Seek out discomfort and challenge yourself daily. It's in pushing past your comfort zone that you'll discover your true potential and build the confidence to achieve your dreams. - Letty Benavides In this episode you will learn:
How to unleash your potential and create a purposeful life
How to gain clarity and direction to accelerate your personal development
To embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth
Letty Benavides Letty Benavides is a respected coach and speaker in the field of personal growth and fulfillment. With a background in personal development, Letty has honed her expertise in embracing discomfort as a catalyst for personal growth. Through her own journey, she has discovered the power of courage and taking bold action in the face of challenges. Episode Resources: Letty) on Instagram Catch up on our last 3 episodes: Manage Like A Mother with Valerie Cockerell Leading with Clarity: Boost Your Decision-Making Skills Through Reflection with Matt Ferguson Simplify Decision-Making with Strategy and Tools Connect With Us! Instagram) YouTube) Twitter) LinkedIn) www, Please share this podcast episode with friends and colleagues and leave us a review and rating via your favorite podcast platform.