cover of episode #389 — The Politics of Risk

#389 — The Politics of Risk

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Making Sense with Sam Harris

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Nate Silver
Sam Harris
Sam Harris: 卡玛拉·哈里斯竞选活动在边境安全、犯罪和警务以及跨性别者行动主义等问题上,未能有效解释其立场转变,导致许多人对其观点不确定或怀疑,这令其竞选活动陷入困境。 Nate Silver: 美国当前面临诸多问题,包括经济增长缓慢、预期寿命停滞、科技创新放缓以及民主倒退等。对新闻媒体、高等教育、大企业和科技行业的信任度均处于历史最低水平,这造成了经济上的“死重损失”。公众对精英阶层缺乏信任,这种不信任感导致党派化加剧,阻碍了理性信息传播。互联网信息过载、信息茧房效应以及算法的操纵,导致人们对事实的认知分歧加剧。人们容易受到确认偏差的影响,选择性地接受信息,导致对民调结果的解读出现偏差。一些共和党倾向的民调机构可能故意操纵结果以影响舆论。 Nate Silver: 作者将社会精英群体分为两类:“河流”和“村庄”,分别代表着高风险、分析型和低风险、集体主义两种文化。“村庄”代表着传统精英阶层,例如《纽约时报》和哈佛大学,他们倾向于风险规避和集体主义;“河流”代表着高风险偏好、分析型和个人主义的精英阶层,例如硅谷和华尔街。许多“河流”中的风险承担者缺乏合理的扑克思维,他们的决策并非总是基于充分的概率分析和预期价值。彼得·蒂尔是一个反概率论者,他的成功并非完全基于概率分析,而是基于其独特的个人视角和决策。硅谷对政治的参与度日益增加,科技巨头对选举结果的影响力也在增强。萨姆·班克曼-弗里德的案例揭示了有效利他主义的局限性和风险。萨姆·班克曼-弗里德在FTX崩盘之前,对风险评估不足,缺乏对市场风险的充分认知。许多硅谷精英缺乏深厚的知识积累,他们的成功更多地依赖于直觉和快速学习能力。硅谷存在一些具有反建制色彩和极端观点的个人,他们的影响力不容忽视。硅谷精英中存在信息选择性偏差,他们可能倾向于支持对自己有利的观点。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Kamala Harris struggling to articulate her policy changes?

Harris appears evasive when asked about her past positions, refusing to acknowledge that she has changed her views. This has led to widespread confusion and suspicion among voters, who perceive her as a 'woke Manchurian candidate.'

What is Nate Silver's background and expertise?

Nate Silver is a former professional poker player and the founder of FiveThirtyEight, an election forecasting website. He is also a New York Times bestselling author, known for his books 'The Signal and the Noise' and 'On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything.'

What are the two cultural camps Nate Silver discusses in his book?

Silver describes two rival groups of elites: the 'village,' which includes institutions like the New York Times and Harvard University, and the 'river,' which encompasses Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and high-stakes gamblers. The village is risk-averse and collectively organized, while the river is analytical, risk-on, and individualistic.

Why does Peter Thiel reject the concept of probabilistic thinking?

Peter Thiel is anti-probabilistic, viewing the world as deterministic rather than probabilistic. He objects to the idea of simulating the world multiple times, believing that his success is not a matter of chance but of determinism.

What was Sam Bankman-Fried's approach to risk management?

Sam Bankman-Fried was not known for deep risk management. He was fast at calculating but lacked depth in his thinking. His approach to risk was superficial, focusing on quick decisions rather than thorough analysis.

How has Silicon Valley's political engagement changed?

Silicon Valley has shifted from being politically aloof to actively engaging in politics. Influential figures like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel have become more politically involved, often aligning with conservative or libertarian causes.

What is the 'Gell-Mann Amnesia' effect?

The 'Gell-Mann Amnesia' effect refers to the phenomenon where people dismiss credible criticism of the media while simultaneously believing that the media is generally trustworthy. It highlights a cognitive bias in how people assess media reliability.

Why did Elon Musk turn against the Democratic Party?

Elon Musk's shift against the Democratic Party was fueled by his frustration over being excluded from Biden's EV summit and his strong opposition to the left's identitarian moral panic, particularly on issues like trans rights and immigration.

What is the 'prisoner's dilemma' and how does it relate to trust in institutions?

The 'prisoner's dilemma' is a game theory concept where two parties can benefit if they cooperate, but if they lack trust, they act selfishly and end up worse off. This concept illustrates how a loss of trust in institutions leads to inefficiencies and collective harm.

How does Nate Silver view the current state of democracy in the U.S.?

Silver sees democracy as precarious, with declining trust in institutions, political instability, and a Republican Party that struggles to define its role in global order. He also notes that democracy indices show a decline in democratic practices worldwide.

Shownotes Transcript

Sam Harris speaks with Nate Silver about cultural attitudes toward risk and the state of American politics. They discuss the erosion of trust in liberal institutions, polling and political narratives, different camps of cultural elites, the influence of Silicon Valley, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Sam Bankman-Fried and the fall of FTX, Gell-Mann amnesia, Christopher Rufo, why Kamala Harris can’t admit to having changed her views, a problem with strict utilitarianism, AI and existential risk, what people misunderstand about election forecasting, which news events have affected the 2024 race, how current polls might be misleading, public vs. private polling, undecided and marginal voters, Gen Z, the gender divide, the likelihood that Trump won’t accept the election results if he loses, election integrity in the swing states, the chance of a landslide, the prospect of public unrest, and other topics. If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at

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