D, C, B is ready to do whatever IT takes to preserve the euro, and believe me, you will be enough. Thank you. Closing door.
this video is brought you in partnership with handling and partners, the global leader in citizenship and residency investing email info at monetary dash matters stop. Come for more information. Now let's get into today's interview.
With rising government deficits, multiple global geopolitical conflicts and resulting plans to tax wealth, unrealized capital gains and redone assAiling comply, known as exit taxes, it's no wonder that the business of citizenship and investing is in a massive able market. I am very pleased to welcome to monetary matters dazzle more head of the americas for the global leaders and citizenship and residency investing at handling and partners dazzle, great to see you. My first question is what is citizenship and resent cy investing and wire people doing IT. So a great question.
And thank you, jack, for having me on this on this call up. So I I love to define what is residency and citizenship by investment because is often unknown to the to the general public. So governments around the world, they have programs that are are are cater to attract foreign CT investment.
Ah so the united states has their own version of this program. So to make IT more relative. And some people on this call might know the E B five where they have a program that you can invest a certain amount into uh, regional centers or h to create a certain amount of jobs and that will provide a pathway to a Green card.
So every country around the world has something similar. So there are over one hundred different investment migration programs in the world that are attracting forever direct investment from investors. And when h, when investors invest in restate in the other country, they donate to another country are also known as non refund able contributions.
Or they start a business in other country. The country thanks them for stimulating their economy with a residence or a citizenship, depending on the government framework. Um I have the in partners. What what we do is we have two main lines of business. The first is essentially advising governments on the creation of these programs to make them attractive to higher net th investors.
And the second line of business is a private cine practice where we advise and where we advise high networks mult al high networks, individuals all around the world on passport or residency diversification to plan for next generations. So we we know exactly the framework that will be attractive to foregone direct investors. So were consistently working with several government boards around the world, making sure that these programs are attracted to some of the hundred and the world that are being offered a hundred plus. We deal with the top year forty five, which are the most stream line and reputable countries.
So the the amount of money differing and the type of an investment matters as well. In some cases you uh on bonds, in some instances of shares, some incenses, as you said, real state, and then also in some A A not refund able contribution or A A A gift. Um tell us that just about how IT IT varies and you what are the most expensive and and what are the the least expensive options?
sure. So so the Prices can vary depending on the work involved as well as the country. And so IT can be as low as one hundred thousands in terms of investment or or non refund able contribution all the way to around eight million year old investment.
So the most expensive to start with that is austral. Austral has a program called citizenship by merit where they don't necessarily specify an amount. However, henley in partners, as we have been working with the austrian government for some time, we know that the amount that would be accepted to grant citizenship through merit now evidently has to be an important project that's invested in.
But the investment thresholds to keep IT simple, is a three point five million euro contribution to enough profit organization, or similar into austria following one of austria's goals, or if a four profit would be in eight million euro investment to austrian private companies in order to help stimulate the economy. And both routes can provide a citizenship to the investor in a period of two, four years depending on government prosing time and the project that had. So I would be one of the most top tier programs, however, um if I were to show you the contrast that in the crib, yan, and so we're looking at eastern river in particularly antigen barbuda, same kids and eve, same Lucia, domino grata.
They all have quite flexible programs where there's two different options for the investors usually. So you'll have a real estate option for real estate investors as well as you would have a not refunded able contribution option, also known as a donation. Um so these options um these options will grant citizenship in a period of usually around, I would say with government processing and varies between six and twelve months.
So quite quick, not much physical presence in the country, a nice alternative passport that can be at easy can be done a distance from the united states. So IT can be as low as that. However, IT really depends on the value proposition.
So if you're going to be looking for a citizenship with in a country that's a part of the european union, evidently that would be a more expensive play because in the european union, by getting a citizenship, we give you access to not only that one country, but twenty seven countries in the european union. So I like the contrast is as well a little bit with the united states, right? With your U.
S. Passport, you have access to fifty states. You can live, you can work, you can study in any of the fifty states. In the european union, you're looking at twenty seven different countries that you can choose from. And if taxes is a concern, you can be twenty seven textual addictions to choose from IT can be retirement options, can be educational options for the children, employment options for the children and as well as heads against geopolitical risk in the in the event of necessary relocation. Um so evidently europe is is one of the top tier um programs whereever we're looking at portal al ostia multa um that americans are applying for to get that adversity to .
another passport. And what are some of the reasons now that the most dominant reasons why people are relocating or a expLoring getting a new passport? Three, these programs you refreshed a few, uh, education diversification to tax treatment and the lake. But are the reasons now different than, let's say, two thousand and four twenty years ago? How how things change?
Great question, jack. Yes, IT has changed. So historically, our industry, with providing pathways to an alternative residents or citizenship through investment, was mainly for second world countries.
The world countries wanted to Better their life for education. Lifestyle was more very relocation play. Today, IT became the first world product where first world countries such as the united states, canada, the U.
K. Um the citizens are looking for plan b. They're not actually relocating, but they want to relocate in the event they need to.
So the main driver is an insurance policy hedger's geopolitical risk when we're seeing discrimination, when we're seeing a war emerge in russian ukraine, in the middle east IT IT starts to home. And you start to think, well, it's a little bit ignorant to think that this will never happen to us. Maybe I can predict the next five years with upcoming elections that can even more difficult.
But can I really predict the next twenty, the next thirty? My children, my grandchildren, will they all be safe? So the main reason is to have a hygiene geopolitical risk in a plan b, in the event that people would need to relocate.
The secondary reason for americans were focusing on them this lifestyle. So in the event right now with the U. S. Passport, I believe it's one hundred and eighty seven countries that we can travel to visit free. So without any limitation, we can travel almost all around the group.
Now during covet that drop down one hundred and eighty seven country score that we can travel to VISA free drop down the sixty one. So americans felt very limited. And all of the senate, well, I guess i'm not in control. I guess, you know, maybe I should have an alternative travel documents to travel the even I need to also I want my kids to have IT or my cousins to have IT. I want my parents to have IT um so that if this code IT happens again or war emerges, I have an next strategy.
And what are the various uh tax treatments and like water. So I guess IT is if you a move from a high tax country to a low tax country, that may be a in a bit, but tell us about about that. sure.
sure. So as the disclosure at handling in partners, we don't provide tax advice, but I can touch on that at the high level. Um so so united states U S. Citizens are tax on worldwide income. So for U S.
Citizens not necessarily tax players the ultimate driver but in the event IT is a tax play um then usually renunciation of the citizenship would be needed in order to obtain another tax residents cy somewhere else to benefit from. However, the U. S.
Citizens that do decide to do that, they go into low texture addictions such as the U A E, where they're like the domos y or they were looking at italy that has a lumped tax regime of two hundred thousand per year. H greece has one hundred thousand per year lump on taxi games that's often looked at as a residence switch starts at two hundred and fifty thousand swiss Franks, depending on the council. So we're looking at a lumped tax regime there as well to those would be the hot spots.
There are others such as the crib in words and kids doesn't have personal taxes, right? Income taxes. So basically, this would need A A tax strategist. But IT is definitely a strategy for those that are willing to analyze their their exit tacks in the event they would like to announce where they have a large liquidity event in order to texts themselves themselves somewhere else. However, some of my clients are preparing saying, well, I don't want to do this right now. I don't want the exit right now, but in the event there is a future tax reform, I would like to have a citizenship or an option to live more. So I contact Thomas myself then.
And so is that it's a lot from countries that are not the U. S. That have uh high or rising uh taxes and is moving into alternative tax regions. As you said, you don't give taxista, but a buzz. I am seeing a lot of headlines about a rise in taxes.
For example, california, uh, they don't officially have an exit test but piece in the sand for sc chronicle about how I can tax people who move away from california. Uh, in the netherland there I proposed an exit task. In the, in the U.
K, there's an exit task. We talked about in the beginning how a lot of governments such as the U. S.
Our our government is is very indeed. And there are talks about filling that gap by taxes on wealth, including unrealized gains. Is this becoming A A bigger issue with some of your class?
Certainly, certainly. So we deal with a lot of global citizens that have multiple residences and and citizenships. Now what we're hearing also to add to your list as brazil.
So the brazilian government is, is imposing many different tax rules. I would be able to go into detail, however, a wealth taxes on the table, exit taxes on the table, reforms on table. So a lot of the wealthy brazilians are looking for alternatives, right? Sometimes to avoid the tacks and sometimes to just diversify.
The event is a tax reform that they are not comfortable with. Um this is also a theme through a lot amErica where the citizens are quite uncertain of the tax landscape in the future. So this this kind of ties into the diversification as like that I mentioned earlier, that you know, we can diversify everything, we can diversify investments, we have international real estate to, we have insurance policies, we have our trust, we have our stocks, bonds, sea.
But how do we diversify our governments? How can we predict tax reforms? And really, the only way to do that is to be a national of the other country or have the option to to text omasha ourself somewhere else.
So yeah, even even though there is a trend that that governments do want to provide those tax reforms, some countries like the U A E, that have very, very favorable tax tax games are inherited. A lot of these wealthy individuals. So the U.
K. Has a the nondum tax regime that is often the newsletter might be ending in twenty twenty five. We don't have the details of that yet.
However, if that is the case, handling partners does expect the huge amount of high networks, residents of the U. K. To relocate either to italy for the non down tax regime or to the U.
A. E. And some are getting residents cy and multiple locations because we can really predictive the U. E will have a tax reformer.
Italy will eventually race, right? Because italy southern demand that they were getting with all these, uh all these uh, high networks, waning tax residency. And they used to have a barry of one hundred thousand. They said, well, now two hundred because we see the demand.
So in essence, there is a trend globally, but the best way to protect ourselves, our assets, our families and as well to protect from constantly changing tax regimes to obtain not just one residency or citizenship of multiple. And the U. S.
Government has no problem with U. S. Citizens having multiple citizenship and residences.
And let's call countries such as the U K, where honnete worth individuals are leaving, let's call those beer market countries and the all countries such as the U A, E or italy where high network individuals are getting uh passports, they're moving in. There's an h inflow, let's call those bull market countries. What countries are bull market countries other than the U, A, E.
And italy, where people are moving towards them? And which countries are such as U, K, are burning. K, countries were people are leading. There is an exist from .
those countries. So a great question. Let me just pull that up. We actually have some data that I can share with you after. But the the outflow projections in twenty twenty four are talking about um the bear market countries.
Um so you're looking at china, U K, india, south korea, russia, brazil, south africa, taiwan, nigerian, vietnam are the top ten countries that are losing the most millionaire in twenty twenty four now who are inheriting most of these millionth. We are looking at the U A E taking the number one spot terms of projections in twenty twenty four. We have the U S A still a very attractive area to relocate to for many countries.
So there they're inheriting many millionaire, have singapore as the number three spot, canada, australia. However, italy switch greece are on the this is well due to their tax regimes and their alumna tax regime portugo huge contributor to their golden VISA program and lastly, japan. So those are the top ten inflow countries are that we expect receive the most millionth.
I just pull up about a lot of free information on on your website um about italy, the investor visit program. They have to satisfy of following requirements either uh five hundred thousand eos in italian shares or half of that two hundred fifty thousand if you're investing in innovative startups uh or one million investment in public projects of the public interest in italy or a minimum of two million dollars in italian government bond.
So if if some of your clients a bother, obviously two million years o is a lot. But if they have a large uh holding a large family office instead of holding, you know i'm sure they have a lot of cash and catch equivalents and said they just hold a portion instead of the U. S.
Strategy bills. They hold them in uh, italian government bonds. All they do have to do is just switched allocation from U. S. Treasure bonds to uh, italian government.
Italy has multiple options for investors as this portugal as the spain. So so having options are great. But the most popular investments in italy would be a public a publicly traded stock of five hundred thousand europe, right, which is which is pretty easy to do some lines in the in fry or in a time bank as long as is on the italy stock exchange.
Those that are looking for more cost effective routes, uh, in in italy there are two routes. In fact, one would be retirement pension. So there could be without an investment requirement, if you meet the criteria, receiving passive income IT is a possibility to get to get a residence in italy without without investment.
However, that would require physical presence within italy, right? So you would have to live there for certain amount of time. Now in terms of the cheapest investment thresh, there's also started of companies. So there's certain eligible start of companies that you know italy is promoting um that if you invest two hundred fifty thousand into the startups, then that would also be eligible for a residence and you can get a resident in italy in a matter of four months.
It's quite an easy process. Italy is interesting, tells us about portraits passport .
so the portugo golden VISA program is one of the most popular programs in the world. In fact, um as portugal is a sweet spot where IT gives you a reasonable investment thresh hold and a pathway to actually get the passport. So i'd like back up a little bit and define what is a residency and what is a citizenship just for, just for our our yours.
So a residency is the right to live, work, often study within the country. It's usually subject to certain conditions and in theory, can be revoked or not renewed. Now if you get a citizenship of a country, this is as if you were born in the country most of the time where you you have the right to vote.
It's not revocable. It's a travel doing travel the world in you capacity on the next generations. Whereas residences does not does not necessarily have all those factors.
Aside from the right to live, a citizenship can also provide you the right to live in multiple countries, such as in the european union. If you get a citizen of porto al, you can live in twenty seven countries. But if you get the residents of portugal, that only allows you to live in, right? So IT is two different, two different things.
So what's nice about the portugo program is IT provides a pathway to get that citizenship, which gives you access to the european union and two thousand seven countries to reside in. And with an investment starting at two hundred thousand, if it's a non refundable contribution or a five hundred thousand investment into a venture capital fun in portal, al, so you can simply extended invest in portugal. Evidently, sixty percent of the portfolio the minimum needs to be investing within the country, and the portfolio managers can decide up the forty percent to invest outside.
So I will find your put for you. You invest in porto, then you get a golden VISA. Once you get that golden VISA, the whole family has the right to live, work, study, have access to health care in the country.
They need to hold that residents for period of five years. And at that five year mark, they're able to apply for their citizenship. There's other criteria that needed, such as a visiting portugo, a minimum of two weeks per year in five year period so that there is not the new attacks resident, which is important for our investors.
And the second point is to learn a basic level of projects because the portuguese government wants you to have tires prior to grading your citizenship. So it's a two level, level two out of five. So a lot of american families are looking at this in him.
I can keep my job here. I can still have my kids go to school, and I can slowly start my way to a citizen trip of the european union as long as I have time. Now, for those that the time line of five or seven years is a bit too long, we consider government processing time.
Sometimes they look at multa. Multa has a program that also provides a pathway to citizenship, but much more accelerated. So you're looking at under eighteen months IT can be as quickly as fifteen.
But usually I like to say under eighteen months citizen can be obtained for the family, uh, with the dependence with only three weeks of visitation minda can be more, but generally three weeks of visitation within the country can demonstrate those ties, evident leads, encourage, have more ties with the country in order to grant that citizenship with our team guides and throughout that way, now with the three weeks in the country with a time period of about a year and a half demonstrating those ties, having a property within the country, this can make you eligible for a citizens multi, which is also part of the european union for those who don't know and can provide access to the twenty seven countries. However, IT does come at a higher Price point as its accelerated IT is a lot. There's a stringent to diligence that the multis government runs um and it's quite, quite a valuable program.
So we're looking at for for a family of four as a ball park figure on one point three million euros, which would not necessarily be an investment that would be an investment in the country as as a funeral contribution to this is fund that would go to build infrastructure, that would go to help schools or or whatever the government would have as a project for that year. Um so a common misconception with these types of programs is selling passports. That's not what these countries are doing.
It's an exchange of econometrics stimulation where they're looking for highly qualified individuals that pass a stringent to diligence to get approved in order to allow them to invest their country as a thank you. They provide that citizenship or that residency. So it's not anybody can walk in through one point three million and get a citizenship. There is intense to do diligence process in order to do that. Where are the multis government is only accepting law biding citizens alongside side portugo as well in other countries with similar frameworks.
So what you say is not only about the money, they they also want you to meet other certain standards if you are on the run, for example. Uh, these programs is enough for you that that is good to say, uh, but we talked about the advantages, diversification, 嗯, tax identity.
But what about the opportunities of financial economic return, pursuing profit? What what are these different opportunities? And how do they compare, you know, reference earlier, buying italian government bond s instead of U S. Treasury bonds? How do they analyze, for example, the return profile of a portuguese venture capital fund versus a very capital fund in silicon valley, which perhaps we are listeners are more familiar with or a uh, Austin private tec reform.
So I love the question, jack, are basically many clients approach us trying to generate a lot of return to these programs. They want to win the situation and there's no free lunch. Um basically how works as your return is that residents to your citizenship? And the portuguese economy is not necessarily the U. S.
Economy, right? It's a much smaller economy, doesn't have as many sectors, has a growing tech sector, but much smaller than the united states has a big agricultural sector. So to expect high returns from portugo is not likely.
However, they have stable returns, specification, return of capital, these are all things that are possible. Now there are over twenty different venture capital funds, if not more, in portugo to choose from. So it's up to the investors to do their diligence.
But to expect the ten extra 2x that they do in the united states is is not realistic expectations。 So we managed expectations from the get go saying that you are investing in another country, the goals simula their economy and you cannot compare with A B, C. Fund in the U.
S. However, there are other programs that focus on real state, right, where you'll have a lot more control. So in the event you're looking for real state in media or somewhere in spain um where you are looking in in m in greece, they also have a residency through real state or turkey, their residency to real state.
Then you can have a little more control on your return potential by investing in that sector. However, I always stressed that these programs are not necessary cator to generate lots of return, and your goal is to generate some return, obtain your residents and citizenship with the benefit of the country, and then obviously focus on returning your capital. And then, you know, moving on, right? I I would always recommend.
And i've told them many times that if you're looking for the telex and you're looking at this as an investment opportunity, it's not IT. And the goal is really to obtain that residents or citizen because IT provides so much value than a telex would ever do. Well.
I really like that you're grounding expectations. You said a portuguese venture capital fund may not be able to offer you us ten to twenty times return that silicon valley venture funds have done. I might say silicon valley venture firms in twenty twenty four might not be able to return.
So it's important to to ground people's expectations anywhere. But but just to put a point on a bazzel that you're theoretically ally people to think people think of buying passports. Uh, and you said, you know is is is not that, but theoretically people could invest financial assets in a country and actually generate return. So they they have more money than they started with a, and they get a passport alongside that.
Correct correct. It's just, you know for U. S. Investors especially I I know what if we deal with they're used to the framework in the us where it's a little bit easier to make return um wherein in it's not the same economy um or in these other countries that are seeking this stimulation, uh you initially generate as much return.
But yes, definitely you can generate return and real estate internationally IT really just depends on the asset class you decide to invest in. But absolutely, we have clients that are buying really state the U A E. To get a gold in VISA. We have investing greece in spain and in in turkey all at once just to have a portfolio residences, but as well real stake. So this is definitely a possibility.
Hey everyone, you heard bozzle, the great millionaire migration has begun. One hundred and twenty eight thousand millionth, the most ever are expected to relocate countries in twenty four. Whether that's for a tax reasons, geopolitical diversification or for your family's legacy IT can be extremely complex and difficult to navigate.
The over one hundred programs available for citizenship and residency investing. That's why i've partner with handling and partners. They only work with the most reputable programs and they know these programs inside him out because in many cases, they work directly with the governments to help design them.
They do the paperwork for you. They match you with the right program. They connect you with the investment, tax and realist professionals in these countries so that you and your family can seamlessly diversify your geographic exposure.
Now i'm not saying that this is something that everybody needs to do, but if you are considering investing in citizenship or resents y, there is nobody Better to work with and handling in partners. So if you're interested in learning more, email me at info at monetary dash matters dot com and i'll connect you directly with battle. IT helps me and IT helps the show if you connect through us, that's info at monetary dash matters dot com.
Don't forget the dash. Thank you for supporting my new business. Now let's get back to interview bozo. Earlier, you said that the country that has the largest existence of high network individuals is china. What countries are they flocking to and what is their asset class of choice?
So so it's quite common that we have many million's leaving china is not something that, that hasn't happened before. We're expecting about fifteen thousand millionaires to leave china. Is twenty twenty four um the main reason is you know some of them are seeking Better pastures, Better life, Better economy, Better government framework.
Um so that's the reason that they are going as well a huge class of emerging milliners. So million's, i've been created on a daily basis in china, so it's not necessarily um unheard of historically. A china was always seeking Better pastures outside.
Um now where are they going to uh they they love to go to europe, right? So have many that are applying to the portugo golden VISA program, the greece golden VISA programme to get alternative sidings the U A E the united states is also a big inherit of of of of the country that inherited many of these chinese nationals that we don't want to relocate. Um so I would say IT, it's quite equally dispersed around the world.
India is also in a similar situation where there number three expecting four thousand hundred, but again, the population like china. So it's an a lot of emerging cleaner, so it's quite Normal. Um I would see the main and Normally is around one thousand five hundred uh U K millionaires that will be that are expected to leave in twenty twenty four just due to the non on tax to dream scare.
Now that is quite interesting and I can go a bit further. The russian federation, I mean, we've had an exists essentially when the conflict had had started. Now it's slow down little bit, but they still managed to be, number five, worth a thousand million ones that are expected to leave.
U. A E. Had really taken adventure of that boom ing. The U. A. E with their luxury lifestyle tax regimes and they're openness um to russian nations. Now maybe i'm going on a time.
Let me know, jack. No, i'm right.
But but you know when the conflict happened in russia and ukraine, um russians never thought that they would be blacklisted on many of these government programs that all of a sudden they are on the blacklisting. You're not allowed to apply to A B and c country. So I would say on ninety percent of the investment migration programs around there do not allow russian nationals anymore.
So if the russian nationals that are trying to apply, they had applied beforehand, then that would that would have involved residents in and citizen plying to get alternative sites. And those that have have the mobility around the world have alternative passports, are able to get their kids into different schools. So when you use that as a, as a complete example, the U.
S. Is a great country. But can we really say in the next fifty years, and this will never happen to us citizens, that all the sudden they're on, they're not allowed to get alternative residencies or citizenships because of X, Y, Z.
Political tensions. These are all possibility. So our kinds are starting to realize this. And they're same. Well, you know, in chances provided when times are good now, time is still good now.
You can be a time to diversify, get those reasons, or citizen PS while they still available because this just happened to the to russian nations, happen below happens, uh, the individuals from iran have difficulty getting different residences and citizenships, right? So it's it's it's always good to diversify. I just the problem that we've .
never really had before and and this is a proper problem for americans right now, but for people living in counties such as iran and russia, that is a serious threat. Uh, several hypoxia russian bonaire had their had to sell their socket teams in the U. K. They had their their yt seas as as well as I believe you know american citizens who own shares in russian equities were completely uh, based. How could alternative citizenship uh protect against that?
So that's a great question. Um evidently you are only allowed to the citizenship when you have another. So if for example, you would have two or three and then all the sudden you know your one of your citizenships are scrutinised well, then you can renounce IT.
That would be a possibility to avoid you know any prejudice when you travel uh if there's a war that emerges in your country or you want to open bank accounts, well, you have alternative options. Open bank accounts, a different national now, all within the legal framework, of course. But these are things that write options for you in the future.
Now, yes, certain oligarch's eta, you know, had their yard seas and and this and that, but these, these are often profiles, depending on, depending on the new diligence that may not have even been eligible for altering the residents or citizenships. IT really would depend. But there are ready.
There are many law biting citizens that still got rejected with no falt of their own. So just wealthy entrepreneurs that i've done really well. H from russia, from a from iran. Acta, for follow the latitude of the center banned. And ninety percent of the countries.
right. So I just, you know.
I was speaking to to a few of my my russian, my russian friends the other day and and and they were saying the same thing. And you know, we're having difficulty immigration process. I want to get this citizen in this country and there's they're going through more strange and due dilly gent that they're are they're not treated the same way.
Now obviously, this is this is A A matter out of their control, but it's something that is preventable in the event. Know when the doors open again. I can promise you that many russian nationals would not want that tap against them and they will be all applying for residential and citizenships elsewhere.
Um so they're not analyzed in the events. There is a war that emerges or there's a decision that's made on the country level in that affects everyone and U. S.
Citizens should think exactly the same, right? Um who knows what the future will look like? And we need to start preparing from now, not that we want to relocate, but in the event we need to to protect our wealth and most importantly, our family.
You ebola tell us about where where is, uh, where do you fit in all of this? What are the services that that handy and partners provide? And why might IT make sense for people who are seeking to to go this route, uh, higher or or use professional such as yourself who are very experience in myself, instead of doing IT uh D I Y ying and doing IT team to take that, you use these programs themselves.
So so so thanks thanks for asking that drag and and I definitely would not do A D I Y H for any immigration process, because in the event you are, you are putting your file forward to a government, and you do IT incorrectly, you can obtain a rejection. And that rejection sometimes can be very hard to overturn.
And then also, in any other immigration proceed, you have to declare that you will rejected from from another application that can affect that current application even if it's in a different country. So what does handling in partners do? We have multiple lines of business, but our main mind of business is resourcing by investment and citizenship by investment.
This is where we hold our clients hands throughout the whole immigration process, make introductions to make sure that their investment takes place. We run to do diligence on the investment and make sure they are comfortable with IT. We submit a the file to the government on their behalf, and then we communicate the decision with them.
And then we picked them up at the airport when they travel to the countries, bring to the necessary appointments, make sure that everything is in place. So we have fifty nine offices around the world, service clients. So our clients will have service within the united states as we have multiple officers throughout as well in the country they applying to.
So they have the U. S. Support as well as they have, example, the office in spain will support them on their.
And if they are lying to spain or the office in portugal, we are going to help them in portugo. Um so we provide that as a core business. We also have educational relocation services.
So if we have families that would like to relocate and find proper schools for their children, we can also help them do that. We have consider services in the event they require, you know more White glove or handholding when they do travel. When they do go through our processes, we can organize private jets. We can organize whatever they need when they do travel, as your typical concerned um last day we also have exclusive memberships that would share very interesting information on a global scale of geopolitical issues, intentions and financial matters um and immigration matters around the world that they can also be a part of. So um there are many different aspects, ahly, but I would say the core one is truly migration services to investments in h forty five .
plus countries. The investments include real acy, for example. I mean, I don't know and I don't think any reviewers know any antiguan real estate brokers you do and that is very interesting.
Uh, bother, we are running and phillip program for our viewers, uh, so people can gain access to your services through a me and in monetary matters. So if people are interested in that, they can course reach out to info at monetary dash matters dot com. And I also encourage them to check out your many research and publications.
Your most research report, the 6 million year report, twenty four, had a lot of very interesting trends. I imagine the bull market in everything, in real estate stocks, bonds, credit spreads narrowing. I imagine an amount of millions is must be going .
up right in terms of the millionaire ort jack um so the united states remains the number one superpower, uh economically of the world. Uh you're looking at sixty two percent growth rate of millionaire in the last ten years. However, we do expect this to definitely shift and change over time.
Um but however, I would say that the united is still the place economically speaking. When you're looking at china, they've had a ninety two percent growth rate million's in the last ten years. You're looking in india and and eighty five percent growth rate in the last ten years, and you look at the U A, E.
With the seventy seven person growth rate in the last ten years. So you are seeing that there are quite a few emerging countries are inheriting a lot of these millionaire, providing very interesting textures, games and lifestyles. So diversifying is in the worst idea.
If you're looking at switzerland, which is the seventh wealth est country in the world, in terms of the w fifteen. They were farm months two hundred years ago, could you imagine? And now they are the safe havin of the world. So IT just puts things in in perspective saying that you know there can be shifts in power that can be shifts in wealth um and we need to just think ahead and prepare for that. So the wealthy families are starting to put residents and citizenship planning in their portfolios, not just for the geopolitical risk, but also for wealth preservation.
I see the chart of how much U. S. Equities have outperformed european equities in the rest the world.
I see the sharks of how u. economy. Is growing much faster than many european economies.
Germany's economy has been stagnating. Real GDP has been basically flat for for six years. But I see that on the chart.
I'm not talking to uh the the client ents and the uh families that that you serve. Are you seeing that outperformance of U S. Investment access in the economy in the conversation you're having or or not so much.
certainly. So the united states has always had a very strong financial market, and those around the world are still using U. S.
Dollar as a safe haven. So I certainly would say that they're well aware that the united states provide that to be. Now when you're looking at example, the swiss Frank, I mean, it's extremely stable.
If you're looking at the inflation numbers, the U. S. Had significant inflation with the swiss Frank remained rather, rather stable. I in the interest rates and switzerland have remained rather stable.
And so if you're looking at the switch, the swiss equity market, though IT may not perform as well as the U S. Market, IT still can be seen as A A havin in order to invest different assets. So as we diversify our investments globally, um I think it's also important to diversify the currencies, diversify where we can live, where we can reside.
Um having different bank accounts to ensure that everything will be fine in the future in terms of change of regulations. Um so but yes, answer your questions simply. Uh, the united states is still an excEllent equity market, obviously very tech heavy.
Um and many of my clients are looking outside investing in switzerland, doesn't example um just to have other other sectors as their tech industries is quite small. Maybe they miss something, but they have a small tech industry, but they're from with health care. They're strong with other .
aspects of the economy. And I guess it's an aspect of if people are going to make an investment in other countries, why why not do this passport program? Is is that also an argument of if you are going to be investing five million dollars into italian shares, you can you can get a password as well if you if you meet certain, uh, threshold. So why not just do IT as a bonus? That also an argument.
a hundred percent, one hundred percent. I mean, we have clients that have been investing in spain, have been investing in italy, have been investing greece in turkey anyways, but real state, but shares, but never applied for the residency or citizenship. So sometimes we just say, well, you're doing IT anyways, why not we just applied for this is a quick, easy plan.
B, there are even rounds without investment that they can be looking at. So a couple of regions that we didn't discuss this is close to rica. So many americans are invested in costa ica buying land by the water um you know investing in real state as as a vacation hole.
They don't know that that can lead to a residency so they can never resist y of cost to rec a residency of panama while expanding their portfolio. So you hit them on the head, jack. That's exactly IT and bozzle.
What are countries that are the most uh recently added to having a program of A A residency or a citizen of ship? I mean switzerland, and has been doing this for for many years. What who are the newest entries in in this space?
So so the ones that I have been added to our shelf now, there are consistently other programs that being created as we speak. Um some of them I cannot disclose as there they will be upcoming. However, um the hungry recently has a golden VISA program, so that is quite popular for russian national.
So that's via real state is the the most popular route, another popular one. We recently added IT to our shelf with coastwide and panama. Um as many americans particularly are looking at those regions due to finality, ease of travel um and having something in central amErica is quite attractive to them.
I mean a close to rec uh in the last um I wouldn't able to confirm many years has not had an army. So that gives them some sort of piece of mind as well. Panama has a big U S.
Influence peg to the U S. dollar. That also gives them a lot of comfort as well.
So we often add that into the portfolio mix. Um in latin amErica particularly, your boy is quite attractive for brazilians. They enjoy investing in europe. Y in order to have a residence there is consider the safe haven of that america.
So those would be the most recent, I would say, editions, but it's a consistently evolving world that programs that exist today may not exist tomorrow. So when like like when the countries receive their quarter, when they receive them a financing, when they created enough jobs. They can easily close the program. Portugo program almost closed last year and they decided to remove real estate from the shelf and outs of B, C. Fund as a real site was getting too expensive for the locals.
Um so I always like to say that when it's available, you should get IT because right now it's probably the cheapest it's ever gonna before IT closes or if IT is increasing in demand and people start to realize like portugal are going to raise the thresh holds grease increase of threshold turkey, increase of results. They have the U A E that likely will increase the threshold, I would imagine in the future do to the demand that they're getting. Um so it's always Better to implement this and within your strategy earlier than later as what if you are thinking about for a year may not exist.
And uh what are some of the biggest misconceptions that people have, the investing public has about golden view, the programs the even .
countered yeah sure. I'd say they are they're not sure that it's legal. They're not sure it's credible. Um but these are legitimate government programs that are in their legislations that they can invest in.
Um and often, like we mentioned earlier, you know passport for sale that that's really not what IT is. It's it's a country in need of financing and you are being filthy pic by helping that country. And if IT be isn't a form of investment, you can generate return.
And they thank you by providing a residence or a citizenship. And the way I like to legitimize IT is the united states themselves have programs like this to attract foreign investors that that's the basis of the united states is foreign state people coming here investing significant amounts of money to create jobs and simulate the economy. Um so it's it's okay to do IT.
Um the united states recognizes alternative residencies and citizen chips. You can have as many as like as long as other country does not have the restriction. So now that what I would say would be the major discrepancy or major a misinformation that's out there in the industry is that .
it's IT is actually allowed. And yeah, tell us about that american program. Uh, people who are around the world, they want to come to america.
sure. So so but we we focus on the by investment routes. So there are pretty much too.
So the E B five, which many do know is it's been existing for quite some time without going into a rabbit hole. You're looking at approximately eight hundred thousand uh us dollars into a project. In that project, usually you will need to create a certain amount of jobs.
And once those have been one, that investment has been through their on a pathway to obtain a Green card within the united states, which typically I wouldn't able to comment on processing times as as the lawyer should comment on, but Normally around two to three years to the Green card process. Um another route can be the e two VISA where if you investigate business and you actively run that business in the united states, that can you can obtain a VISA, but that VISA does not necessary easily get you to a Green card. In fact, it's very difficult to get to a Green card.
So are our U S. Lawyer typically goes through those different options with our clients and decides what makes the most sense. So that would be on the U.
S. But most of our clients that are in the united states, um they're looking outside to diversify. But we do have quite a bit of indeed as as you've seen the united six number two in terms of incoming leaders.
And what are some programs around the world that are maybe closing? You you talked about portugal considered closing IT this year, but then they just they made this minor week.
certainly. Um so I wouldn't be able to comment on which ones that will be closing. A spain particularly, there's been some in the news that they are we considering their program. So we're waiting on, on a reform of that program or closer of that program. So we have many clients that are rapidly buying real state to get into the existing program to be grandfathered in.
So to talk about the spain program, you're looking at a simple five hundred thousand euro investment into real ate in spain that can provide you a golden VISA and that could be done rather quickly. Within a couple of months, you will have your residency. Um so right now we're having quite big lineups uh for real estate and stain prior to a potential closure of that program.
That would be one of um threats have also increased in the crib and recently have almost doubled just due to the demand that they received. But we don't force those programs closing in the near future. Um greece uh will be increasing well, they have increased and will be increasing um the real thresholds as well.
Um turkey recently increased the really stressed due to the demand from russia during the conflict as they received many applications for rush national africa citizenships. Um in terms of other closures I wouldn't able to uh to comment on, but often, for example, the multiple program that that can lead the citizenship. How has a certain quarter a of four hundred per year that they are allowed to accept once that quota has been has been accomplished? And there would be no, no other applications that would be precise. So IT really would depend on the demand and the financing received.
Got another question for you, buzz. Let's say there's someone who via one of these programs has gotten citizenship. Are are there is their spouse a citizen, is their children, is citizen? Are their children children, citizens? How are these um uh managed throughout lining ages and generations?
Yes so so if if they do obtain the citizenship, whether threw a residence program or direct citizenship program, um the spouse usually in that in that investment program will also be able to get citizenship. And the children, as long as their depending can be included in the same application.
Now in the event there are grandkids that come out later on, then this can be passed on by descent as long as the children have the citizenship is a simple application with the consult they can apply, demonstrating that they are the son or daughter of of citizens of portugal, citizens of multa. And I would just pass on to the next generations as rule of fun. Now, most european programs provide the citizenship by descent, and some previous programs do provide the citizenship by descent, which I think kids and nevis provides a frame, gen nata provides a framework and the ticket provides a framework with an additional cost.
And so these are all possibilities, and that's one of the mean reasons that our clients to apply. Is there necessarily selfish thinking of them selves? But they're saying, well, okay, i'll do this for me. I'll do this for my spouse, i'll do this for my kids, but also on preparing for my legacy because in the next generations will also get the citizenship, providing a plan b for my legacy.
Why are people so many people leave in the U. K. I mean, this discharge from the financial times IT has the data exactly as you reference IT.
Most people are leaving the country from which there is the largest exercise of welt is china. The second most is the U. K.
Just what is IT about the U. K. That so many millionaire and seven millionaire and billionaire are are just saying, get me out here.
So so a couple things I think um we all heard about. Brit, that's the first thing, right? So some were for, some were against.
And they lost access to the european union. So a lot of people are saying, well, I want to regain that access. You to spend my time in spain and used to spend my time important.
Al, now you're moving that from my options. So that's one of the reasons. Now the most recent reason is the change, the nondurable x regime, the potential change in twenty five, where you IT will not be as favorable in terms of taxation.
So a lot of the wealthy will be leaving the U. K. And we do expect six thousand seven hundred millionth to be leaving the U.
K. This year um into italy, likely greece, switzerland or the U A. E. That has favorable tax regime.
So many of these other countries that how these favorable extremes will benefit from all of this, all of these millionaire, the million's, don't just live with their money. They live with their expertise, they live with their intelligence, they live with their education. And that's what these other countries .
will be inherit. But you've got another report on the rise of crypt to millionaire, new surge in crypto currency Prices. Has a made a lot of people very wealthy. Tell us, what are you finding there and what are the major trans?
So crypto investors are very interested in diversification. Now one of the main reasons that you that investors have invested in cyp t to as for the centralization right um you know to have less influence of the central banks to to be less connected and you know sometimes the local of their country was too vulto, so they used IT as a safe haven in to invest in so in essence, the reason why they invest in cypher currency was for diversification of preservation of wealth and also thinking about the future and technology.
Now we other countries maybe cracking down on regulations with the guards, crp to taxes, regulations. So crypt al millions are looking at other options that may have more flexible rules for crypto millionaire or crypt to currencies rather. And they like the idea of they're versifying where they can live.
They don't think that they can live in one country with one currency. They want to have a word about currency and live whatever they're like to live. So you see a lot of them having you know that visas or getting multiple residencies and citizenships uh for favorable tax regimes. Um sometimes they will go to countries that have favorable uh favorable crypto treatment or more regulation for crypto if they prefer. Now wouldn't be able to comment on which countries those are, but there are a few countries that are developing that more actively than others.
yes. And I can say that is widely perceived by the critical of community that the U. S.
Over the past few years uh, under the current present job, but particular under the S C C, is has been quite hostile decypher. That is definitely a perception that has had was the eclipti C2Community. Bozzle has been so great getting you on monetary matters. I'm really grateful you came on, and i'm very glad we have a partnership program where people can find out more about your services by emAiling us at info at monetary dash matters dot com IT IT helps the show and we really appreciate if people watching this are interested uh, in the services of handling and partners a they do so through up through our program, especially at this early stage of the show as well. Thank you so much for coming in monetary matters, and thank you ever for watching.
Thank you, jack. thank. You just.