cover of episode EP 17 - Will Smith Jealous of Tupac Shakur, Fans Rip New 2Pac Statue In Dallas Texas, 2Pac BMW For Sale | 2Pac Music Podcast Hosted by DJ Skandalous

EP 17 - Will Smith Jealous of Tupac Shakur, Fans Rip New 2Pac Statue In Dallas Texas, 2Pac BMW For Sale | 2Pac Music Podcast Hosted by DJ Skandalous

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Shownotes Transcript

DJ Skandalous breaks down the news of Will Smith admitting that he was jealous of 2Pac during the early and mid 1990's. Also fans rip a "new" 2Pac statue located in Dallas Texas. Is this fake news or not? Find out!

#2pac #tupac #tupacshakur #djskandalous #skandaloustalk #skandalous #willsmith

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