No, I think they're going to move out to their own place. Well, in together. They're going to move out in India.

Out to in together. Got it. I would agree with that just because I'm pretty sure that they talked about that at the end. Are they happy? I don't

I don't know. They're just weird. Exactly. It's weird. I don't like it. They're quirky. They're the actual quirky couple. I don't like it. I'm not invested in their relationship. No, me neither. When she was like, we're gonna break up, I was like, okay. Yeah, me too. Yeah, I was fine with it. I thought it was... I was surprised that she was upset about them breaking up. Yeah, because she seems to be really mean to him. I mean...

They're just such an odd pairing. But I guess if it works for them, whatever. But yeah, I'm not invested in that relationship. Well, we haven't seen a lot. It's so like not even secondary. It's like way in the background. That's very true.

I feel like George is going to come back to Sarah. Oh, he needs to. Yeah, he has to. I feel like that's coming up in the next few episodes. You can say it and hope we're at seven episodes later like I do. I'm going to manifest that to the universe. I do think that April's cancer will come back sometime in the near future. I just have a feeling. Wait a minute. This season? Wait a minute. Next.

Maybe next, because we only have a couple episodes. But maybe at the beginning of next season it comes back. What is the probability of Leo's tumor coming back and April's tumor coming back? Because y'all have killed him off. Oh, that's true. You all have killed him off. So are they really going to kill off...

her boyfriend and then give her cancer again. Or maybe they'll both go into remission. Why not? It's dramatic. Maybe they'll both go into remission or go out of remission and get cancer again at the same time and like one of them is going to survive and one of them isn't. Well, obviously it will be April. Yeah, April has to survive. So, I don't know, guys.

chasing life with Leo. But like I said, I don't want Leo to die, but I do think that that's how he's going to go. But I think it's going to be in a really redeeming way. Like he's going to do something really amazing and then he's going to die. That's awful. But I think that's how it's going to happen. But they're going to get really happy first and then they're going to die. Yeah.

I like how you don't want him to die, but you like Dominic. Yeah! He can exit the show. He can go join the Peace Corps or something. That would be a great thing for him. Prediction! He's joining the Peace Corps. That's a way out of left field prediction. I don't really think that's going to happen. I'm going to predict that, unfortunately, Natalie is going to turn her...

back on her sister and what she told her. Yeah. And she's going to start messing around with Dominic. She's going to get caught. April is going to be mad.

But she can't be too mad because that's her bone marrow. Yeah, you're right. And I bet she's not going to want to piss her off tonight. And that's petty. Yeah, and I feel like Natalie's going to throw that in her face if she tries to do it. Well, she already did throw it in Sarah's face. You're right. She did throw it in Sarah's face so she could do it easily again. Although she needed to throw it in Sarah's face. She does have the upper hand. Yeah. She does.

Shouldn't throw it into April's face. That's just not right. Anyways, I think Leo and April's relationship next episode is going to, like, explode, like, by ten. Like, it's, like, going to be deeper, whatever. They're going to find each other. He's going to tell her that he's in love with her. That's right. He already did. He's definitely going to find her as his real girlfriend. Yeah. They're going to, like, make it official. But is she as invested as he is?

She's still talking about Dominic. She doesn't know what she wants. She doesn't know what she wants. She's young. Let her live. Let her be 24. She's a lot to me. Yeah. I don't know. I think that's it. I think that's it. I don't know. Um...

So next week we got, what, two more weeks, I believe. Maybe three. I'm trying to think what today's date is. I think we have two more episodes. Two more episodes. That was the 18th episode, so yeah. Yeah. Two. So we're getting to the end. I think it's going to be interesting. I have a feeling they're going to do, like, some kind of huge, like, cliffhanger, obviously. Yeah.

To piss us off a little bit. Yeah, to get us really mad because that's what they did last time. Who knows? We'll see. Make sure you guys tweet us your predictions and your theories and what you guys think who April is going to be with. Team Dominic or Team Leo? Oh, I forgot to make you guys your little

little. I was thinking about that when we were. Finale. Finale. We will have our paddles for the finale. Let everybody know where they can find you on social media. You guys can find me on Twitter and Instagram at underscore Michelle Fee. You can find me Twitter Heather underscore Cruz and Instagram Heather Cruz. You can find me on Twitter at Kristen Strange and on Instagram at Kristen Aubrey Strange. You can find me on Twitter and on Instagram at Heather Joy Smith and you can find AfterBuzz

at AfterBuzzTV on Twitter. So thanks everybody. We'll see you next week. Bye!

From executive producers Maria Menounos, Kevin Undergaro, Phil Svitek, and the entire AfterBuzz TV staff, we would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV network. To watch or listen to other aftershows and post comments or questions, be sure to visit I'm Sir Richard Wentworth, and this has been a presentation of AfterBuzz TV. Buzz you later!

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