cover of episode Beyond breaking the glass ceiling with Julia Gillard, Australia’s first female prime minister

Beyond breaking the glass ceiling with Julia Gillard, Australia’s first female prime minister

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Julia Gillard: 本人作为澳大利亚首位女性总理的经历,以及发表的著名"厌女症"演讲,深刻揭示了女性在领导岗位上面临的挑战。这些挑战不仅包括来自公众和媒体的性别歧视和刻板印象,还包括在政治斗争中,性别问题被武器化,以及女性领导者需要同时展现能力和同理心的双重压力。演讲本身成为了女性的激励号召,但性别平等的道路仍然漫长,需要持续努力。同时,她也谈到了年轻一代对性别平等态度的转变,以及如何应对社会上对多元化、公平与包容倡议的反弹。 Adam Grant: 从心理学角度分析了女性在领导岗位上面临的挑战,包括人们对女性争取权力比女性实际掌权更不舒服,以及女性领导者通常比男性领导者更有效率。他还探讨了“玻璃天花板”、“玻璃悬崖”以及“道德认证效应”等现象,并提出应该提高对男性领导者的期望,要求他们既有能力又有同情心,以及通过改变对领导者能力的描述,可以改变人们对女性候选人的看法。

Deep Dive

Julia Gillard discusses the challenges faced by women in leadership positions, the significance of her misogyny speech, and how it has impacted perceptions of her and women in general.

Shownotes Transcript

Julia Gillard served as the Prime Minister of Australia from 2010 to 2013. During her tenure as the first woman to hold that role, she gave an electrifying speech about sexism and how it impacts all women, even those in power. Since then, she has continued to fight for gender equality. In this interview, she opens up about the challenges faced by women in leadership positions and the reactions to her viral speech. She also talks about the causes of deepening gender divides, how feminism also benefits men, and the qualities great leaders should embody regardless of how they identify.Transcripts for ReThinking are available at An excerpt from Julia Gillard's 2020 speech was used in this episode. The clip was sourced from the Commonwealth of Australia, and is used under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AU.