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It's Juneteenth, and Penny's family arrives at Grandpa T.A.'s family farm, ready to join the rest of the family in a joyous celebration and reunion. This special episode is packed with heartwarming moments and star-studded appearances that will make it truly unforgettable.
Meet our special guests:
Thanks for being a part of the magic!Hi there, Trusted Adult!If you and your Brownstone Buddy would like to explore more books about this episode's topics, here are a few we think you might like: Family Reunion by Chad and Dad Richardson,** Thank a Farmer** by Maria Gianferrari, ** Berry Song by Michaela Goade, Sonya's Chickens by Phoebe Wahl, **
Grown-ups, thanks for listening to our show! We'd love to hear from you. Let us know how you liked the episode, or ideas for future episodes, or tell us about your multigenerational family experience.Email: [email protected]: (929) 464-5102Instagram: HeyWhatsPoppinPennyWe appreciate each and every one of you, Brownstone Buddies!What's Poppin' Penny podcast © Produced by Preschool Family Productions. Written by Toni Kennedy. Editing and mixing by Paul Kronk at Power Station Studios, Pompano, Fl. Sound Design by Toni Kennedy & Paul Kronk. What's Poppin' Penny theme song written by Toni Kennedy, Music by Lucas F. Morelli, and Performed by Paige Montgomery. Musical Director Lucas Morelli. Title Card Art by Katia Vecchio.Cast; T.A. - Neil Strawder, Penny - Mila Mayes, Spicy - Bobbi Owens, Jabari - Stephen A. Hart, Zoe - Paige Montgomery, Penelepaw - Alisha Santiago
Child Development IS Human Development -Toni Kennedy