It is basic human nature to want to have our children outlive us. As parents we nurture and raise our children to lead happy, healthy lives. Interwoven with normal human nature is the young people’s desire to be free and experiment with their newfound freedom. Testing the limits of one’s freedom is healthy as long as it does not put at risk the lives of self and others. Driving is one of those “right of passage” events that can prove challenging. When we teach our teenagers to drive as part of giving them life skills, are we also teaching them a healthy respect for the responsibility that comes with being behind the wheel? Are we teaching them how lives can change in the blink of an eye? Are we teaching them how precious each one of them are to us and how much we value their wellbeing? Are we teaching them that fun cannot come at the expense of safety? James Dean famously said “Take it easy driving. The life you save may be mine”. Are we being safe?