cover of episode 【人间杂谈】婆婆嫌我网感不好,2025我要加油背梗了!


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@老三 :认为电台不火的原因是缺乏网感,并反思网络平台的成功因素。 老三:在讨论中提出电台缺乏网感,并结合自身经历和对网络热梗的理解,进一步阐述了网感的含义和重要性。 老三:通过回顾2024年的网络热梗,分析了网感的构成要素,并结合自身经验,探讨了网感在不同平台上的表现形式和差异。 老三:通过对小红书热梗标题的分析,进一步阐述了网感在内容创作中的作用,并结合自身经验,探讨了如何提升网感。 老三:最后,老三对电台的标题创作提出建议,并反思了自身在网感方面的不足,以及如何改进。 @小葱 :对网感的定义和理解与老三基本一致,并补充说明网感强的人善于运用网络流行语和梗,并能引发共鸣。 小葱:在讨论中,小葱结合自身经验,分析了网感强的人的特点,并通过几个具体的例子,说明了网感在不同平台上的表现形式和差异。 小葱:小葱还通过对小红书热梗标题的分析,进一步阐述了网感在内容创作中的作用,并结合自身经验,探讨了如何提升网感。 小葱:最后,小葱对电台的标题创作提出建议,并反思了自身在网感方面的不足,以及如何改进。 @小晓 :认为网感好的人是创造网络热词的人,并对2024年的网络热梗进行了盘点和分析。 小晓:在讨论中,小晓结合自身经验,分析了网感的构成要素,并结合自身经验,探讨了网感在不同平台上的表现形式和差异。 小晓:小晓还通过对小红书热梗标题的分析,进一步阐述了网感在内容创作中的作用,并结合自身经验,探讨了如何提升网感。 小晓:最后,小晓对电台的标题创作提出建议,并反思了自身在网感方面的不足,以及如何改进。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the main topic discussed in the podcast episode?

The main topic discussed in the podcast episode is '网感' (internet sense), which refers to the ability to understand and keep up with internet trends, memes, and popular online expressions. The hosts reflect on their lack of internet sense and review some of the popular memes from 2024.

What is the hosts' self-assessment regarding their internet sense?

The hosts admit that they have poor internet sense, often missing out on popular trends and memes. They acknowledge that their podcast has rarely caught up with internet trends and express a desire to improve their sensitivity to online trends in 2025.

What is the definition of '网感' as discussed in the podcast?

In the podcast, '网感' (internet sense) is defined as the ability to understand and keep up with popular internet terms, memes, and trends. It also includes the ability to create or popularize new internet slang or expressions. The hosts discuss how people with strong internet sense can quickly grasp and use new online expressions.

What are some of the popular memes from 2024 mentioned in the podcast?

Some of the popular memes from 2024 mentioned in the podcast include '你真是饿了' (Are you really hungry?), '你算是踢到棉花了' (You’ve kicked cotton), '我上春山' (I’m going to Spring Mountain), '不会打歌吗学打歌' (Can’t you learn to sing?), and '北京到底有谁在呀' (Who is really in Beijing?). These memes originated from various sources such as videos, TV shows, and social media.

How do the hosts feel about the trend of using internet memes and slang?

The hosts feel that internet memes and slang are often short-lived and can become outdated quickly. They mention that while some memes are popular for a short time, others, like the term '给力' (awesome), have become part of standard language. They also express concern that excessive use of internet slang might affect people's ability to use proper language.

What is the hosts' approach to improving their podcast's internet sense?

The hosts plan to improve their podcast's internet sense by being more aware of and sensitive to online trends. They discuss the possibility of incorporating more internet-savvy content and titles to attract a younger audience. They also consider using popular memes and trends in their podcast titles and discussions.

What is the hosts' opinion on the use of clickbait titles in online content?

The hosts acknowledge that clickbait titles, especially those involving relationships or family dynamics like '婆媳关系' (mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships), are effective in attracting clicks. However, they find some of these titles distasteful and express discomfort with the trend of using sensational or provocative titles to drive engagement.

  • 网感定义
  • 网感提升方法
  • 网感与网络流行语的关系

Shownotes Transcript









