cover of episode Significant Others: A Sneak Peek at the Woman Behind Benedict Arnold’s Betrayal

Significant Others: A Sneak Peek at the Woman Behind Benedict Arnold’s Betrayal

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99% Invisible

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Roman Mars
Roman Mars介绍了播客“Significant Others”,该播客关注鲜为人知的人物如何影响历史上的知名人物。本集讲述了佩吉·希彭与本尼迪克特·阿诺德的故事,探讨了佩吉·希彭在阿诺德叛国事件中的作用。播客中详细描述了费城当时的社会环境,以及阿诺德的个人性格和处境。佩吉·希彭的家庭背景、教育程度和个人魅力,以及她与阿诺德之间复杂的关系,都被作为影响阿诺德决定的重要因素进行分析。播客还探讨了佩吉·希彭的信件被毁对历史研究的影响,以及她如何通过各种手段影响了父亲对阿诺德的看法,最终促成了他们的婚姻。 播客内容主要围绕佩吉·希彭和本尼迪克特·阿诺德的爱情故事展开,并分析了这段关系如何影响了阿诺德的政治立场和最终的叛国行为。播客通过对当时社会环境、人物性格和信件内容的描述,试图还原历史真相,并引发人们对历史人物背后故事的思考。同时,播客也强调了对女性历史人物的关注,以及她们在历史事件中所扮演的重要角色。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

It’s been said that history is written by the person at the typewriter. But who did the person who made history depend on? Often, it’s impossible to find out. But once in a while, we get lucky, and the story was not only recorded, it’s really good.Well that’s what this podcast is all about. “Significant Others” is a show that tells a story you might not know about a person you probably do.

For example, in this episode we explore how Benedict Arnold might never have turned on his country were it not for his wife, Peggy, who influenced his betrayal.

Head over to Significant Others) to listen to the rest of the episode and to other stories like how Amelia Earhart would neither have found fame nor, possibly, disappeared over the Pacific, had it not been for her husband, George Putnam, or who is really to blame for Friedrich Nietzsche’s connection to Nazism. Listen and subscribe to “Significant Others” wherever you get your podcasts.