今天呢是一期特别节目,大家在标题里已经看到了哈,我们与导演丹尼斯维伦牛瓦围绕沙丘 2 进行了一次独家对谈。
那在 2021 年 沙丘一上映的时候,导演首次亮相重播课就是在丢丢科汉点播,大家可以去回听那期节目哈。
那么现在沙丘 2 已经上映几天了,大家可以看到各种铺天盖地的访谈啊,花絮啊,但是这期节目会是全网唯一一次机会,你可以在中文播客里听到他的声音那未来局作为所有媒体中的唯一一家科幻自媒体,争取到了宝贵的 8 分钟对话。
那那么接下来他在沙丘 3 里又会怎样去进一步探讨这种对比呢?
导演是这样回答的 thing is that by first of all by using a format like i max it can be i need to to create that contrast by uh shooting most of the movie with extremes its either with the close ups or a very white shots and and uh using those white shots in the way that i they will be absolutely fully 呃呃呃 appreciated in a in a theater 呃呃 and that contrast 呃 try i try to create with that contrast the this idea of the impact of the landscape on the sike of characters its start with the writing where i try to have that the to focus the scenes that out that the the the evolution of characters is always embedded with the environment and the end back on the environment on their side i can not talk about Dune tree, because its not made yet but i would say that the it all comes from the book the idea that the book is me things but also, as the of the impact of ecosystems on humans, our nature, ships, uh the cultures the believes the technique and the uh i something that i try to convisit 他说首先呢?
就是运用 IMAX 这种格式帮助我去构造这种差异感。
导演的回答是 the thing is that i try to make sure that the though i will be Fatful to Frank Airbert that is desire to do a retail yeah about methanic figure not a celebration of a methonic figure and in order to do so i change a little with the nature of the story by focusing by bringing up bringing closer to the the surface to bring the story by bringing sheny the the character then the yes character to bring it more and the upfront and to because our character helped me to create a critic distance with ball and to bring the moving a different direction than the to make franker Bert i just more clear than in the book because according to what i understand it was not api what the book the way the first book was perceived, so i try to be fearful to is in a early desires and and um i was it by by doing so there is more finity in the movie, which i think is is a more contemporary way to tell that story 他说首先我要保证自己忠于弗兰克赫伯特。
迄今为止啊,维伦牛娃挑战了许多科幻巨著的视觉化呈现,就是当我们回过头来,发现他啃的都是科幻硬骨头啊,比如沙丘和你一生的故事都被认为是很难影视化的作品,那在文伦牛娃之前,沙丘是佐杜洛夫斯基召集了达利莫比斯等等艺术大师都没能拍出来的作品,那么银翼杀手 2049 的前作是雷德利斯科特的银翼杀手,又是一个难以超越的里程碑。
那接下来,维伦牛瓦还会成为 21 世纪第一位拍摄阿瑟克拉克作品的导演,在他之前,上一位敢拍克拉克的导演还是在 20 世纪的库布里克。
那导演是这样回答的 i love creativeads link with risk from in challenges and try to push my own limits as a film maker i i love i dont work i dont like to work in my own footsteps, itrying trying to make movies that and im inosing i succeed im sing im trying to do things different uh from one movie to the other and to be challenges challenged and and take risk uh its the way i love to create so thats why 他说他很喜欢这种挑战带来的与风险相伴的创造。
他说我是银翼杀手 2049 i will say that blade runner 249 was a big challenge because i was a walking i wasn the shoes of someone else so that from me was something that it was another level of of a difficulty wedoom it was for me like a white kind of us i was started free i just to deal with myself but doing doing blade runner i felt the user responsibility to honor the legal sea of of a rediscard and that was a not easy in doing, which part is the most difficult to visualize to be honest it was for me is the thats the beauty that the all its formits the difficult is pleasure, so its just like pure pleasure i am like the time of my life to do bringing those rings to the strings so is like its not the uh its difficult to i will see what is difficult is to make the right decisions to all to tell that story in the screen writing process, but the business voluzation of the out to bring those images is is a thats the fun of it 他说我会说银翼杀手 2049 是一个巨大的挑战。
但是拍摄银翼杀手 2049 时,他感受我感。
但是拍银翼杀手 2049,我感受到的是一种沉甸甸的责任,因为要继承和弘扬雷德利斯科特的创作,那完全是另一种意义上的难。
接下来的问题是,从小说到影像视觉转化,一向是困难重重的,那顺着刚才的问题,我们回到沙丘,在沙丘一和 2 中都有许多的抽象场景,比如说预知未来、折叠时空、恐惧测试等等。
导演是这样回答的 its i try to take my time i i try to um, i try to approach uh each movie will have approach a different aspect of the novel, and um trying to not to embrace everything in the same time i think i try to make the most simple story line as possible, so it allows me to go deeper in some of some of those aspects that youre talking about and and so i try to make both choices uh right at the start in order to i didnt try to embrace everything thats the key it 他说我会慢慢来。
以上呢,就是本次特别节目的全部内容,定沙丘 2 现在还在影院热映,欢迎大家去大银幕上感受威伦牛瓦的巨物迷恋啊!
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