Quirky animal news is how this show begins and ends featuring a Russian cat drug smuggler, a pig and bear story, a kayaker and a snake on the loose. Then Deborah asks Tazz Latifi about dry pet food, canned food, and the commercial alternatives. Tazz gets to the meat of the topic by spelling out which ingredients to look for and which to avoid. Deborah asks about chicken by-product, soya, and ingredient and packaging trends. To feed grain free or not to feed grain free is a big issue. What about breed specific or age specific formulas?
The food Taz recommends and feeds her own pets is commercial raw pet food and/or homemade with Vet approved ingredients; Tazz says Check out Dr. Barbara Royal, DVM for free safe yummy pet food recipes. Deb Wolfe wants to add that even though commercial foods may contain some ingredients you may choose to avoid when making your own pet food, the desirable meat and veg and fruit ingredients listed can be used as a ‘what’s safe’ guide. Deb says crock pot stew Is pretty easy and cheap and pets will give gourmet reviews of your very basic cooking.
**EPISODE NOTES: **What Not to Feed your Pets)