cover of episode Financial Freedom, Company Building, More with David Marcus

Financial Freedom, Company Building, More with David Marcus

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David Marcus
David Marcus:软件开发中,小型团队、简单流程和扁平化组织结构更有利于创造有意义的产品。成功的关键在于找到真正让你生气、想要修复的世界问题,并全身心投入其中。在构建互联网开放支付协议的过程中,他认为目前的支付系统不公平,且落后于时代,需要一个开放、低成本、快速结算的支付协议来改变现状。他认为比特币是构建真正开放的互联网支付协议的最佳选择,因为它去中心化、无领导者,且工作量证明机制优于其他共识算法。Libra 项目的失败,一部分原因在于与 Facebook 的关联,导致监管机构和政府对其进行政治打压。在公司建设方面,他建议创业初期保持团队规模小,避免过早扩张,专注于产品市场匹配,快速迭代,并保持对公司未来的清晰愿景。 主持人:访谈围绕David Marcus的职业生涯展开,从早期创业到领导PayPal和Facebook Messenger,再到创立Lightspark,始终致力于构建开放的数字支付协议。访谈中探讨了公司建设、中心化与去中心化、财务自由、比特币等话题。主持人就Libra项目失败的原因、比特币的优势、以及David Marcus对当前监管环境的看法等问题进行了提问,并与David Marcus进行了深入探讨。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

with @davidmarcus @smc90

This wide-ranging conversation covers company building, big to small -- including what cadence and when is the right "time" to ship; the relationship between centralization, decentralization, platforms, and financial freedom; moving from web2 to web3 in both crypto AND payments... as well as why bitcoin, views on remote work, and much much more. 

Our guest is David Marcus), CEO and co-founder of Lightspark; Marcus was also a co-creator of Diem (aka Libra and Novi, the cryptocurrency project initiated by Facebook). Before that, he was vice president of messaging products there, where he ran the Facebook Messenger unit; and prior to joining Facebook, Marcus was the former president of PayPal (which had acquired his previous startup).  

This episode begins with an interview just to help kick things off and then features a rich set of questions from the audience -- as this originally took place live on stage at our Crypto Startup School 2023. 

As a reminder: none of this should be taken as investment, legal, business, or tax advice; please see for more important information -- including a link to a list of our investments.

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