cover of episode How Pixar’s Ed Catmull and Pete Docter make magic on and off screen

How Pixar’s Ed Catmull and Pete Docter make magic on and off screen

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WorkLife with Adam Grant

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Adam Grant
Ed Catmull
Pete Docter
Ed Catmull: 本文论述了皮克斯成功的秘诀在于其独特的创意文化和团队合作模式。他强调了持续学习、从错误中吸取教训的重要性,以及逐步解决问题而非依赖灵光乍现的理念。他分享了在Pixar担任总裁的经历,以及在与史蒂夫·乔布斯合作过程中的经验和感悟。他认为,一个成功的团队是动态的、不稳定的,需要不断适应和变化。他还介绍了Pixar的“脑力激荡”机制和“同侪海盗”机制,以及如何处理员工的抱怨和负面反馈。他认为,积极倾听和回应员工的抱怨,即使这些抱怨是错误的,也能帮助了解员工的视角和需求,并促进团队的成长和改进。 Pete Docter: Pete Docter 阐述了导演和创意工作的本质,将其比作进入黑暗隧道,需要坚持核心目标,同时也要有舍弃部分想法的勇气。他分享了在创作过程中如何与团队成员合作,以及如何利用“脑力激荡”机制来解决问题。他强调了在创意过程中,既要坚持核心目标,又要保持灵活性和适应性,并能够根据情况调整自己的想法。他还谈到了与史蒂夫·乔布斯合作的经验,以及如何从他的身上学习到宝贵的经验。他认为,即使是自信的人,也应该认识到自己的局限性,并尊重其他人的意见。 Adam Grant: Adam Grant 作为组织心理学家的视角,他分析了皮克斯成功的文化因素,强调了“挑战网络”而非“支持网络”的重要性,以及如何通过有效的沟通和反馈机制来促进团队合作和创新。他认为,团队的成功取决于团队文化,而非仅仅取决于团队成员的个人能力。他还强调了通过讲述文化故事来传递和塑造企业文化价值观的重要性,以及如何通过有效的沟通和反馈机制来促进团队合作和创新。

Deep Dive

Ed Catmull and Pete Docter discuss their journey in co-founding Pixar and the iterative process of creative problem-solving in animation, emphasizing the importance of step-by-step development and the evolution of their creative visions.

Shownotes Transcript

As they dreamed up iconic characters like Buzz and Woody, Pixar reinvented how animated movies are made. But first, they had to build a culture to make this magic possible. Pixar's co-founder and longtime president Ed Catmull and Oscar-winning Chief Creative Officer Pete Docter talk with Adam about how to spark and sustain creative collaboration. They also reveal the secret to great storytelling, discuss how to maintain and evolve a vision, and reflect on the lessons learned from working closely with the ever-enigmatic Steve Jobs. Transcripts for ReThinking are available at