cover of episode Who Will Own the Internet? a16z’s Chris Dixon on AI and Crypto

Who Will Own the Internet? a16z’s Chris Dixon on AI and Crypto

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#artificial intelligence and machine learning#blockchain and cryptocurrency#internet and digital media#web3.0 podcast initiative#generative ai#freedom and autonomy#future of humanity#influencer economy#self-expression#content depth and reach balance People
Chris Dixon
@Chris Dixon : 我认为AI与加密货币以及新硬件的结合,将推动互联网进入一个新的时代。我们需要重新思考创意工作者的经济模式,拥抱技术进步并重新设计这些模式。AI可能会打破互联网原有的契约,即内容创作者以免费访问换取搜索流量,这需要我们重新思考新的商业模式。为了应对这一挑战,我们投资了一些基于AI的开放式互联网服务,例如Jensen项目和Story Protocol,它们分别构建了众包计算层和新的知识产权注册方式。Story Protocol利用区块链技术,让创作者可以设定自己作品的使用条款,并从作品的衍生作品中获得收益。这将创建一个开放的市场,让小型创作者也能设定使用条款并获得收益,而无需与大型公司谈判。区块链技术的组合性使得不同创作者可以共同创造和改进作品,类似于维基百科和开源软件的模式。在AI时代,我们需要为创意工作者设计新的经济模式,不要阻止技术进步,而是要拥抱它并重新思考这些模式。此外,我们可以利用加密货币技术设计新的激励机制,来获取更多AI系统所需的数据。WorldCoin项目旨在通过加密技术证明用户身份,解决AI时代可能出现的身份验证问题。WorldCoin项目可以替代传统的验证码等防欺诈系统,提供更安全的身份验证方式。AI的发展也经历了拟物化阶段、原生阶段和二阶效应阶段。AI的原生阶段是指创造全新的应用和媒体形式,这将带来意想不到的新的行为和应用。生成式AI可能会催生新的艺术形式和媒体形式,它既取代了一些艺术形式,也催生了新的艺术形式,例如电影。我对生成式AI的积极看法是,它可以作为新的创作媒介,创造出全新的艺术形式。我认为互联网的未来取决于我们是否能够构建一个社区所有、社区治理的互联网,让权力和金钱流向网络边缘,而不是中间商。我们需要新的架构和激励机制来促进竞争和创新。 @David George : (由于访谈中David George的发言较少,且主要围绕Chris Dixon的观点进行补充和引导,因此此处仅对Chris Dixon的观点进行总结。如果需要,可以补充David George在访谈中的具体发言内容。)

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the intersection of AI and crypto, focusing on how these technologies could revolutionize the economic models for creative professionals in the digital age. It discusses the potential of blockchain technology to decentralize AI infrastructure and create new business models that empower creators.
  • AI and crypto are seen as complementary technologies that can reshape economic models for creators.
  • Blockchain can decentralize AI infrastructure and create new ways to register intellectual property.
  • Composability in blockchain allows for a more democratic and creative ecosystem.

Shownotes Transcript

Technology doesn’t grow in isolation—it evolves in waves. Just as mobile, cloud, and SaaS shaped the internet of the past 20 years, so too could crypto, AI, and new hardware usher in an era of the internet that’s pro-innovation, pro-startup, and pro-creator. 

Speaking with a16z Growth General Partner David George, a16z crypto Founder and Managing Partner Chris Dixon breaks down his vision for a new internet, from using crypto to decentralize AI infrastructure and kickstart network effects, to why AI will be this era’s native form of media just as film was in the 1930s. He also explores why the internet’s original covenant—where content creators traded free access for search traffic—is breaking today, and how a better internet could introduce entirely new business models for creators. 

Right now, we have a choice to make: will the next era of the internet be shaped by a handful of centralized players, or transformed into an open ecosystem where power and control flow to creators across the globe?


Watch the conversation here:  

Read more, including the full transcript, here:

Chris’s recent article on blockchain innovation:

Find Chris’s book, Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet:

Penguin Random House:

Penguin UK:

For more resources on AI & crypto visit:,web2-to-web3

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