cover of episode 18. Blas Moros: Lessons From Reading 600+ Books & Connecting Big Ideas With The Latticework

18. Blas Moros: Lessons From Reading 600+ Books & Connecting Big Ideas With The Latticework

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The Reader's Journey

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Blas Moros
Blas Moros: 我将阅读、学习、旅行和结识有趣的人作为新的‘运动’,代替了之前的竞技网球。这让我发现了自己不为人知的一面,并有时间和精力去探索新的兴趣爱好。我开始做书籍摘要,最初是为了自己更好地学习和应用知识,后来发现可以分享给其他人。选择阅读书籍的方法是结合偶然发现和他人推荐,在探索和利用之间取得平衡。每天固定时间阅读,保持一致性是高效阅读的关键,而非超能力。我的笔记方法很简单:阅读时做笔记和高亮,完成后将笔记输入Evernote,网站内容主要来自Evernote。每月和每年都会复习笔记,以巩固知识并建立联系。值得重读的书籍对我影响深远,并在多年后仍能引起共鸣。阅读建议:阅读自己喜欢的书籍,直到爱上阅读。参考指南的目的是深入研究特定主题,并将其浓缩成易于理解的形式。 我的文章《无限游戏》探讨的是:专注于长远目标,而非短期输赢,以合作共赢的心态生活。文章《机会悖论》探讨的是看似矛盾的观点,例如互惠互利、延迟满足等,并指出这些观点在长期来看是有益的。我母亲教导我:只有先充实自己,才能更好地帮助他人。纪律等于自由:严格的自我约束能带来更大的自由和创造力。“The Latticework”项目旨在整理和组织重要的思想,并提供相关资源,帮助人们更好地学习和应用知识。第一性原理思考法:从基本原理出发思考问题,而非依赖既有观念。二阶思维:考虑行动的间接后果,而非仅仅关注直接结果。 Alex: 积极评价Blas的书籍摘要网站,并对他的阅读习惯和方法表示赞赏。 就如何选择书籍、如何高效阅读、如何做笔记、如何利用书籍摘要等问题与Blas进行了深入探讨。

Deep Dive

Blas Moros discovered his love for reading later in life after his competitive tennis career ended, realizing he could channel his energy into learning and personal growth through reading and other intellectual pursuits.

Shownotes Transcript

My guest today is  Blas Moros, a talented writer and the creator of a very popular blog called The Rabbit Hole), where he's shared 600+ book summaries, along with dozens of essays and other educational resources.

In our conversation, Blass shares advice on how to choose what book to read next, the value of taking notes and writing summaries, how to find time to read more, and more great reading tips.He also talks about the importance of playing infinite games, explains the opportunity paradox, and shares details about his newest project, The Latticework)–a multidisciplinary learning roadmap that curates, organizes, and interconnects valuable ideas.


  • [00:55] - How Blas discovered his love for reading
  • [05:10] - How Blas chooses what book to read next
  • [06:10] - How to find more time to read
  • [08:48] - Blas's note-taking & book summary process
  • [10:48] - Ebooks vs audiobooks vs print books
  • [11:52] - How Blas uses his book summaries to grow as a person
  • [13:51] - What makes a book worth rereading
  • [16:55] - Helpful reading tips for people just getting into reading
  • [20:00] - Lessons from Blas's essay The Infinite Game) 
  • [25:50] - Lessons from Blas's essay The Opportunity Paradox)
  • [31:30] - Why more discipline equals more freedom
  • [33:24] - Blas's newest project: The Latticework
  • [36:00] - What is  first-principle thinking & how did Elon Musk use it to build SpaceX & Tesla
  • [40:10] - Explaining second-order thinking
  • [41:40] - Two books that had a huge impact on Blas


  • Twitter: @BlasMoros)
  • Website:
  • The Latticework)

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