cover of episode #303 Rose Blumkin (Warren Buffett's Favorite Founder)

#303 Rose Blumkin (Warren Buffett's Favorite Founder)

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主播:Rose Blumkin 的故事是一个典型的移民成功故事,她出身贫寒,通过自身的努力获得了巨大的成功。她从小就帮助母亲打理商店,并立志要让母亲过上更好的生活。13岁时,她离家出走,独自寻找工作和住所。凭借自己的努力,她在16岁时成为了一家商店的经理。和丈夫结婚后,由于战争爆发,丈夫独自前往美国。为了追随丈夫,她历尽艰辛前往美国。到达美国后,在亲友的帮助下找到了丈夫,并开始了新的生活。 主播:本书详细描述了Rose Blumkin 的生平和事业。她成为Nebraska Furniture Mart被伯克希尔哈撒韦收购时该公司首位女性经理,并且在90岁高龄后依然工作了十多年。巴菲特曾多次尝试收购Nebraska Furniture Mart,最终以6000万美元的价格收购了该公司90%的股份。Rose Blumkin 以强硬的姿态完成了交易,并预言将击败竞争对手。她创立Nebraska Furniture Mart后,将其发展成为年利润超过1500万美元的企业,即使行动不便,也依然坚持工作。Nebraska Furniture Mart在Omaha市场上几乎没有竞争对手,巴菲特曾表示宁愿与棕熊摔跤也不愿与Rose Blumkin竞争。Nebraska Furniture Mart办公室墙上挂着竞争对手倒闭的广告,以此警示员工。 主播:Rose Blumkin 艰苦的童年经历和对事业的执着追求成就了她的成功。Nebraska Furniture Mart起初规模很小,但最终发展成为年收入超过1.2亿美元的企业。Rose Blumkin最初帮助丈夫经营二手服装店,后来由于经济大萧条,她开始参与经营。她的女儿教她学习英语,这帮助她更好地融入美国社会并发展事业。她凭借其丰富的经商经验,帮助丈夫改善了经营状况,并为日后的成功奠定了基础。她的经营理念与Costco和沃尔玛等企业相似,她很早就采用了薄利多销的策略。她一开始就在自家销售家具,即使在事业成功后也坚持这种做法。她坚持诚实经营,并尽力解决客户的问题,赢得了客户的尊重。 主播:芒格认为,通常情况下应该关注业务的质量而不是管理的质量,但Rose Blumkin是个例外,她是一个商业天才。巴菲特和芒格对Rose Blumkin的评价很高,这突显了她的商业才能。她的诚实经营和低价策略赢得了顾客的信任和忠诚,并带来了长期的回报。她的经营理念类似于无限投资回报率的概念。她43岁时创立了Nebraska Furniture Mart,并取得了巨大的成功。她的低价策略激怒了竞争对手,导致她被起诉,但她最终赢得了官司,这为她的企业带来了积极的宣传。她将逆境视为机遇,并从中获益。她热爱销售,并将其视为一种爱好。她的儿子Louie 帮助她平衡了管理风格,并弥补了她的不足。她认为工作能够让她保持活力和对生活的兴趣,并反对退休。她将经营企业比作养育孩子,并认为企业需要一位强势的领导者。她的工作态度非常认真,她将大部分时间都投入到工作中。 主播:Rose Blumkin 的故事与David Ogilvy 的故事相似,都体现了他们对事业的执着追求。她即使在受伤后也坚持工作,体现了其坚韧的意志。即使在参加宴会时也坚持工作,体现了其对工作的执着。她的经营理念在很早以前就被她采用,并被主流零售商所采用。她拥有惊人的计算能力。她是一位优秀的销售员,但可能不是一位优秀的管理者。她最终与家人和解,并以99岁高龄签署了竞业禁止协议。她对控制权非常重视,并最终在96岁高龄创立了新的公司。她对竞争对手的倒闭感到高兴,并以此为傲。她热爱美国,并为自己的成功感到自豪。她于1997年正式退休,次年去世,享年104岁。巴菲特评价她为杰出的商业伙伴。

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What I learned from reading The Women of Berkshire Hathaway: Lessons from Warren Buffett's Female CEOs and Directors) by Karen Linder. 

Follow one of my favorite podcasts: Invest Like the Best) and listen to episode 326 Alexis Rivas—A New Blueprint for Homebuilding 

Episode outline:

Mr. Buffett, we're going to put our competitors through a meat grinder. — Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist) by Roger Lowenstein. (Founders #182)

There are several "Going Out of Business" advertisements from competitors' stores framed and hanging on the wall.

As a general rule, bet on the quality of the business, not on the quality of the management-unless, of course, you've got a Mrs. B. in your hand. If that is the case, go all in. She was a business genius. —  The Tao of Charlie Munger) (Founders #295)

Retirement is fatal. — David Ogilvy (Founders #189)

Business like raising a child, you want a good one. A child needs a mother and a business needs a boss.

What is your favorite thing to do on a nice evening? Drive around to check the competition and plan my next attack.

He was 52 and famous. I was 33 and a junior account executive. Early on, he wrote a letter to one of my clients. After listing eight reasons why some ads prepared by the company’s design department would not be effective, he delivered his ultimate argument: The only thing that can be said in favor of the layouts is that they are “different.” You could make a cow look different by removing the udder. But that cow would not produce results. So began my “David” file. Almost everyone who worked at the agency kept one. — The King of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy and the Making of Modern Advertising) by Kenneth Roman. (Founders #169)

Buffet said: If she ran a popcorn stand I’d wanna be in business with her. She's just plain smart. She's a fierce competitor and she's a tireless worker.

Buffett “on how Mrs. B ran her business: One question I always ask myself in appraising a business is how I would like, assuming I had ample capital and skilled personnel, to compete with it. I'd rather wrestle grizzlies than compete with Mrs. B. They buy brilliantly, they operate at expense ratios on to t competitors don't even dream about, and they then pass on to their customers much of the savings. It's the ideal business—one built upon exceptional value to the customer that in turn translates into exceptional economics for its owners."

She hired a chauffeur who drove her around Omaha each day. The driver took her to other stores. She looked in the windows and checked to see how many cars were in their parking lots. It didn't take long for her to plan her revenge.

There was no looking back. She just swung.

Aspiring business managers should look hard at the plain, but rare, attributes that produced Mrs. B’s incredible success. Students from 40 universities visit me every year, and I have them start the day with a visit to NFM. If they absorb Mrs. B’s lessons, they need none from me.

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I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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