cover of episode 579 BONUS- Towers of Silence: Vulture Conservation

579 BONUS- Towers of Silence: Vulture Conservation

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99% Invisible

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Lasha Madan
Roman Mars
Roman Mars 概述了印度帕西人因秃鹫数量减少而面临的困境,并指出这是一个关于死亡、文化变迁和关键物种崩溃的普遍故事。Lasha Madan 详细介绍了印度秃鹫数量的急剧下降,以及目前秃鹫保育和繁殖中心的工作,包括平乔尔保育中心的工作,以及保育工作面临的挑战,如资金不足和公众的恐惧心理。Lasha Madan 还描述了秃鹫消失前印度存在的围绕动物尸体的生态经济循环,以及秃鹫消失后出现的新的问题,例如野狗数量激增、狂犬病传播和环境污染。Munir Virani 指出,秃鹫消失后,动物尸体堆积点成为野狗的繁殖地,导致野狗数量激增和狂犬病传播。Lasha Madan 讨论了印度政府为处理动物尸体而采取的不同措施,以及这些措施可能带来的挑战,例如增加农民的负担和影响剥皮工和拾骨工的生计。Lasha Madan 还讨论了将圈养秃鹫放归野外的风险,以及秃鹫安全区和秃鹫餐厅等策略。Vibhu Prakash 和 Nikita Prakash 分享了他们在秃鹫保育工作中的经验和挑战,以及他们对秃鹫未来的展望。 Lasha Madan 详细描述了印度最大的秃鹫保育和繁殖中心——平乔尔中心,包括其设施、运作方式以及工作人员的奉献精神。她还讲述了在新冠疫情期间,保育中心面临的挑战,以及他们如何克服困难,继续为秃鹫提供食物。Lasha Madan 还讨论了秃鹫消失对印度生态系统和社会经济的影响,包括野狗数量的增加、狂犬病的传播以及环境污染。她还介绍了印度政府为解决秃鹫消失后带来的问题而采取的不同措施,以及这些措施的优缺点。Lasha Madan 还讨论了尼泊尔在秃鹫保护方面取得的成功经验,以及“秃鹫餐厅”策略的有效性。最后,Lasha Madan 分享了 Vibhu Prakash 对秃鹫未来的展望,即秃鹫可能会主要栖息在受保护的自然区域。

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Recently we published an episode called Towers of Silence). It's about how the Parsis in India are grappling with the loss of vultures and how it changed something very intimate and meaningful for the community. It was reported by our own Lasha Madan and it is epic and it is beautiful. So first of all, go listen to that story if you haven't heard it. It's so good. 

On the one hand, it's a very specific story, it's about a unique set of circumstances that happened to a very specific community. But it also feels universally relevant. Because it's a story about death and how we choose to transition out of this world. It's about how we might react when there’s a major cultural shift that we cannot control. And importantly it is about a keystone species collapse, which is something we are on track to see more of in these times. Lasha Madan collected a ton of information about vulture conservation in their reporting but it didn't quite fit into the original story that we wanted to tell but it's so vital and interesting that we're releasing this bonus episode to cover it all.