cover of episode How to get the medical care you deserve (with Leana Wen, M.D.)

How to get the medical care you deserve (with Leana Wen, M.D.)

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How to Be a Better Human

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chris Duffy
Leana Wen医生:患者的自我主张至关重要,因为医疗系统中存在脱节。医生和护士等医疗人员尽力而为,但系统性障碍阻碍了他们提供最佳护理。这源于我母亲的亲身经历,她因误诊而延误治疗,最终去世。这让我深刻认识到医疗系统中沟通和信息传递的不足。为了改善医疗体验,患者应根据就诊的紧急程度做好准备。紧急情况下,应提前准备好包含个人医疗信息、药物清单和紧急联系人的清单。非紧急情况下,应提前整理病史,将其整理成一个有头有尾的故事,以便医生更好地理解情况。如果患者觉得医生没有倾听,应尝试更清晰地表达,解释病情对生活的影响,并寻求他人的帮助。患者应引导医生关注病情的本质,而不是仅仅进行排除性检查,并询问医生对病情的判断。在就诊时,最好有家人或朋友陪同,提供额外信息和支持。虽然医疗系统存在不平等,但患者应积极争取自身权利,利用自身优势获得更好的医疗服务。可以利用转诊医生与专科医生之间的沟通来获得更好的医疗服务。远程医疗可能更有利于医生倾听患者的故事,因为医生更专注于患者的叙述。选择医疗服务提供者主要依靠口碑推荐,建议在紧急情况发生前就建立信任关系。 Chris Duffy:医疗系统中人际关系的缺失是导致问题的重要原因,医生倾向于关注症状而非整体病人,而病人则将医生视为完美无缺的医疗机器人。在支持我妻子的过程中,我发现医生有时更倾向于听取我(作为家属)的描述,而不是她本人的描述,这可能与社会地位和性别偏见有关。为了促进医疗公平,个人应该利用自身经历来倡导医疗改革,可以在地方层面或医疗系统内部参与倡导工作。在远程医疗中,病人如何与医生建立联系并获得同样的效果?

Deep Dive

Dr. Lena Nguyen discusses the importance of self-advocacy in healthcare, drawing from her personal experiences with her mother's misdiagnosis and the systemic barriers in the medical system.

Shownotes Transcript

A doctor’s visit, even in the best of times, can be overwhelming to navigate. Dr. Leana Wen is an emergency physician and public health advocate who is committed to patient advocacy. In this episode, Dr. Wen shares tips on how to be a better patient and increase the effectiveness of your care. The author of dozens of scientific articles on emergency systems and patient-centered health reform, Dr. Wen is a visiting professor of health policy and management at George Washington University’s School of Public Health. A contributing columnist for The Washington Post and a CNN medical analyst, she previously served as Baltimore's Health Commissioner. Inspired by struggles during her mother’s long illness, she wrote When Doctors Don't Listen, a book about empowering patients to avoid misdiagnoses and unnecessary tests. Dr. Wen has received recognition as one of Governing's Public Officials of the Year, American Public Health Association's top award for local public health, Modern Healthcare's Top 50 Physician-Executives and TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People. To learn more about "How to Be a Better Human," host Chris Duffy, or find footnotes and additional resources, please visit: