cover of episode 24. Nate Dallas: You're Too Good To Feel This Bad

24. Nate Dallas: You're Too Good To Feel This Bad

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Nate Dallas
Nate Dallas:本书作者结合自身经历,分享了改善身心健康的实用方法,涵盖睡眠、呼吸、饮食、心态、极简主义等多个方面。作者强调回归生活方式的基本要素,通过改善睡眠质量、采用鼻式呼吸、食用健康食物、调整心态、减少物质拥有等方式,提升身心健康水平,并用数据追踪来验证方法的有效性。作者认为,焦虑和抑郁并非疾病,而是身体发出需要改变的信号。 Alex:访谈中,Alex 与 Nate Dallas 就书中观点进行了深入探讨,并分享了自身经验。Alex 对书中简洁有效的建议表示赞赏,认为本书整合了多个领域的知识,并以简洁易懂的方式呈现。 Alex: Alex 认同 Nate Dallas 的观点,并就睡眠质量、呼吸方式、饮食习惯、心态调整等方面与 Nate Dallas 进行了深入探讨,分享了自身经验,并对书中简洁有效的建议表示赞赏。Alex 认为,本书整合了多个领域的知识,并以简洁易懂的方式呈现,对读者具有很强的实用价值。

Deep Dive

Nate Dallas discusses the inspiration behind his book, 'You’re Too Good To Feel This Bad', detailing his personal health struggles and the extensive research he undertook to find solutions, leading him to share his findings with others.

Shownotes Transcript

My guest today is Nate Dallas, author of You’re Too Good To Feel This Bad.)

Nate’s book is like 10 self-improvement books wrapped into one. He covers over several health-related topics such as sleep, breathing, diet, exercise, mindset, meditation, and many more areas that play a vital role in achieving better health.

Listen to this podcast to learn how to sleep better, why you should be breathing through your nose, why you should be drinking more water, why you need to be aware of your self-talk, how owning less stuff can improve your health, and much more.


  • [00:21] - Why Nate wrote You’re Too Good To Feel This Bad 
  • [05:25] - Why health is all about the fundamentals 
  • [06:21] - Why you need both quality and quantity sleep
  • [11:38] - Why you want to breathe through your nose
  • [16:00] - Drink more water & eat healthier foods
  • [23:23] - The mind-body connection
  • [29:00] - Be aware of how you talk to yourself
  • [33:20] - How owning less can actually make you happier & healthier
  • [40:11] - The relationship between work & health
  • [45:45] - Anxiety is a sign that you need to take action & change something
  • [48:20] - Two books that had a huge impact on Nate’s life



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