I met Robin at the Chicago One of a Kind Show. She captured my attention for a couple of reasons. Her display drew me in and made me curious about her product.
It’s a combination of two other products merged into one. I got just enough information to know I wanted her on the show. That’s how I like to do this when considering a guest I don’t already know.
That way our conversation here is genuine. I need to know enough to ensure they’d be a good example for you and it goes from there.
Robin has a fabulous business development story to share. If you’re just starting out), you’ll pick up excellent tips and ideas to incorporate into your plans.
And for established business owners, there’s a lot here for you too – to reinforce what you’re already doing or to serve as a reminder of best practices.)
Robin Lee Essentials was born out of Robin’s desire to create her own line of handcrafted ceramic jewelry when she struggled to find pieces that were both functional and elegant.
As an extension of that, Robin believes that people should be able to elevate their everyday outfits while incorporating the benefits of essential oils into their lives.
To fill both these goals, Robin Lee Essentials offers pieces that are timeless, intentional, and with an artfully polished aesthetic on the diffuser jewelry style.
- The easy way to[ market yourself](https://giftbizunwrapped.com/episodes/marketing-versus-promotion)) when you're just starting out
- One thing you MUST do before you go all out
- How to market to the right customers - and what happens when you don't
- Why building relationships in your business is one of the most important things you can do
- The crucial thing you MUST understand about your product.
- And lots more!
- [Content for Makers](https://suemonhait.lpages.co/content-for-makers/))
- Use coupon code PODCAST at [Robin's shop](https://www.robinleeessentials.com/)) for 10% off your order
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Thank you so much! Sue
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