cover of episode How to gain perspective in a climate crisis (w/ David Finnigan)

How to gain perspective in a climate crisis (w/ David Finnigan)

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How to Be a Better Human

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Chris Duffy
David Finnegan
David Finnegan: 气候变化否认者并非仅仅是石油公司高管等利益相关者,也包括许多普通民众,他们对气候科学的否认程度令人难以置信。我的戏剧《杀死气候否认者》因其标题引发巨大争议,但最终通过多种途径传播,并获得了成功。这表明艺术作品本身及其引发的讨论同样重要,艺术作品的讨论范围往往大于作品本身。创作这部戏剧让我与数百名气候变化否认者进行了对话,并反思了作品可能存在的错误。我最初试图创作能够改变人们想法的艺术作品,但失败了,最终创作了《杀死气候否认者》这样一部纯粹娱乐的作品,却意外地与持不同意见的人建立了更深入的联系。作品受到了来自左翼和右翼的批评,这促使我反思自身观点的不足。与持不同意见的人进行交流非常重要,这有助于理解他们的观点,并发现自身思维中的不足。气候变化否认者中也存在一些有思想、有逻辑的观点,需要认真对待和理解。气候变化否认者比那些声称接受气候科学的人更深刻地理解气候变化的后果,而我们这些声称接受气候科学的人,往往并未真正将气候变化的后果考虑进去,处于一种“否认”状态。应对气候变化需要考虑生活方式的改变,并与持不同意见的人进行交流。年轻艺术家不应盲目听从老艺术家的建议,应大胆尝试和犯错。艺术可以照亮人们思考世界的方式,并让人们在面对共同挑战时感到不孤单。气候变化相关的艺术作品的受众正在发生变化,他们带着自己的观点和感受来看待作品。应对气候变化需要考虑居住地和职业选择等实际问题。应对气候变化需要采取具体行动,例如减少碳足迹、支持相关组织和进行交流。创作气候变化相关作品应专注于特定领域,避免与其他作品雷同。艺术创作应融入到特定的社群中,这有助于创作出更独特和更有影响力的作品。 Chris Duffy: 许多人虽然接受气候科学,但并未真正理解其含义,他们处于一种“否认”状态。作者遭遇了来自气候变化否认者的威胁和骚扰,但他认为这并非最有趣的部分。与持不同意见的人交流,需要避免刻板印象,理解他们的真实想法和担忧。年轻艺术家不应盲目听从老艺术家的建议,应大胆尝试和犯错。应对气候变化需要改变生活方式和参与社会变革。作者认为与持不同意见的人进行交流至关重要,这有助于应对气候变化。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did David Finnigan's play 'Kill Climate Deniers' attract so much controversy?

The play's title 'Kill Climate Deniers' sparked controversy and outrage, particularly from right-wing media and climate deniers. This led to threats and harassment, causing the production to be canceled initially. The controversy was more about the provocative title than the actual content of the play.

Why did David Finnigan decide to engage with the climate deniers who criticized his play?

David Finnigan engaged with climate deniers to understand their perspectives and the stories they believed in. He found that many of them had deeply emotional and coherent worldviews, which helped him identify gaps in his own thinking and articulate their mindset better.

Why does David Finnigan believe that climate deniers understand the consequences of climate science more viscerally than those who accept it?

Climate deniers often understand the drastic implications of climate change and the significant transformations it would require. They deny the science because they do not like the reality it implies, unlike many who accept the science but do not fully engage with its consequences in their daily lives.

What practical steps does David Finnigan suggest for moving past being a 'soft climate denier'?

David suggests taking a serious look at where you live and how it will be affected by climate change in the next 20-30 years. He also recommends finding your biggest carbon impact and working to lower it, supporting a cause or organization, and having conversations about climate change.

Why does David Finnigan advise young artists to go very specific and deep into one thing when making climate-related art?

David advises young artists to find a niche and become an expert in a very specific area of climate change. This helps create unique and exciting work that stands out from the broader, more general climate narratives and brings new insights to the conversation.

This chapter introduces David Finnigan and his play "Kill Climate Deniers," which sparked controversy due to its title. The play, a satirical look at climate denial, unexpectedly led to conversations with climate deniers themselves.
  • David Finnigan's play "Kill Climate Deniers" generated significant controversy.
  • The controversy stemmed primarily from the play's title, not its content.
  • The play's reception highlights the impact of the conversation surrounding art, often exceeding the art itself.

Shownotes Transcript

When it comes to a controversial topic like climate change represented in art, is the conversation its sparks more significant than the art itself? In this episode, Chris talks with David Finnigan, a playwright and climate activist who knew what he was doing when he titled his 2014 play “Kill Climate Deniers.” The result? Outrage from hundreds of climate skeptics — and new conversations sparked around the climate crisis. Listen as David shares how he used the power of theater to shift perspectives and what it really means to grasp the science behind climate change in everyday life.