
Deep Dive

Nick discusses how he missed recording his podcast episode the night before and how he decided to embrace the situation, using it as a lesson on how to handle mistakes and not let them compound by making excuses.

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Hey Cooper, hey Calvin, guys, can you say, Daddy messed up. Daddy messed up. I messed up. Uh oh. Better fix it. Better fix it. Should I fix it, Calvin? Yes. Alright, let's fix it. Whoa! Hello everyone, happy Monday. I am here at home.

And you are going to get a taste of what my day is like. I'm recording my podcast episode today at 6.30 in the morning with my boys. You can hear them asking for more milk and cereal right now. We're on like bowl 14 it feels like. It's actually only bowl number 2 or 3. But

We eat cereal like it's going out of style. And the reason you're getting a toast or a taste, excuse me, of my day and this podcast episode is recorded a little differently is because I didn't listen to my own system, my own process, my own structure.

And I didn't record this the night prior. So I record all my podcast episodes. At least this has become my new routine and structure on Sunday evenings. But Megan and I really got into a new show on Disney Plus last night. Big Disney fans. And we got into The Unknown, which is the series, the docuseries, all about how they made...

Frozen II, as Calvin calls it, not Frozen II. He calls it Frozen II. So we got into that and it was about 10 o'clock at night and I realized I'm supposed to be doing this work. And I thought, you know what? I'm just going to get it done tomorrow morning. But what I would usually do is I would make a mistake, right? Which is why I had the voice say at the very beginning of this, Daddy messed up because I

we all make mistakes and then we compound them right and we make them worse when we add an excuse to not fix it and then not do whatever mistake we have made so you know maybe you don't go to the gym one day and then you say to yourself oh you know what i didn't go yesterday um

And maybe I wasn't supposed to go today, so I'll just skip today and I'll go tomorrow, right? Well, no, we need to get back on the horse. Or, you know, we try and make this...

reason for why we we don't need to get back on the horse like oh you know I'm not making enough of a difference or you know we we we say to ourselves why we shouldn't do something and when we do that we only make it worse which is why I'm gonna have this episode unedited raw and just have the kids in the background it's not going to be the prettiest sounding but I

My goal is to create content that's going to help you to be the most awesome version of yourself. And I can't do that if I'm not consistent. We talked about consistency in the last episode and I want to consistently put this out there for people to consume the content. And, you know, there might be one person that listens to it. There might be 100 people that listen to it, but nobody can listen to it if I do nothing. Um, yeah.

And I think it's really important that we remember that you are going to regret not acting more than you will regret acting that fails, you know, or action that fails. So this isn't going to be the cleanest episode, but this is my life. I am at home with the kids because of COVID and, you know, it's safer for them to be here than to be out anywhere else. But yeah,

That doesn't mean I still can't get my work done. I still can't present something for you to listen to that adds value to your awesome life.

And that's what chasing the awesome life is really all about is, you know, it's about living whatever experience you've got to the best of your ability in that moment. You know, for example, I'll read two quotes to you. These are literally and I'll share this on my Instagram later. But these are two quotes that are next to my coffee maker. There he is. What is what he is? What is it, Calvin?

It's a house. We're watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, y'all. These are on my fridge next to the coffee maker. I see them both in the morning. And they are what set the tone for me every day and what I think about regularly. So the first one's by William Faulkner. It says, always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.

And I love that because, right, that's my challenge every day. It's all of our challenges and we make mistakes as we try to be better than ourselves. But that's the beauty of life and this struggle that we're all in together. And then the other one is actually, it's unknown, but it's one that I have kept with me for years. I first heard this when I was in college. A priest used this in a homily of his and I started

kind of gravitated to it because of where I was in that moment. But I realized it's something that we all need. And the big word on the top of it, it's a magnet on the side of the fridge. It says peace, period. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. Y'all, right now in my house, there is...

No noise, right? There's lots of noise. There is always trouble. There's always hard work. And in the midst of it all, and as you try to be better than yourself, can you also find peace? And it's what I talk about with Chasing the Awesome Life and what we're all trying to do. Chasing means appreciating. Chasing means slowing down. Chasing means reflecting. And those things don't necessarily matter.

go together, chasing and stopping, you can't do at the same time. Or can you? Because you need to be willing to stop and reflect and listen and say, you know what, I'm going to find peace despite the fact that there is noise and trouble and hard work. Because you can still be calm in your heart, as the quote says. And that's what

I want you to take away from today's episode is that you can make mistakes, but in order to fix it, you have to be calm in your heart and be understanding of who you are and be aware of your strengths and what you bring to the table. And that's what we all need more of is that ability to be self-compassionate and kind to ourselves and peaceful in our hearts. And

Do all of that despite the mistakes, right? Because that's what chasing the awesome life requires. And that's what we're all trying to do. So with that, I hope you guys will have an awesome day. Everybody say, be awesome today. Calvin, can you tell everyone, be awesome today. Yeah. All right. We'll see you all in the next episode. Keep chasing.