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Now, let the buzz begin!
and welcome to AfterBuzz TV. This is the after show for Chasing Life and welcome back everybody. We are here for season one. We are here for season two, episode one of You From The Ledge and it was so good to be back.
I'm so happy! Oh my gosh. I'm so happy to be back. Finally. All day I've been singing, reunited. And it feels so good. Oh yeah. It felt really good to have everyone back in my life again. You've missed us, haven't you? I've missed you guys. I know. I really have. And let's introduce ourselves first.
I'm Heather Joy Smith, and you guys can tweet at me at Heather Joy Smith. I'm Kristen Strange, and you can tweet at me at Kristen underscore Strange. I'm Heather Gardner. You can tweet me at HeatherGTV. And I'm Sam Davidson. You can tweet me at SamD43. Welcome, Sam! So, Sam is filling in for Michelle, as you guys all know from last season. So, Michelle will be back. Don't worry. She's a jet setter. She's a jet setter in New York City. She's a big girl. We got pretty good hands.
You guys have me and my mom. Did your mom like the show? My mom loves it. My mom loves the show too. It's mom approved. Mine doesn't, but she should. My mom calls me and was like, you need to get so and so to be on the show. I love her. That's what she does. Mom, we're working on it. We got you. We got you. So,
Okay, so going into night, I didn't know how we were going to have this episode because we ended off like me in tears, everyone crying, and I was like, please don't start this whole season off with me crying again. It didn't. No. It didn't. No. I didn't cry this episode. That's good. That's good. We're making progress. I didn't either, yeah. I did. You did? I didn't. Actually, I kind of felt like crying at one part, but I'll talk about that later. Okay. When we get there.
Okay, so the first part of the whole episode was such a big fat tease and I was like, I knew it was. I knew it was. I didn't know. I knew it was too. This isn't real life. I knew it was. I mean, I kind of was like, hmm, she's kind of talking to Raquel like Miss Know-It-All. Yeah. Yeah.
Whatever. You know what my favorite part was. When she kissed Dominic. I was like, yeah, get it on. I knew it was going to be like a dream. I knew it was. But I was excited for like a half a second. Yeah. Kristen's over here laughing at my notes because I'm like, start. You can tell like my thought process because I'm like typing my notes as I'm watching the show. Senior political writer, question mark. JK. JK. Dream.
Yeah. That's what I've been written to. Well, I mean, I think that, first of all, she was too comfortable, like, in the dream. Because I thought we did a time jump. Oh. I was like, oh, we did a time jump season two? That's fast. Two years later. Yeah, right? Yeah. Okay. See you at home, baby.
She's so lucky. I mean, who really wants to sit through, I mean, except for us, Chasing Life fans, like, chemo and, like, seeing some of the... That's drama! It could be depressing, though. And, you know, we were all in tears last season. That's what keeps you coming back. Yeah. I know. But maybe they wanted to
get more lighthearted this season. I don't know. Perhaps. I would have been okay if they had just kept going, I'll see you at home, baby. That's right. We'll be home with our three kids. You gonna pick them up from daycare? Okay. I would have been like, where's Leo, guys? Yeah. They did do a time jump, which we will get into, but then the next scene, she wakes up in the hospital and Dominic actually shows up with a cute little teddy bear, I gotta say. When they're in bed together, how awkward. Mm-hmm.
Right. That was pretty awkward. Well, it's a hospital, guys. Someone's going to walk in. Yeah. They're in a hospital. He did knock. He was polite. I mean. But it was, wasn't it like, knock, knock, knock, open the door. Yeah, but was she going to be sleeping? Yeah. I mean. I mean, whoever was coming through the door, I'm sure didn't think, oh, her and her boyfriend or fiance are going to be in bed together. Whatever. It was awkward. And a little piece of my soul died. Yeah.
That's all I can say. I am still team Dominic. That's all I'm saying. Till the day she dies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or till April dies. Oh! Can you, like, leave the doors open there? Or Dominic. Listen! What if Dominic dies? No! He could get hit by a car any day. What? That's so true. Oh my gosh, he is kind of an expendable character. Any of us could die at any day, guys. That's what the show is supposed to remind us. And he could also turn into a ghost. Yeah. Damn.
Or maybe Dominic is just a figment of her imagination. Right. Yeah. Oh my god. Maybe it'll be like, he dies and then he's Patrick Swayze and she's Demi Moore and they, you know. You really never... She has the hair! Oh my god. She does. That's true. Okay, moving on. So then we have a time jump to one month later. Okay. And April returns home and Leo...
I guess, I don't know, he wasn't comfortable with the fact that he just gave April a piece of tape or whatever for her engagement ring, but he ends up getting Grandma Hendry's engagement ring. Well, I feel like that had to come. Yeah, exactly. Absolutely. But she's like, you know, it's fine, it's fine. Until she saw the rock. Whatever. No girl is like, it's fine, it's fine, let me just say. Yeah. You would know. I'm not even wearing mine. Oh! I was like, girl, where's your bag? I know, I got it!
We forgot. She got married over the break. I got married. And, yeah. Dang. Well, it's really pretty. The one day you want to point at that, you're not even wearing it. Did you still have that picture? No. No.
But yeah, so I think it was good that he finally, you know, made it official because Sarah is like acting super weird at first about this whole engagement. I don't blame her, to be honest. Yes. Okay. They have been together like consistently for like three days. And they've been through a lot of drama.
Mr. Suicide Watch. I'm going to live my life. And then she goes off. She's always been kind of wishy-washy. And then she has cancer. And then all of a sudden they're engaged and then getting married. Like, yeah. I feel like that's a lot all at once. But when you know, you know. But she doesn't know. She's dreaming about Dominic. Okay, Sam. I see you are agreeing with me. So I'll let you talk. Okay.
Okay, I think that they both have gone through something very similar and they know how short life is. My biggest issue though with this is that he thinks they're like both gonna die and that's why he's... That's right. Throw caution to the wind. Forget you think he's gonna die because he's good now. Well, he's good now but he like every, I mean, every few months is like, oh, no, he's gonna die again. Well, no, he still has
that well the last time we saw he still had that thing where he couldn't like concentrate remember he got all freaked out at the coffee shop yeah I don't think he's in the clear at all no one's ever in the clear exactly to be honest I could see and it pains me to say this
I could see them killing him off. I already said that. Even if he has other shows lined up that we know about. And so it kind of makes sense for it to evolve that way because we know he has other projects he has to go work on. And I'm also pretty sure, as my mother has pointed out every episode, she's a huge Leo fan. Me and your mother both. But I don't think you're this far. She'll call me and be like, Leo or Dominic? And I'm like, who are
Come on. But she says, you know, Leo's still a guest star. Really? Yeah. That's what mom says. Your mom still has nothing on me. What do you know? I don't know. Her mom sounds pretty legit right now. That's right. They don't get better Leo fans than me. Team Leo number one fan club right here. This is true. I like both. I can't just tell you. When we had him on the show, I couldn't speak. What?
When are we going to get Dominic on the show? We should. I mean, I would enjoy looking at him too. That's why I didn't wear the ring. I thought he might be coming tonight. He might show up tonight. Sorry, babe. But let's get into some more sad times from the episode. April learns that she is not
exactly in remission. The chemo didn't work as planned. She's going to kind of have to go through some outpatient treatment to kind of help fix things, which is kind of a bummer. I thought...
For sure. Well, I wanted to know more about that because I don't actually know what that entails as far as... It's just like, oh, outpatient treatment. But what? Was that more chemo? Was that what it was? I feel like it might be more chemo, but maybe, like, a lesser than she was getting. But wouldn't they do, like, more aggressive because it didn't work? Not if the patient is, like, at a point where...
being more aggressive would just ruin the rest of their lives. Do you know what I mean? Where it's that, like, small of a chance, which is the impression that I am getting, that, like, she's going to live that much longer. So they do less aggressive treatment just to have people, like, be at peace, you know, and not, like, make their lives miserable. Just, like, enough to keep going as long as they can. Exactly. Just, like, subside it a little bit. But they didn't say that kind of outlook, though. No, but they never say that to the patient. We're kind of seeing this in, you know, her eyes. Yeah.
I can't kill her off yet. It's only episode one. I know. It's only episode two. So that's funny that you say that because while this is kind of going on and she kind of has a freak out moment, Leo takes her up on the rooftop, I guess, and takes her over the ledge, which is the title of you from the ledge, and kind of gives her this speech about, you know, living life to your fullest. You know, you never know what's going to happen tomorrow, so you might as well live your life as you want it to be today. Right.
And at that moment, I kind of thought, oh my gosh, I wonder if the tables turn and she dies and he's still alive. And it's like the Leo show? Yeah. Yeah. I know that probably would never happen. No. Because the show's based around her. They put a lot of money into billboards. Totally. I get that. But at that moment, I felt like, oh, yeah.
And because, I mean, it's about her family. We don't really know his family, which I guess that could mix in. But I don't think she would ever leave the show, and I don't think they would ever willingly push her off the show. Right. I don't think, like, you're right. They put too much money behind her. Mm-hmm.
Like, she'll have some miraculous treatment that works. It's just going to be prolonged until the end of the season. Or we're going to go days at a time and it's going to be like, you have six months to live and, like, season six, we're only in month six, you know? Yeah. I know.
Who knows? I mean, that's what the show is about, though. Her chasing. Yeah. Life. But she's not good. Well. We'll get to that. And I'm very glad that they put that in to make it not only about cancer. I know. We'll get there. We'll get there. You want to go there? No. Not yet. That's so chronologically. Okay. So then, Bruna, we got...
A little bit of Brenna again. And, you know... Did anyone catch the friend's name that was...
trying to like date Erica. Erica with a K. Oh, that's right. Erica with a K. And she puts BK. BK. I don't like her. I think she's really... I think she's probably just kind of going in. And I think the new... Margo. Is that her name? Margo? Yeah. The older girl. The older girl. There might be something there. That was a little too... But what about Greer, guys? I know. Where is
She went to Mantucket, remember? I know, but can't she come back? She can visit. She can drive. She walked back into Claire Holt because if anyone knows that actress, they look exactly alike. They do look a lot alike. Exactly alike. Yeah.
We have to see more of Greer. Oh, she'll come back. She'll come back. Yeah. Just like George. He made a little cameo. It'll be like a love triangle between all the girls. Well, all four girls now. Oh, gosh. We don't, you know, we don't necessarily know if, you know, whose first love is whose first love, but Greer was Brenna's first love in a sense, you know? And as, you know, Dominic was, at least to our eyes...
And I think that's going to prolong so long. You're always going to come in and out. Yeah. I think so. I do. Yeah. Your first love is not always your best love. Amen. I hope not. Yeah. Namaste. Also, this episode, Brenna is kind of getting ready for her SimCell... Is it SimCell? No. SimCell.
Transplant. Transplant. Bone marrow. Bone marrow. I'm really glad she's doing that. Yeah. I'm really glad she is too. It's her way to save a different April. Right. And I know from last season, it was the last episode, we kind of saw her and the possible patient kind of cross paths. Oh, that's cool. It's going to be the love triangle. I'm excited.
to see where that goes and we didn't see any of that in this episode. But he was in the previously on. Yeah. And she's deciding if she wants updates on him. That's right. She's going to say yes. He's going to
like they may have them cross paths before she finds out it's him. So when she finds out, she's gonna be like, oh my gosh. Well, I think she's gonna switch teams again. Yeah, I think so. And be like, ooh, he's hot, and then realize that she's pretty much saving his life. He owes her. Is that gonna be bad, though, if he feels like he owes her? No, they're gonna fall in love, guys. Yeah. Yeah.
Hmm. Maybe. Maybe. I think there is going to be a little love triangle. Absolutely. Well, because I definitely think she's bi. Oh, yeah. Both ways. Both ways. So it's like you could totally play around with that as far as who she wants. Since apparently Greer's not coming back. Who knows? She's coming back. She's got to come back. Maybe. Yeah.
Sorry about the interruption. We are going to continue on from the last topic. So let's go back. We talked about... Excuse me while I look for her name really quick. Vanessa. Vanessa. Vanessa. We got introduced to Vanessa last night. And she is another patient who is in outpatient treatment with April. And they're kind of just chilling there, relaxing.
you know, getting their treatments done. She's kind of morbid. Yeah. She's a little morbid. A lot morbid. You know, I mean, who normally does that? I liked what she said, though. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yes. Absolutely. She said that the, what you do is only one line in your obit. We were watching together and we were like, we had like a moment. We were like, yeah. Yeah, and let me just also add in there that, I don't know if there's any Smash fans that were out there, but she was on Smash. Yeah.
Is that where she's from? No, I thought she was on Parks and Rec. Are you thinking about Aubrey Plaza? She kind of looks like her. Yeah, but she is a very good singer, actually. Is she? Yeah. Maybe we'll get, like, Chasing Life the musical. Oh, gosh. ABC Family likes to do that. Yeah. So, possibly. But that's interesting. If she was on such big shows, I bet she would be reoccurring. Because they wouldn't just have someone so big. Yeah. And then they'll get more friends.
friends we were commenting on that as well how like do they not have any other friends except for the weird triangles of these people that they still keep hanging out all the time it's weird that's all their friends that's it um so yeah it's gonna be interesting how this friendship blossoms between the two of them i think she's also gonna open april's eyes to kind of seeing life and i think yeah i think that's how she's gonna become a bigger character i
I loved when she was like, so who are you? And April was like, oh, I'm a journalist. She's like, I didn't ask what you do. I asked, who are you? And she was like... And April couldn't think of anything. Nothing. Could not think of a single thing. Well, I started to think, well, who am I? I couldn't think of anything either. Right. Because normally when you say, oh, what do you do? Or who are you? That's the first thing you say. In LA it is. It is. In anywhere it is. In anywhere, I feel like, though. What else would you like to do?
I feel like it would be a little weird if I just went to Sam like, Hi, Sam. So who are you? And you were just like, Well, I don't even have a response. Like there is a response. Like, what do you say? She'd say, I'm a hosted after buzz. And that would be her job. It's like, I enjoy hiking and the beach. But those don't define who you are. Your leisurely activities don't define who you are. No.
Nice. What defines who you are? But it's true. I mean, people ask you that every single day, I feel like. Who are you? I am... That's true. Anytime anyone asks me, like, so, like, tell me about yourself. Like, well, this is what I do. Yeah. This is what I wanted. This is where my future is headed. This is what I, like...
It's not like, who are you deep inside? Who are we deep inside? What did she expect her to say? Like, I have cancer. It's stage this. The chemo didn't work, so now I'm back. I feel like she kind of did. But then she would have said, like, I didn't ask you about your cancer. I asked you about you, you know? True.
Who are we? I'm still stuck. I don't know. Because it's still a joke question. I know. I don't even know what that means. Well, I know that, but like who I am. I think this will be an awakening for April to find out who she really is, though. Well, we can talk about her job moving into that. Because she got a new job and she was super excited. Which I kind of had a feeling it went last long. Because in the interview, she's like, well, I can do any kind of journalism. No.
It's not quite like that. I mean, it is, but it isn't. I would love her job. I was about to say, I love that. She wants to do, like, Pakistan stuff. Like, no, give me the Lena Dunham job. I want to make a list. Yeah, it's more like a BuzzFeed type job where she wants to be a political writer. That's what she does.
Lame. What are we, Kate Hudson and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? Yes. I would be so happy if that was it. I know. I relate to everything It's kind of like cosmopolitan but not geared towards girls and sex. Did you all see
Gone Girl? Yeah. Wasn't she, she was a list in the book she was, if you read the book. Oh, I didn't read the book. She wrote lists for magazines. Quizzes and lists. Yes, quizzes and lists for magazines. That was actually her job. Random topic. That's her job. They didn't put that in the movie though. Someone's gotta do it, guys. Who makes these lists?
I thought it was nice. If anyone's hiring, I'm looking to make lists. We know Davidson, yeah. Will that be your, will that be who you are? Who am I? I'm a list maker. I make lists and quizzes. And then I fake my own death. Oh, that's more. Well, speaking of which. So I love the fact that Danny was the one who got her this job. Yes. And it,
I don't think I realized that Danny went to Harvard. Oh, yeah. Well, I didn't realize that either. No, he talks about it. He's very pretentious. Yeah. Well, obviously. He's such an elitist. I guess it made sense. Yeah. I guess I just forgot. I remember him talking about it, because I was like, oh. Huh.
I don't think it makes him a good person that he got to be. I think it makes him human. Right. I think he's feeling guilty. Yeah. Which is natural, but I still don't think he's feeling guilty enough. Oh, I don't either. Like, you gave up your job for me, but I, honestly, between him and her, it's like, who deserves it more? Probably. But, I mean. Like, I know that she has other stuff, but if you, but like,
He probably deserves it more. He spent so many nights there. He worked really hard at that job. It's like that was his life. And yeah, I don't think that your job should be your life, and neither does April, which is great. But as a company, I would be like, yeah, Danny deserves this way more because he thinks that this job is his life, and we want someone like that. I think they both equally deserve it, but I think in this moment,
in April's life and the situation. He definitely needs the job more than she does at this point. I mean, he can actually commit the hours. Right. I hope she gets hired back on eventually. I have a feeling she will. Yeah, I think so. I'm not too worried about that. I think it's just, it's going to take some time.
Maybe her dream will come true. Maybe her dream will come true. No. There's so many other publications. Like, I just didn't like the way that company and the whole, you know, publication just went down. I actually read an interview that said that her... that they felt that her story at the Boston Post was...
had reached its peak. That's true. I mean, she wasn't going to be the next Raquel. Which is true. I don't, I think that her story at the Boston Times, I'm done with that. Well, it's interesting now because she got the job and then she quit the job or got fired, got fired. But now it's like she doesn't even want a job anymore. She's like, I'm
Yeah, she's just living her life. I think it was, you know, I think she needed to get that job to prove she could still get a job. And then she needed to get fired to realize there's more to your life than just your job. Well, I think that conversation she had with Vanessa really kind of struck a chord with her. Well, if I...
possibly gonna die, I would not want to spend my last months working. No, absolutely not. Especially when she's, like, got Leo. It's not, you know, her mom makes good money, she's got a really rich boyfriend. Leo, exactly. I thought that was really convenient, by the way. If I was the rest of his family at that engagement party, I'd have been like, so you just got fired from your job and you're at an engagement party for convenience?
like you're marrying into a really rich family but it's all convenient yeah it's so not it though it really it like no no it's not but it looks bad but in the show but like the way that the show is set up it's just like you know any of us couldn't afford medical bills and quit our job we would be slaving away and like oh what did
but it's okay because my mom's a doctor and my fiance is a rich kid. I feel like they just, she obviously has money right now. And so she can afford to do these things. And it's not like she really has, I mean, yeah, I'm sure she has health insurance, so she does not making huge medical bills. And it's not like she's paying rent. She lives with her parents. Exactly. She doesn't have a whole lot of expenses. Right. So I think, I think she, she's okay. But, um, let's talk about,
Let's talk about how awkward it was with Dominic, Natalie, and April at the engagement party. It's all awkward. And we can throw Leo in there, too. Because he is... We can throw him in there. But, like, the eye contact with Dominic and April. And then Natalie's like... If I was her, I would be pissed, too. I would be, too. But I just thought I found it a little humorous. Which I know I shouldn't. But I was like, oh, she is...
Yeah. I don't blame her. But at the same time, it's like, oh, well, you
you know, are dating your sister's ex-boyfriend. So, what did you expect? Yeah. Like, what did you expect to happen, really? And she wanted to become part of their lives. Right. There's history there. It's gonna happen. Dominic needs to man up. Do you know what really broke my heart, though? I think he's the problem. What? When they were back at Natalie's apartment and she's like, I just want to be someone's first choice for once. Oh, that did break my heart. She's always coming second to April with her dad, not with Dominic. It's like,
Someone give that girl a break. She does deserve. She's beautiful. Boston's a big city. Again, they don't have to stick with their weird, crazy group of friends. I do feel bad for her in that moment because... It's a tough situation. It's a very tough situation. She fell in love, I guess you could say, with somebody not realizing who it was and...
You know? Now she has to live with that. But I do think, like, she was interested in him because he's hot. Who wouldn't be interested in him? Right. And then, you know, she realized that he's April's ex-boyfriend. And I think she was more in a way just because she was like, oh, I'm not supposed to. You know, like the thrill of what you're not supposed to have. That's kind of her personality. Yeah. I just think there's some truth to what she said, though. And I think they set up this season...
They wouldn't have opened with that scene for season two if there wasn't something already there. And the way that she got so awkward, like, if she was truly, truly in love with Leo and completely, like, sure about it, there would have been no hesitation. I mean, she obviously still has feelings. I didn't think about that. You're right. I think that she does, obviously, I do think she still has feelings, but it's...
it's all happened so fast. Like, if you think about it, she's only been broken up with Dominic for like four months. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, it's moving very quickly. But I think that her feelings for Leo are real and I do think that she cares about him more. But... Obviously more. But I don't... I don't... Obviously you can't expect those feelings to go away overnight. Yeah, but do you marry somebody hoping their feelings go away? No.
Well, no. No, but... But when you're living on a limited time clock, you do. Yeah. Yeah. Do you really get married just because you think you're going to die? I don't. Yes. I really want to get married. Have you never seen A Walk to Remember? Yes. But there was no other people in that one. She's got all the good references. It's different. There was no other people, and she was terminal.
April is not terminal yet. I mean, they don't say anything, but, like, I don't think it's good. Like I said, her treatment, the way they're doing it outpatient, if they thought they could kick this thing in the ass, like, they would have her in there like they did last season, you know, at the end of last season. And, I mean, she's going to kick it. She's the star of the show, but it's this uphill battle, and I think that the doctor does not have a lot of hope. Yeah. Yep.
I agree. Let's talk about how next episode is going to begin because I have a feeling we kind of know. Natalie finds this, I wouldn't call it a manuscript. Manuscript. There you go. That her dad. Kind of changes everything. It basically changes everything. Yeah. I want to know every single detail. Yeah. That is. It's a clencher. It's a clencher. In that book. Yeah.
I wrote something down. Conveniently called Chasing Life. Yes. The book is called Chasing Life and it's, she reads out, this is a story of how I had two families who knew nothing about each other and how I planned my death. I think it's still alive.
he's totally alive still. Oh my gosh. Question though, where did she find... In a box of stuff. Like, where was... From the storage unit. Storage unit. Remember Sarah had her come and clean out the storage unit of stuff she wanted from Florida. But why... If he was still alive, what... Like, why? Why?
What if he is the one that could actually help cure April? He has the exact match. And he's still alive. But he can't because then he'd probably be prosecuted. God knows what he's done. I mean, why he did this. Wait, he died in a car accident? Is that the story? Yeah. Car accident. And George was driving. Wait, George was driving. George knows. George knows! George knows! George cannot know.
I feel like he's dead. No. George still knows. George still knows. They would not have put that line in. No, I don't think that he didn't plan for him to die. Exactly. Exactly. Maybe he's planning. Oh, no, he already died. He's not dead. I'm not saying that he didn't plan his own death, but I would hate to believe that George assisted in him dying. But he had to have. But maybe unknowingly.
What if he roofied George? What if he roofied his brother? Oh my gosh. And he's like, drive me home, bitch. And then he's like, okay. And then he kills him. Yeah. And he's still terrible. That would be really messed up. I don't think that's what I'm guessing. That would be really, really messed up. That would be a real big turn. No, I think George knows. I think he does. As my mother noticed as well last weekend, that I...
George's character. We should just sit right here. I know. Dude, she was... Get her on speaker. Get her on speaker. He was also only a guest star of last season. And like... He was in and out. He was in and out. You know, maybe scheduling reasons, there were other reasons, but for writing purposes, he was distancing himself because he knows his brother's still alive. Mm-hmm. Perhaps. Interesting. You know, okay, so Heather and I actually went to a red carpet a few weeks ago, and George was there. Oh, yeah!
And I tried every ounce of myself to get some kind of like spill out of him. And he was so tight-lipped. I even was like pulling out like, oh, I totally ship you and Sarah. Tell me about the relationship. No, he would not say. He's like, that's very nice. You like them together. Sweet. He was nice. He was really nice. You guys were like, he would not give me any information about what was happening. He gave you personal information.
he did. Okay, this is the only thing he did still to me. He said that Italia eats like so much pizza on fitness. He's like, I don't know how she out eats all of us and yet she's so thin. Okay, do you guys follow her on Instagram? She's in classes every single day. She is always posted on running and... I was gonna say, she goes to Cardio Bar with me. Yeah, Cardio Bar. Exactly. So that's how. She can scarf down seven pieces of pizza and still look like that.
It's pretty funny. Maybe I should go running sometime. Yeah, right? Yeah. You and me both. I tried that cardio bar thing. I still hurt. You did great. You did great. Well, at least you guys don't live next to Runyon Canyon and never go. It's a little hot right now. That's your excuse. You're right. Yeah. So, let's get into some news and gossip because I know Heather has some. I do. After Buzz TV News. That's right. Okay. So, Atalia Ricci, that's her last name? Yeah. She,
She is April, obviously, and she's engaged in real life. And okay. So who's the actress she's engaged to? He's on the Duff. Robbie Amell. Yes.
So, anyway. Super, super hot. Oh, my gosh. So hot. So hot. I was reading that while she's getting married on the show to Leo, whatever, and they had, they filmed a scene in a dress shop. And so, she's between takes looking for dresses while she's, like, filming. And she found her actual wedding dress while filming the show. So cute. So cute.
So cute. I can't wait. She's going to be the most stunning bride in the show and in real life. Yeah. Yep. Absolutely. I'm sure her wedding is going to be amazing. Last time she was here, though, she was saying, if I can only withstand my mother through what I've been in. I know. Let me tell you, girl, as someone who just got married, you can do it. Right. I promise. It'll get done. It's very funny because when she was here, like, I saw her in the lobby. Uh-huh. And I was just like, my mom says hi. Yeah. I was like, she's just going to.
die when she hears I met you. She was like, that's the nicest thing. She was really sweet. She is so sweet. She was one of the nicest people. Yeah. Super sweet. Follow her on Instagram because her Instagram is like really, really cool. She does have a really good Instagram. I need to follow her now because apparently she's going to give me ideas for working out. Yeah, exactly. Burn off that pizza to fit in the wedding dress. I need to figure out how to eat seven pieces of pizza and not let it show. You and me both. Let's get into some predictions.
And now, your AfterBuzz TV predictions. Who wants to go first? Sam, you're new. Okay, fine.
I'll go first. Let's see. I think that, I mean, I'm a huge Leo fan as well. Yeah. But obviously, April has some subconscious restraints towards him. And I don't think Leo's family is going to accept her as much as we would want. We accept her. I feel like...
feel like it's more April's mom that's not being accepting. Yeah, they went to the breakfast with her and April's mom was like, ugh. Yeah, exactly. Such a brat to them. But maybe. Maybe. I mean, we're gonna find out. I think that their two families don't necessarily mesh. Exactly. And that they kind of did an impulsive thing. I think they love each other and he's gonna be a present part of the show, but like we said, he has other shows and, you know, we don't really know what's gonna happen. I think Brenna's
You know, she's going to, I think she's going to fall in love with that guy that she's donating bone marrow to. And it's going to be like this beautiful, weird, like kind of like conflicting thing because you don't, you're not supposed to know those kind of things, especially if you're dating someone. So I think that's, that's definitely going to happen. That's all I got. All right, Heather, you're up. George knows. George totally knows. Something. Something.
That's... I don't know. I think the dad... I think he's still alive. I think that would be like the craziest plot twist ever. But I don't understand what reason, I don't know, he would have to... If you have two families, it's not like he told one that he died and then went to the other one. It's like he just disappeared from both of them. Maybe it was... Maybe the pressure of living two separate lives for so long was just way too much. That could eat at you for 20 plus years. Absolutely. I think he's still alive. And I think...
Personally, I think that April and Leo are making a few rash decisions. And I, even if you're sick, I don't think that's a good reason to get married. I think that's a reason to live your life together in love. But I don't think it's a good enough reason to get married, especially since they've only been dating for like, what did I say, three days? Three days. Like four or five months is what it is in the show. I don't think that's a good enough reason.
I think April's taking the good route when she's going off and kind of discovering who she is and not plowing herself into a new job. I think that's a good decision for her. I think she's got a lot of growing up to do. And I think she will realize that Leo is not the one for her. And it's Dominic. I don't think it's Dominic, but... Leo is the one for her, and I think that they're going to get married and live happily ever after and use her freezed eggs to have lots of babies. Oh, God. No.
I mean, I think that their decision is kind of rash, too, but I support it. If I was sick, I would get married. To anyone? To the first guy who proposed? Really? Really? Not the first one, but, like, if I was in love and, like, I was like, well, I don't have that much longer. It's not like she has time to find someone new.
Right. He's Leo. He's Leo. Yeah. And have you seen him? Also, if Scott Michael Foster proposed to me and we'd never been on a date, I would say yes. Yeah. Even if we weren't dying, I would still say yes. If he walked in this door right now and I knew I was going to live a hundred more years, I would still say yes. Me too. Oh my gosh. No. No. You irrational people. I...
if I was... Thank you. Thank you. I think if I was in April's shoes, I would definitely be getting married. I feel like...
I want the dress. I want to, yeah, I feel like if I knew I might only have a year to live, two years, three, five years, I would want to like fulfill things in my life that I wanted to do. But is a, does a marriage define you? Does a wedding define you? No, but that's what she wants. She wants that memory. She never wanted that before.
She wanted her career. She wanted to climb that ladder. That's what she always wanted. She always put her career first. And now all of a sudden she's just like, ah, whatever, I'm dying. Give me a dress. What? Maybe now love is more important. Right. This is my prediction, by the way.
They stole my prediction. I don't think they're going to get married to be completely honest. We saw a wedding in the preview. But that may be like a... They're not getting married. That's my prediction. Something's going to happen. Tweet us. People out there, please tweet us. Hashtag ABTV chasing life. Just, yeah. Wedding or no wedding. Do you want a wedding? Do you not want a wedding? Do you want Leo? No.
want Dominic? That's a lot of hashtags. Well, just let us know in a few tweets. Hashtag team Leah. Hashtag team not wedding.
Let us know what you guys are thinking. Says the girl who just got married. I know. You know what? We were together a lot longer than three days. You're the only one on this panel that's married, and you're like, don't get married. No, but let me tell you. You've got to know, okay? Listen, all you single ladies, it takes more than four months to actually know. And trust me, planning a wedding, it's not all about the dress. Yes, it is. All right.
Sam, we're going to find you on social media. You guys can find me online at and on Twitter and Instagram at samd43. You can find me and on Twitter and Instagram at heathergtv. You can find me on Twitter at kristin__strange and at the same place on Instagram. You guys can find me at heatherjoysmith on Twitter and Instagram and Snapchat. I'm pretty happy.
I'm like, wait, I'm everywhere at HeatherJoySmith. Thanks guys for watching. We'll see you guys next week. Bye. Hashtag no wedding. No.
From executive producers Maria Menounos, Kevin Undergaro, Phil Svitek, and the entire AfterBuzz TV staff, we would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV network. To watch or listen to other aftershows and post comments or questions, be sure to visit I'm Sir Richard Wentworth, and this has been a presentation of AfterBuzz TV. Buzz you later!
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