cover of episode Chasing Life S:1 | Jessica Meraz Guests on April Just Wants To Have Fun E:15 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

Chasing Life S:1 | Jessica Meraz Guests on April Just Wants To Have Fun E:15 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

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Chasing Life After Show – AfterBuzz TV Network

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Heather Cruz
Heather Joy Smith
Jessica Meraz
Kristin Strange
Michelle Fee
Kristin Strange: 本集主要围绕April的情绪波动展开,她对Natalie和Dominic的关系反应过度,这源于她对自身患癌以及由此导致生活变化的焦虑和不安全感。她试图通过放纵来逃避现实,但最终未能成功。同时,她与Leo的关系也面临挑战,两人之间缺乏成熟的沟通和理解。 Heather Smith: April的嫉妒情绪是本集的核心矛盾之一。她嫉妒Natalie看似无忧无虑的生活,以及Natalie和Beth日渐亲密的关系。这反映出April内心深处的不安全感和对失去的恐惧。她未能以健康的心态面对生活中的变化,导致她与身边人的关系紧张。 Heather Cruz: Natalie的坦诚和独立是与April形成鲜明对比的。Natalie直接面对问题,不回避自己的感情生活,这与April的掩饰和情绪化形成对比。Natalie的性格更加成熟和独立,这使得她更容易适应生活中的变化。 Michelle Fee: Greer和Brenna的爱情故事在本集中也占据重要地位。她们的关系面临着来自家庭和学校的压力,这反映了现实生活中同性恋情侣所面临的挑战。Greer缺乏勇气和担当,未能及时维护Brenna,导致Brenna受到伤害。 Jessica Meraz: 作为剧中Natalie的扮演者,Jessica Meraz分享了她对角色的理解,以及拍摄过程中的一些趣事。她认为Natalie的幽默感和积极乐观的生活态度值得学习,并表示自己与角色在某些方面有共鸣。 Michelle Fee: 本集探讨了April与Dominic分手后,对Dominic与Natalie关系的过度反应。April的情绪化和不成熟导致她与身边人的关系紧张,特别是与Beth和Natalie。她未能理解和接受生活中的变化,导致她陷入负面情绪中。 Jessica Meraz: Natalie的性格是本集的亮点之一。她坦诚直接,不掩饰自己的感情,这与April形成了鲜明对比。Natalie的独立和自信让她更容易适应生活中的变化,也让她在面对挑战时更加从容。 Heather Cruz: Beth和Natalie之间建立的友谊是本集的另一个重要主题。她们之间的关系反映了女性之间的友谊和互相支持。Beth对Natalie的包容和理解,帮助Natalie更好地适应新的生活环境。 Kristin Strange: Leo和April的关系也面临着考验。Leo的不成熟和冲动,以及April的情绪化和不安全感,导致两人之间的矛盾不断升级。他们的关系能否持续下去,取决于他们能否学会更好地沟通和理解彼此。 Heather Smith: Greer和Brenna的爱情故事是本集的另一个看点。她们的关系面临着来自家庭和学校的压力,这反映了现实生活中同性恋情侣所面临的挑战。Greer的犹豫和不坚定,以及Brenna的脆弱和敏感,都给她们的关系带来了考验。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss April's behavior in the episode, noting her attempt to keep up with Natalie and her struggle to adapt to a more fun lifestyle post-remission.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hey there, Heather Cruz. You can find me on Twitter, Heather underscore Cruz. Hey guys, it's Michelle Fee and you can find me on Twitter at underscore Michelle Fee. And we have a very special guest with us this evening, Miss Jessica Mraz, I believe. I

I totally butchered it, I'm sure. I'm so sorry. I thought it was good. I thought it was good. Yeah. And you can find me on Tinder at... Swipe right, everyone. Swipe left, whatever it is. I don't know which one it is either. I don't know. I don't know. I'm not on Tinder. Right. Right. So we are back, like we said, for Chasing Life. And tonight's episode, April gets a little crazy.

Just a little cray cray. Just a little cray cray. Just a little. What are you guys' thoughts on that? I loved it. She was drunk. It was amazing. She didn't let loose a little bit. Yeah. I kind of have a feeling she was trying to keep up with Natalie.

Well, I mean. Obviously. You were feeling right. You know, your character Natalie on the show is kind of, I like to describe her as the more fun sister. But, you know, I think April wants to be a little more fun now that, you know, she's in remission. She can be fun. She can be fun.

She's trying really hard, though. I think it's hard for her because she's sick, you know? She gets tired a lot. And I don't think that's her anyways. Yeah. I don't think that's her, like, not sick.

Right. But at least she can, you know, stay awake. Even in her 20s, she'd be able to stay awake. I mean, I gotta, you know, give it to her, though. She's going out on a work night, you know, what we call school nights or whatever. Like, I mean, till 2 a.m., waking up early in the morning. I do not mess with that anymore. They were talking, like, she said something like, oh, I'm drinking generic soda and vodka, or generic soda water and vodka.

Who are you? And then he was like, oh, that's very 24 of you. Is that what I'm supposed to be doing? Don't do that. You should be graduated to the wine by now. I have. I was like, that's where I am right now. Oh, goodness. And Beth's drinking like a vodka cranberry, right? Yeah. 21. 21.

Oh, that's my go-to drink. Really? Oh! I think that was the first drink I ever ordered in a bar and then I've never ordered one again. Aw. Man, I feel so young now. Just kidding. I drink only the best Pinot Noir. Oh, man, you guys. Um,

But, I mean, how great was her, what was it, Tiffany, I think, We're Alone Now song? Oh, gosh. She said she was going to do karaoke when she was here. She did. She teased it. She teased it, and I was like, there it is. It was everything I was hoping for. It was worse than I thought it was going to be.

It was pretty bad. She's actually a pretty good singer. So she had to dumb it down, yeah? You know what? I thought it was good for being bad. Yeah. It seemed like she was trying to be bad and I was like, you're still good. You're still good at everything. Like at our wrap parties and stuff. I think it was our wrap party. She sang I Just Can't Wait to be King from the Lion King. Oh my gosh. It was adorable. Did you get that on video? No.

I don't think we did. I think we were, I think that was a wild night. You're going to let that one just let it go. Yeah, I don't think videos were allowed. Yeah.

So, Natalie also tells April tonight's episode about her and Dominic making out. I thought that was so nice. She came clean. Right? Yeah. Like, right away. Right off the bat. Face to face. Yeah. It's never going to happen again. Natalie just is who she is. Like, April, I feel like, puts up a front. Natalie just walks to the door. This is who I am. This is what I did. This is what I'm trying to do. Like, whatever. Mm-hmm. I love it. Thanks, man. Yeah, me too.

It's a good quality. Do we think, though, that, you know, obviously April is jealous of this relationship that Beth and Natalie are starting to form. They live together. They're hanging out all the time. I mean, can you blink?

wanting to hang out with someone so fun and plus she lives with her. I mean, it's hard to avoid someone if you live with them. True. Yeah, I always end up hanging out with my roommates. I mean, it's not like we're besties but like, oh, you want to go? You're not doing anything. Like, let's do, like, let's go.

Right. It's not like, I don't know. Yeah. It's not like you have to be best friends and then replacing any of my current friends. It's just like, if I'm bored, why not go out with them? True. I feel like that's what it was, but Bratz wasn't like, okay, Natalie, now that she lives here, we have to make plans all the time. Yeah. I was like, oh, let's go. I think April is taking everything just a tad overboard. Yeah, she's emotional. I mean, she freaked out about the Dominic thing. Like,

I would be upset, but at the same time, it's like, hello, you broke up with him. Like, he has a life. Your half-sister's hot. Like, you know. She's just taking it way too far. And the fact that her best friend wants to have other friends...

Okay. Yeah, completely normal. True. I wonder though if like in April, I'm just going to give April's point of view now, guys. I wonder if April's like, you're supposed to be my best friend and that's the enemy. Like, we don't like her. Why are you hanging out with her? But why would April call Natalie the enemy? She's saving her life. I know. I think she still has resentment. Well, does she know yet?

I don't think she knows that Natalie went back. Does she? No, I think she does. I think they know. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. I think they... Okay. They established that. It's like sister rivalry to the max because they didn't grow up together.

Yeah. I mean, it's going to be weird. And she's the other child. It's going to be weird. Even if they weren't half sisters, a new friend comes into your little circle. It's always going to be weird at first. But I think April's just not taking it very gracefully at all. And the fact that she blew up on Beth. I felt that scene was just really rough. Because Beth was saying some pretty nasty things and April was saying some nasty things. And that was hard. And they were both right. Yeah. Yeah.

I mean...

I mean, April had a good point, though. You know, I think in April's mind, she's thinking, you know, Natalie's kind of living this life that she should be in that position right at that moment. But she's not because of, you know, her cancer and things that have happened. I mean, cancer does rob you of a lot of things. And she's... I'm pretty sure she feels like it's aged her 10 years. Yeah. You know? That's hard. And Sarah actually talked to Leo about that in this episode, too, about, you know...

before having cancer, you probably had these ideas and dreams and what you wanted to do with your life and then cancer hits and boom. What do you do? What do you do now? Like, all of those ideas and dreams that you have have to, like, pause and wait if you get to wait. I love her being his little therapist. Right? She's really sweet. She's like, how do you feel about that? Yeah, at first I was kind of like,

If I were April, I would be kind of like, shut up. Like, stop it. But then, like, the second time in the kitchen, I was like...

Okay, this is, okay, she's being good. Like, this is a good thing. Well, like, he totally needs it, too. Yeah, he should be in therapy. I feel like, yeah. Yeah. You're right. He does probably need some therapy. Well, he's getting it for free. In a good way. In a good way, yeah. I mean, because, like, you know, the whole thing when he first came out of surgery and he was like, well, why did I live kind of thing. And his whole, a lot of his life was robbed from him. Yeah. So, I would need it.

Yeah, me too. So maybe, I mean, I'm hoping that this kind of grows their relationship and maybe, you know, the positive impact on April.

April and his relationship? I just feel like Leo still has that immature attitude. I mean, he definitely had that conversation, which was good, with April's mom. But the fact that he couldn't handle a customer, one customer, one time, that's like, you don't just storm out. Who does that? I don't know if it's blind or blurry or whatever. Well, then he's going to the hospital. You don't just go home.

Maybe he's in denial. He just wanted to see Pete. Was that his name? Yeah, Pete has nerves. Oh, yes, yes. I don't know. I just don't see that lasting between those two. You know what? I'm going to say something that's going to really surprise all of you. Okay. Oh, goodness. I don't either. They're on different levels. Are you guys talking about Leo and April? Yes. Yes.

Do you have anything to add to this? I'm intrigued by your thoughts. You guys are giving up on Leo already. I mean, I'm not. She is like hands down. I will not. She's the queen of everyone on TV. I will not give up on them yet, but maybe I'll open up to the idea that they're a short-term thing. And they're good for each other. I know. I'm shocked. I am like, I'm floored. I don't even know what to say to that. I just don't think they have anything.

have anything in common except cancer? And how long can you play that card?

card. Well, yeah, and he's really good for her while she has cancer and, you know, to be support for her and whatever. But, yeah, I don't know. I don't know. She didn't... I don't know. Maybe it's just because we didn't see a lot of them that I was, like, disconnected. So do you think maybe her and Dominic are connected? No. Dominic is done. You don't want to do anything. Although, I did expect Natalie and Dominic to get way more physical. Yeah. Like, I don't... Like, they really, like...

They just respected each other's face. I'm like, wait a second. No. Like, cause some trouble. Throw some drama in there. Well, Natalie did say it wasn't going to happen again, so I'm pretty sure she's respecting But I don't trust that. I want it to happen again. I don't know if you noticed, she found somebody else within the episode. Yeah, my goodness. They actually cut that scene. There was a scene that happened right after that. Oh, really? And they cut it. I guess, I don't know if I got it. Well, what happened? What happened? I'm trying to remember, but I do remember that at one point she pushes him into the elevator and she's like,

She's like, I'll call you. And then just walks away. I don't remember what else happens, but there was something else in there. Well, did he come back to set at all? No, he didn't. But I remember during our rehearsal, they had like a...

During our rehearsal, he went right in for the... We kissed in the cut scene. And during rehearsal, he just went right in for it. And I was like, oh, wait, wait. We usually don't tilt. I was like, oh, whatever. Okay, we're fine. He just thought, you know, gotta take this chance while I can. I remember the producers were looking at like a sheet of dudes. And they had like all the different guys that they were going to pick from. I was like... I didn't get to pick. Oh.

He was hot. Yeah, he was. If you get to make out with Dominic again, then you're good. Like, he's not a bad... He's not a bad person to make out with. No. I don't feel like he would. I mean, how do you guys, like, decide, like... I mean, obviously, that time he just came right in for it. But do you say, like, okay, so we're going to do it this way this time? Sometimes it has to be specific like that. If it's like, oh, the camera's over here. So there's definitely been, like, so left, then right, then left, then straight back.

you know whatever you know but the first time you're always just kind of like go for it see what happens it's really fun it's a good time i know we've been there i think apr natalie's line was like lucky girl or whatever i'm like lucky natalie yeah those dimples i know he's so cute i don't like his character but he's very attractive i like his character

I mean, I just can't. You're comparing him to Leo, so let's not even get on that again. Leo's got swag. Yes. He does. The swag, you know? Well, I feel like Dominic has his own swag, Mr. Professional Swag. And he's got those baby blues. You think he has swag? I think so. Like, in a cute little nerdy professional way. He's like on her own little island. Listen, I do not want April and Dominic to get back together. That should piss him off. But I would love for Dominic to be in every scene.

I'm on team Natalick now. Natalick? Natalick! Hashtag Natalick. Dominique. Make a trend. Dominique. No, I like Natalick better. Way better. I like Natalick. I started it. Yeah, you did. Yeah, that would be interesting if they decide that they are not going to...

Comply with April's request. Okay. No, okay. First of all, April's request in the elevator. Like, who does she think she is to come in there and be like, well, you can just kiss whoever you want. Like, his response was perfect. I know. And then she was like, like, who does she think she is? She's on this, like, little cancer pedestal. She is. And I'm sorry. We didn't knock her down a little bit. She's a good person.

She just needs to be like, I don't know. She needs to just move on. She's not moved on from Dominic. She just needs to get past that. I feel like she thinks in her head like she's still dating Dominic even though clearly they're not. And she's still dating Leah. She's April and she can have everyone. It just depends on who she's with. April gets to commandeer everyone. Beth, Brenna,

Yeah. Well, don't you kind of feel possessive of your exes? It's always like mine, you know? Yeah. Like mine, no one else gets up. Period. I would say if my sister decided to date my ex... No, just me. No, no. I'm totally with you. If my sister dated my ex, I'd first be like, girl, what are you thinking? But second, be like...

No, you don't do that. You don't. If you want any of those losers, go for it. I would get it if they had had a serious relationship. But they dated like months. Like four months. If it was like we were together for like six years. I would get that. But that's not what happened. April, she's not very mature about the situation at all. I still feel like it's off limits though.

Even though I want to see it happen. I totally agree. I feel like Natalie, I feel like Dominic, I feel like Dominic can do whatever he wants because he's a dude and whatever. But like sister, sister bonding, which of course they don't have. Natalie and April don't have that. Perhaps they will develop it. But Natalie should just back off just because that's her sister. Yeah. No, I say Natalie should go for it.

I mean, I want to see it. Yeah. I'm just saying. Okay, so what do you guys think about Greer and Brenna? What is going on with her? First of all, Kristen, you look very Greer.

Do I? Yeah. I do. I was going to say, I just have the same stylist. She wears a lot of skirts. She's very girly. She likes to curl her hair. We're just very similar. Yeah, you guys are. We need to do like a side-by-side of you two next week. Yeah. We should have her in studio too. You do slightly kind of look like her. Yeah. It's weird. Thanks. Just kidding. I don't under, like, were people that mean in your high school? No. I don't think so.

No. But I feel like kids have gotten a lot worse. This is private school, though. Oh, that's true. It's worse than private school. I never went to private school. This is going to be really embarrassing, but there was zero social media when I was in school or in college. There was zero social media when I was in college.

I never had to deal with any of this that all these kids have to deal with now, like the cyberbullying. I know. We saved ourselves. I cannot imagine going to school with that. I was like, you have MySpace, right? I know where this is. Oh, yeah. I had a MySpace. I didn't have a MySpace until I graduated college. Oh, my God. I never had a MySpace. I just went straight to Facebook. Yeah, MySpace was a whole... I don't even remember what went on in MySpace. No, me neither. But yeah, it wasn't like...

as high tech as it is now to where you can create things. It was like, you could have said, I could have gone on and been like, I hate Brenna. She's dumb, but that's all. Like that's pretty much it. Yeah. Well, everyone these days, like there's so much more creative. So not only do they have an outlet where they can like publish these things, but they know how to make them. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know how to make any of these things.

Yeah. Probably an app for that. It was like a Tumblr page with all these different memes on it. It was like a Reddit page. Yeah. That's true. Even so, I never remembered any scene like that in high school where I walked in and everybody started laughing or calling names. I never remember anyone being that nasty. I think that's just the TV and movies.

Or maybe I just had really nice high school classmates. It would definitely happen in my high school where somebody would walk in and nobody would acknowledge them. But that's different than calling them names right when they walk in, making them cry. Yeah, I'd rather just not be acknowledged. I don't know, that's worse. That's pretty bad too, where so-and-so would walk in and everyone would be like, Matt, for whatever reason. She deserved it. True. True.

I think Greer should have stepped up sooner and had, I guess it's her friend, take it down? Yeah, it's... Shelby. Shelby. There you go. They weren't dating, right? They were just friends, right? Yeah, they're just friends. Okay. They're like, you know, BFFs or whatever, but... Yeah, not a good BFF, Greer. Yeah, seriously. Pick a new one. I just... Come on, Greer. I felt like... Yeah, I felt so bad for Brenda, though, when she went home crying saying that she didn't have any friends. I was like, no!

I know. I feel that sucks. With her carrot cake. Yeah, right? At least she's like, carrot? At least she has carrot cake. That's my go-to. Better cheesecake. Yeah, cheesecake. I wish we had carrot cake cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. Oh, yeah. I would do the chocolate. Yeah. Chocolate would be me. Or a whole bag of chips. I've done that before. Okay.

I don't know. I'm glad that Greer kind of, you know, made things right in the end. Do we think they might get married? Yes. I hope not. I didn't really like them together. Really? No, not really. I did. I thought that Greer was good for Brenna. I just think that Greer needs to grow up. They could be friends. She needs to stand up for herself and for Brenna.

But her parents are saying they're going to take away her college tuition. Okay. But would they really? No. Like, here's the thing. You can always get a loan. I don't know why these people don't understand that. Have you tried to pay back that loan? Yeah. No, you try, like, you're, okay, like, this is Greer. My parents pay for all my college, or I'm paying $600 for the rest of my life. Right. Like, that's... Well, I mean, I'm doing that, too, but I just feel like if you want to be with someone that badly...

You know? No. I think that's her parents. $70,000 free. I think that parents' threats are typically empty. Oh, God.

Whoa. Where did you go to school? No, I went to public school. My little brother's going to college now, so private schools are expensive. I just feel like no parent would do that. Like, over a high school relationship, completely diminish their daughter's future? No. No, absolutely not. It would not happen. It was an empty threat, probably. It was a complete empty threat. Yeah, but they said they were going to, um, what was it? When Brenna was caught

sneaking into Greer's house. They were like, next time we're gonna... Restraining orders? Yeah. Well, that's different. That I feel like they would have done. I'm surprised they haven't got a restraining order, actually. For what? I mean... She's so passionate. I mean, she's crazy. They are completely overreacting. It's like they never gave Brenna a chance. Like, one thing you did wrong, okay, you're bad. And it's not like, okay, did she break a window or something? No.

No. Like, where? Let her in. Yeah. Like, can you picture, like, climbing outside the house? Yeah, right. No. Like, that's so ridiculous. I don't even think the police would take it seriously.

I mean, I think that police take it pretty seriously when rich people say they want a restraining order, but I don't know. No, not the restraining order. Like, my daughter and her girlfriend, she's not supposed to be here and she's here. This other rich or rich girl. Yeah, exactly. We're scared. What will happen?

I don't know. I think Vera's going to go off the deep end, though. She better. She has some strong thoughts tonight. She has strong thoughts every night. But mostly it's for Leo. True. They've never been anti-Leo. No, they haven't. They're not anti-Leo. They're just like, I'm opening my mind to other options. Yeah.

Maybe we'll get somebody new in. Maybe we will. I need somebody, yeah. Maybe I'll love him more. Yeah. We'll see. I don't know. He's gotta be, like, really hot. You know what would be really awesome? If April had a really hot doctor and she dated him. Yes. That would be scandalous. So scandalous. And then they're, like, hooking up at the hospital. You guys, this is a Grey's Anatomy.

I mean, it could be. You're right. Why not? It's like patient doctor. I guess there is that. That's like actually a line from the next episode. Oh, yeah. What was it? It's just like great. Oh, it's just like. Oh, that's right. We saw it in the preview. Yeah. I can see it. It worked for me. I'd be excited. It works for me, too. We get Dave Annabelle. Yeah.

Yes. He's in need of a job. He needs a job, you guys. Who is that? He is from Red Band Society. He was the hot doctor on that show. He was from Brothers and Sisters, too. Yeah. Well, he's out of a job, so we can just have him. He's hot. Really? You can recommend him for a job. Yeah. We're looking for a hot doctor. I'll take it for myself, though. I'm not going to be like, for April. Oh, that would be even more scandalous.

Yeah, if I hook up with her doctor. Oh. Yes. Oh, I like this one. Yeah, that would be great. We should take all these ideas...

ideas back. What if they both do it, like, separately and they don't know about it and April's, like, so embarrassed that she doesn't tell anybody because she hooked up with her doctor and then Natalie does it because Natalie's Natalie. Who did we pitch this to? This is really confusing. This is, like, really heading into soap opera land. I think ABC Family takes it a few notches down. Well, we can dream. Um,

Speaking of what we think is going to happen, what are you guys' predictions? It's a little freaky in here. You've got to dance. I always look at you first. I know, you always come to me. Let's go to Heather.

Okay, well, first of all, Greer, deep end. We saw her purple hair. Like, hello. Her parents are going to cut that, shave that out of her head. Because that is not what proper little Greers do. So she is going off the deep end.

I don't know. Now, April, April on the other hand, she's on the edge of the deep end. She really just needs to jump. She does. She needs to get off this pedestal that she's on. I think that her and Leo are destined to be a failure. They'll be friends. They'll still be friends. But I think that they don't have much longer.

And yes, I predict some other hot guy will take his place. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think it'll be Dominic. I don't think there's a future for her and Dominic. Not even, okay, we said before like a one night stand. Maybe. That's what I'm thinking. Next episode, one night stand. Why next episode? I don't know because her, okay, I'll just go. Her and Leo get in a fight next episode and I think it's just going to like blow up.

And so she's going to go running to Dominic. Does she never learn this April character? No. Not in his mind. Not in my mind. So she's going to go back and like, woo-hoo-hoo, oh, Dominic, how sexy. He will. He will. He would. Wait a minute. Wait. Natalie, April, Dominic, threesome.

Oh, no. That's not ABC. Hey, we were throwing out another thing. You were sticking to a whole other level. That would be great, actually, though. Because it's not like she's Brenna. You know, it's not as, that would be weird. But it's only half.

Half weird. Yeah. Half weird. All right. April gets with Don in the next episode, and Natalie gets with Leo. Oh, God. No. I'm just kidding. What is this, like a love square? Natalie Weir double dipping? I'm just kidding. Just kidding. But I do think next episode. That was too far. Too much. Too much. I do think next episode, Greer and Brenna are going to kind of rekindle a little bit

Just a little bit. Just the hair. Nope. Not full on. If anything, I want to see them be friends. Yes. Because Brenna needs friends. Totally. And Greer looks like she might need some too. So. I don't know. She has that one chubby chick. She doesn't need her. She has Chelly. We're going to expel her. Yeah. That chick needs to get expelled. By the way, we didn't mention what a pretty lame comeback that was.

No, I thought that was pretty embarrassing. What? Yeah. I thought it was pretty lame. I thought it was great. I think that Shelby was so embarrassed. What teacher would have read the entire thing? Right? Right. That too. They would have stopped mentoring. All right, sorry. That was a tangent. Continue. Predictions. I think that there is trouble in paradise for Leo and April, but I'm probably going to cry. No. He'll still be on the show. That's what he better. Just see him hook up with someone else. Probably Beth. Oh.

Hurt me. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know what their future holds, but I do think there's trouble in paradise. But I don't think that anything bad, like, I think that that was misleading next year. Or next episode. I think that they'll get into a fight, but I don't think it's the end yet. Not yet. I think they still have some more drama. I agree. Yeah, I agree with that. I'm going to go off of that. I think their fight is going to be, like, a learning experience for the both of them, and their relationship will grow stronger. Yeah.

And I think something will happen between Natalie and Dominic. I hope. Next episode? I think it's too soon.

I think it's too soon. But this is what's going to happen, though, because she's going to run to Dominic, and then Leo's going to find out, and history will repeat itself, and she'll lose them both. Enter new guy. Hot doctor. Hot doctor. Dave Annabelle, where you at? What if he was just like a hot nurse? No. No. He's got to be a doctor. He's got to be her doctor. Yeah. What if it was like more scandalous? Because then he'll know how to help her, too. Something happened. I don't know.

Isn't it about time for her to relapse or something too? You're so mean. No, I'm just saying. I think it's too soon. No, I'm not saying all the cancer comes back. I'm just saying her pass out or something on the kitchen table like she did. I feel like they're going to use Natalie. That's going to be an issue. Well, they have to use her. They've already put it out there that she's a match. Yeah, but half match.

No, wait, the mom was a half match. No, Natalie's a half match too. But she's better because she's younger and hasn't had children. Oh, that's true. Hasn't ever been pregnant. Has she? Or has she? You know what? When they first said that, I was like, I bet you Natalie has a pregnant mom. She's got a little kid running around somewhere. Accidents happen. All the time.

The plot thickens. All right, let's hear your predictions. You know, I haven't seen these episodes in so long that it's actually like watching them for the first time every time. I'm like, oh my God, what? You know, I don't know what happens the next episode. Let's get into some Twitter questions. At Kelsey Thomas wants to know, what has been your favorite episode of Chasing Life so far?

To shoot or just in general? Either. What was my favorite episode? To shoot was probably the one with the tailgate party. That looked fun. We just had a lot of fun and that was my first big episode. So I got to spend...

We just had an awesome director, this guy Norman Buckley, who's super fun. And it just was, I just had such a good time that week. And then for watching, I thought the Christmas episode was fantastic. Yes. Yes.

I was so sad. We were all crying. We were like, oh. Yeah. So hard. And it was still May. Yeah. Right? That was the one thing that, like, I remember that, like, messed me up. Yeah, we were a little messed up with that one. We were a little confused. Yeah. Okay. So I have one from Pamplemousse, right? Pamplemousse76. And she has three questions.

How did you get Cass to play Natalie? And what do you think of her clothes? And are you like her in any way? Okay. I actually tested for the part of Beth. Yeah. So that was the part that I was... Well, mind warp. Crazy. Crazy.

Can you imagine that? Yeah. And after I didn't get the part, I was very upset. I was pissed. I was heartbroken. And Joni and Susanna, the writers and executive producers, emailed me that day, and they were like, I swear we loved you. We were going to find something else in the show. And I was like, whatever. But sure enough, a couple of weeks later, they...

The part of Natalie wasn't in the pilot at first. And they added that in at the very end and it ended up being, you know...

A part that I think fits me much better. So that's who I... What was the second question? Part B. What do you think of her clothes and are you like her in any way? I think her clothes have gotten better. A little less sleazy. Do you get to choose? A little rough. No, no, no. Not at all. We have great costume designers. But I have preferred her clothes as it has gone on. Although today I was in like nothing for a couple parts of that. But it was really cute. Yeah.

At one point I was like, oh, my dad's going to watch that. But, and then the last question. Are you like her in any way? You know, I like a lot of parts about her that I think I would like to relate to. I like that she kind of has a sense of humor about life. You know, she's just, even in tough times, she kind of,

to have fun or tries to make light of it. You know, when things get really weird and she's like, you're not laughing. You know, she just kind of like eases things. I think a lot of people use comedy as a coping mechanism and I think she definitely has found that as something that works for her. She is feisty and stands up for herself, which is definitely something that I can relate to. And...

I mean, there's a lot of parts about her that I relate to. She's just kind of me in a different set of circumstances, you know, but she does the best that she can with what she was given and she's, you know, living life one moment at a time, not planning ahead. Yeah. Yeah.

So, at Kelsey Thomas wants to know, if you were to play anyone else on Chasing Life, who would it be? I'd want to play Graham. Graham. Part of Graham. I'm obsessed with him. While we were watching it, I kept being like, I love him, I love him, I love him. I love him so much, you guys. He is hysterical. He's the one that like, he walks in and I'm like, ha!

He didn't even say anything, and I just burst out laughing. I just think he's so funny. And yeah, I love his character. I love him. I'm obsessed with him. Well, you probably answered this question already, but JillyMMCC wants to know who's your favorite character after Natalie. Okay, well, if I can't use him, it would probably be...

She is just cool. You know, she's like that off camera too. She's just cool. Does she really have an accent? Yeah, she's Australian. And Richie Dominic is Australian. What? You guys didn't know? Oh, it's hotter now. That changes everything. That totally changes it.

Changes everything. Yeah. An accent. Doesn't matter what. Unless it was like hillbilly or something. A million accents are super hot. So hot. You guys. Yes. It's so good. It's so good. I think that Beth is beautiful.

beautiful but then she speaks and i was like you're like you're so beautiful like i just can't even they're immediately so cultured and smart right and she always looks impeccable too i thought about that tonight with her little pearl earrings she had that little black yeah so cute like black sequins top with the plaid so classy i loved that love

Okay, so the next question comes from Pamplemousse76, and I actually got to give her a quick shout out because she is from France, and I met her last week, and she said,

In person? You did? Oh my goodness. How crazy. She was really cool, you guys. She has a lot of questions. Yeah. And so her question is, who are you shipping the most? Who am I shipping? Yes. Have you heard this term? Shipping. Shipping. Like you want this couple to work out. You want the couple to work out. I've never heard of that. So like relationship. You ship. Shipping? Yeah. I learned this last summer. Is that a thing? Oh my gosh. Come on, guys. Did you know this too? Yeah, I did. All right.

All right, me and you did not know this. I learned this from ABC Family People. Oh. They ship the people, I guess. It's like a whole generation. Like every ABC Family Show, they ship people. No, every show. Everyone. Everyone has a hashtag. You ship out of it. Yeah. I ship Zed and Selena. I do not. I ship Elena and Damon. Who's that? From The Vampire Diaries. Oh.

That's a ship. I'm just going to talk normal people talk. I want them to be in a relationship. Yes, exactly. So we have Leo and April, Dominic and April, Grinna. I think it's Greer and Brenna. They're so perfect for each other. We can't even take their names apart. Beth and Herbief or Emma and George. It would be Sarah and George. Sarah and George. That's right. Yes. And...

I think Sarah and George. Yeah. He's so cute. I almost forgot that he wasn't in it this time. They're perfect for each other. He's going to come back. Yeah, absolutely. He is. So Pample moves 76 again. Same chick. She has a lot of questions. She was on it today. We've been preparing. She wants to know, how is life on set with your new roommate and the rest of the cast?

The new apartment is so cool, you guys. I mean, it's the same apartment that Mrs. Hat, but we shoot it downtown in this big loft space, which is also where the tattoo parlor is. Oh, fun. It's just a really cool space in the middle of downtown. They took over these two big warehouses, and that's where they made the sets.

So the apartments are super cool and I got to put in pictures of my real family in there. Oh, fun. So I'm obsessed with my mom's mom, my grandmother. Aww. She died actually when my mom was young so I never got to meet her but I had this obsession with her so I put pictures of her in there. That's so cool.

And of my best friend because she made me, you know, my best friend out here. So the apartment and shooting there was really fun. And the scene tonight, the party scene, was the first time we all kind of got to be in there. And it was the first time I got to shoot with Graham, I think, and with Obby, who plays Danny. And we've been friends for years. So it was the first time that we all got to shoot together together.

It was really fun. I think it was the first time that most of the cast was together like that. Oh, fun. Yeah. Okay, the next question is from SammygirlXOXO. What has been the hardest scene to film in Chasing Life and why? I'm pretty lucky so far up to this point in the show. I get to have a good time for the most part. The hard stuff is...

Really, Italia is the one that has to go through those really difficult scenes up to this point in the show. What has been the most difficult for me? Huh. All that kissing. Awesome.

It's so hard. I hate boys. It's tough. It's a rough life. All right. So PampleMoose76 again. She wants to know if she was in real life in Natalie's position. So I guess if you were in Natalie's position, would you have the cancer operation? Oh, definitely. Yeah. You know. I...

I definitely... I'm a donor myself. And I actually heard for the first time today, I was listening to NPR, there's this mortuarian, what do they call him? I'm not sure. You know what I'm talking about. Yes, yeah. Anyway, they were like, how would you want to be buried? And she was like, I would want a green burial. Just...

dig a hole in the ground, throw me in there, and then patch it up. So anyway, you know, like, what we're, it made me think about the vanity that we have in, I guess there's a lot of religious things. But, yeah, I would donate my body to a medical school or, you know, use what you can. I'm dead. Interesting. But even when I'm alive, the more helpful, you know, my body can be. Yeah. You could be the reason someone cured cancer. Exactly.

Exactly. Yeah. Hopefully, you know, I'm healthy enough to that they're useful after all my years. Hopefully they're healthy. So at 2223 Flores wants to know, is the season finale of Chasing Life a really sad and a cliffhanger?

She's like, I can't answer that. I can't remember that well, so I can't. Seriously. It's been like a, what we're, what we're watching right now was a year ago that we shot it. Wow. Uh, yes, I watch it sometimes. I'm like, Oh, Haley looks so little. Um,

And everyone's hair is different. Everyone changed their hair by now, except for me. My hair has been exactly the same since I was in high school. So I actually don't – I can't tell you how it ends because I don't know that well either. Are you filming now, though, the second season? We're supposed to start in March. Oh, awesome. Which is so soon. It's like a month. Yeah. I think our first week back is supposed to be March 16th.

Fun. I'm so happy that it got picked up. Oh, me too. Yeah. How exciting. Super excited. Very exciting. So before we sign off, what other projects are you working on currently? Well, I just shot a pilot for TBS last week. Have you guys seen Super Troopers? Yes. So the same guys are doing their first TV show. They also did Beer Fest and Club Dread.

Anyway, so they're the Broken Lizard guys, and they're doing their first pilot. It's for TBS, and I play Steve Lemme's wife, and I'm super preggers. It's so much fun, you guys. I, like, became attached to my fake belly. I was always rubbing it. I'm drinking Red Bull, but, like, rubbing my belly. Smoking. No. I don't smoke anymore.

But, uh, yeah. So I'm going to be super pregnant on the show and I play this like spicy Latina yet again. I don't know where they come up with this stuff. Um, wife. And it's about the four guys, um, kind of finally growing up into, into being dads and their wives. Um,

Fun. So hopefully that gets picked up too. Yeah. And I just did an episode of Drunk History. Do you guys watch that show? Yes. Dude, I'm going to be a drunk narrator. It's the best thing ever. Oh my God. It was so crazy. It was super fun. Yeah. That sounds like fun. And that's like, that'll be out sometime this summer.

Oh, fun. Lots of stuff for you. Yeah. Thanks. Very good. Let everybody know where they can find you on social media. On Grindr. It's at Jessica Medes, M-E-R-A-Z, on all the different social media. All right. I guess just Twitter and Facebook. I don't know.

Instagram? Instagram, Instagram. Yeah, that's it. Michelle, you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at underscore Michelle Fee. You can find me Instagram Heather Cruz, Twitter Heather underscore Cruz. You can find me on Twitter at Kristen Strange and on Instagram at Kristen Aubrey Strange. And you can find me on Twitter and on Instagram at Heather Joy Smith. Thanks everyone for tuning in tonight. We'll see you guys next week.

From executive producers Maria Menounos, Kevin Undergaro, Phil Svitek, and the entire AfterBuzz TV staff, we would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV network. To watch or listen to other aftershows and post comments or questions, be sure to visit I'm Sir Richard Wentworth, and this has been a presentation of AfterBuzz TV. Buzz you later!

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