cover of episode #301 Tiger Woods

#301 Tiger Woods

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@播客主持人 :本期节目探讨了老虎伍兹的传记,分析了他非凡的成功以及随后的困境。节目重点关注了以下几个方面: 1. **天赋与训练:** 老虎伍兹从小就展现出超高的天赋和对高尔夫球的痴迷,他接受了父亲严格而近乎残酷的训练,这包括高强度的练习、心理战以及励志教育。他每天练习超过10小时,并通过可视化训练来提升自己的能力。这种近乎疯狂的训练强度,让他在很小的时候就展现出超越同龄人的实力,并最终成为世界顶级高尔夫球手。 2. **家庭环境:** 老虎伍兹的家庭环境复杂而特殊。他的父亲厄尔对他的期望极高,并采取了极端的方式来培养他,这既包括了对高尔夫球训练的严格要求,也包括了对他的心理和精神上的控制。他的母亲也对他的成长产生了深远的影响,她教导老虎在比赛中要毫不留情,这塑造了他极强的竞争意识。然而,家庭内部的矛盾和冲突也对老虎的成长造成了负面影响,这体现在他与父亲关系的复杂性以及他父亲对母亲的虐待上。 3. **成功与困境:** 老虎伍兹的职业生涯达到巅峰后,他面临着巨大的压力和困境。他与父亲的关系逐渐疏远,并卷入了性丑闻,这导致他失去了许多赞助商和公众的支持。此外,他长期高强度的训练也对他的身体造成了严重的损伤,他不得不进行多次手术,并服用大量的止痛药,这进一步影响了他的竞技状态和生活。 4. **反思与总结:** 老虎伍兹的经历告诉我们,成功需要天赋、努力和自律,但同时也需要平衡和健康的生活方式。过度的压力和不健康的训练方式可能会导致身心俱疲,最终走向失败。老虎伍兹的经历也提醒我们,家庭环境对个人的成长至关重要,一个健康的家庭环境才能帮助个人更好地发展。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the unique parallels between Tiger Woods's upbringing and that of Mozart, focusing on the significant role of their fathers in shaping their careers. It highlights the intense, almost obsessive, dedication to practice and the early display of exceptional talent in both individuals.
  • Early parallels between Tiger Woods and Mozart's lives, particularly the influence of their fathers.
  • Earl Woods's outlandish predictions for his son's impact on the world.
  • Mozart's and Tiger's prodigious talent and early start in their respective fields.
  • The obsessive and disciplined nature of both Tiger and Mozart.

Shownotes Transcript

What I learned from reading Tiger Woods by Jeff Benedict and Armen Keteyian.


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[3:00] He was someone no one had ever seen or will ever see again.

[5:20] You can always understand the son by the story of his father. The story of the father is embedded in the son. — Francis Ford Coppola: A Filmmaker's Life by Michael Schumacher. (Founders #242)

[7:15] His output was enormous, much greater than that of nine tenths of other composers. He was a mature artist in most forms at the age of twelve. There was never a month, often scarcely a week, when he did not produce a substantial score. — Mozart: A Life by Paul Johnson. (Founders #240)

[7:50] Tiger's opponents were never people; it was always history.

[14:05] I've always been a practice player. I believe in it. — Michael Jordan: The Lifeby Roland Lazenby. (Founders #212)

[17:00] Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's by Ray Kroc. (Founders #293)

[18:30] Tiger was filling his mind with words that were intended to make him great. He wrote some of the messages from the self-help cassettes on a sheet of paper that he taped to his bedroom wall:

I believe in me

I will own my own destiny

I smile at obstacles

I am first in my resolve

I fulfill my resolutions powerfully

My strength is great

I stick to it, easily, naturally 

My will moves mountains

I focus and give it my all

My decisions are strong

I do it with all my heart

Tiger listened to those tapes so often that he wore them out.

[31:50] People would ask him how did you get so good Tiger? And he would answer, practice, practice, practice.

[32:10] The world is a very malleable place. If you know what you want, and you go for it with maximum energy and drive and passion, the world will often reconfigure itself around you much more quickly and easily than you would think.  —The Pmarca Blog Archive Ebook by Marc Andreessen.

[36:45] The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership by Bill Walsh. (Founders #106)

[40:15] That’s all training is. Stress. Recover. Improve. You’d think any damn fool could do it. But you don’t. You work too hard and rest too little and get hurt. — Bowerman and the Men of Oregon: The Story of Oregon's Legendary Coach and Nike's Cofounder by Kenny Moore. (Founders #153)

[46:15] Money didn't motivate him. Nor did fame. He played for the hardware. He played for the win.

[53:45] Robert Caro’s Books


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