cover of episode The science of fighting crime with Nick Cowen

The science of fighting crime with Nick Cowen

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Adam Grant
Nick Cowen
Adam Grant 指出,Nick Cowen 的研究视角独特之处在于其专注于犯罪预防而非事后破案。Cowen 的研究表明,文化规范和激励措施在英国成功遏制了酒后驾驶现象。有效的预防措施在于改变人们对可接受社会行为的认知,而非仅仅依赖于惩罚。Nick Cowen 认为,与其事后严惩,不如及早介入,小惩大诫,从而改变人们对社会规范的认知,最终改变行为。 Nick Cowen 认为,文化在某种程度上是由政策塑造的。警察执法能够在改变文化方面发挥作用。他以酒后驾驶为例,指出如果人们看到周围的人因为酒驾受到处罚,他们会意识到这种行为不再被社会接受,进而改变自身行为。他还提出了“少量多次”的惩罚理念,主张在人们造成严重后果之前就进行干预,通过小惩大诫来改变他们的行为。

Deep Dive

Nick Cowen shares his journey from studying politics to becoming a criminologist, highlighting the overlap between political and criminal behavior.
  • Nick transitioned from political science to criminology due to a lack of academic positions in political science.
  • He argued that political behavior shares characteristics with criminal behavior, such as ambition and willingness to harm others.

Shownotes Transcript

Criminologist Nick Cowen doesn't just analyze crime — he studies how to prevent it. As a professor at the University of Lincoln in the UK, he explores the unexpected factors that influence crime rates. Nick joins Adam to discuss how social norms and incentives helped the UK curb drunk driving, and the two talk through the science behind what actually drives individuals and societies to change outdated and dangerous behaviors.Available transcripts for ReThinking can be found at