The two main types of eye bag removal surgery are internal incision (for those under 30) and external incision (for those over 40). Internal incision involves making a cut inside the eyelid, while external incision involves cutting the skin under the eyelashes to remove the fat.
The speaker chose external incision surgery because her eye bags had a significant amount of fat, and the doctor recommended this method given her age and the severity of her condition. External incision allows for more extensive fat removal and can address deeper issues like tear troughs.
During the surgery, the speaker also underwent fat transposition (to fill the tear trough) and eyelid fixation. Fat transposition involves moving fat from the eye bag area to the tear trough, while eyelid fixation ensures the lower eyelid stays properly aligned to prevent complications like ectropion.
The speaker experienced a smooth recovery process. She had to wear thick gauze and ice packs immediately after the surgery to reduce swelling. The bruising and discoloration around her eyes subsided within a week, and she noticed a significant improvement in her appearance, especially when applying makeup.
The speaker believes that eye bag removal surgery is a long-term solution, with results lasting at least 10 to 20 years. She considers it a worthwhile investment because it eliminates the need for extensive makeup and addresses issues like fatigue and aging caused by eye bags.
The primary risk of eye bag removal surgery is ectropion, where the lower eyelid sags or turns outward. This can lead to a distorted appearance and discomfort. However, proper surgical techniques, such as eyelid fixation, can minimize this risk.
The speaker emphasized the importance of choosing a skilled doctor because eye bag surgery is a delicate procedure that requires precision. A skilled doctor can minimize risks like ectropion and ensure natural-looking results. The speaker researched extensively, including reading reviews and consulting with multiple doctors, to find a reputable surgeon.
The speaker learned that Botox is a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes muscles, reducing wrinkles and fine lines. It is commonly used for areas like crow's feet and frown lines. Botox typically lasts for about six months and can be reapplied as needed. She also noted that it is not recommended for pregnant women.
The speaker advised thorough research and consultation before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. She stressed the importance of understanding the risks, benefits, and potential outcomes, as well as choosing a doctor whose aesthetic preferences align with the patient's goals. She also recommended using resources like the Meituan 'Polaris' ranking to find reputable clinics.
The speaker had a positive experience with Botox injections for her crow's feet and frown lines. She noticed results within three days, with a significant reduction in wrinkles. The injections were customized to avoid complications like eyebrow lifting, and she maintained natural facial expressions.
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主播:咪仔 小 T 肖刷刷剪辑:璐璐
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