cover of episode TIP686: Big Tech Stocks w/ Adam Seessel

TIP686: Big Tech Stocks w/ Adam Seessel

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We Study Billionaires - The Investor’s Podcast Network

Adam Seessel
Clay Fink
Adam Seessel: Alphabet(谷歌)是信息高速公路上的收费站,拥有超过90%的市场份额,其商业模式难以被撼动。即使是微软和亚马逊等巨头也无法通过巨额投资和强大的技术来动摇谷歌在搜索引擎市场的地位。谷歌的优势在于其强大的技术壁垒和先发优势,以及其在广告市场的统治地位。 尽管美国司法部对其提起反垄断诉讼,但Adam Seessel认为谷歌的核心业务难以被撼动,其面临的风险在于微软可能会通过与苹果合作,并利用其在人工智能方面的优势,来争夺市场份额。但这需要一系列条件同时满足,因此Adam Seessel认为这种风险发生的可能性较小。 Adam Seessel对Amazon的评价有所提高,他认为Amazon的业务质量与谷歌不相上下,甚至可能更好。Amazon的资本密集型业务使其在电子商务和云计算领域建立了强大的竞争壁垒,难以被竞争对手撼动。Amazon的盈利能力可能被低估,因为其将部分利润再投资于其他项目,这使得其短期盈利能力看起来不如实际情况。 Clay Fink: 就Alphabet和Amazon的业务质量、盈利能力和市场地位等方面与Adam Seessel进行了深入探讨,并就AI技术对两家公司未来发展的影响进行了分析。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Adam Seessel transition from traditional value investing to what he calls 'Value 3.0'?

Adam transitioned to 'Value 3.0' because traditional value investing strategies, which focused on buying cheap and unloved securities, stopped working around 2014. He realized that in the digital age, many old-economy businesses were being disrupted by technology, and there was no longer a reversion to the mean. He shifted to investing in high-quality businesses with strong growth prospects, many of which are in the tech sector.

What percentage of the U.S. stock market value is now represented by tech companies?

Tech companies now represent 46% of the U.S. stock market value, up from 19% in 2004. This includes the IT sector, communication services, Amazon, and Tesla.

Why does Adam Seessel believe Alphabet (Google) is a dominant business?

Adam believes Alphabet is dominant because it controls over 90% of the search market, making it the 'toll road on the information superhighway.' Despite attempts by competitors like Bing and Amazon to challenge its position, Alphabet's search dominance remains unchallenged, even after Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI.

What is Adam Seessel's view on the potential impact of AI on big tech companies?

Adam is skeptical of the AI hype and believes that while AI is a significant trend, the big tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet will be the ones to monetize it. He argues that these companies have the resources and infrastructure to exploit AI and other mega-trends, making them the primary beneficiaries.

Why does Adam Seessel consider Progressive Insurance a strong investment?

Adam considers Progressive a strong investment because it has used technology to become the low-cost producer in auto insurance, outperforming competitors like Geico. Progressive's tech-enabled underwriting allows it to match insurance rates to risks more effectively, leading to lower loss costs and significant market share gains.

What is Adam Seessel's opinion on NVIDIA and the AI craze?

Adam is highly skeptical of NVIDIA and the AI craze, stating that he has never considered NVIDIA for his portfolio. He believes the digital semiconductor business, which NVIDIA operates in, is inherently unstable due to rapid product cycles. He predicts that NVIDIA will eventually be disrupted by a competitor with better innovation.

Shownotes Transcript

On today’s episode, Clay is joined by Adam Seessel to discuss the developments of Big Tech over the past couple of years. Adam is an investor in Alphabet and Amazon, and in this discussion, he shares his updated thoughts on the two since he published his book, Where the Money Is, back in 2022.

Adam began his investing career doing research for Sanford C. Bernstein, Baron Capital, and Davis Selected Advisors. After these stints, he started his own firm, Gravity Capital Management. Since beginning a track record in the mid-2000’s he’s beaten the S&P 500. He’s been a contributor for financial writing in Barron’s and Fortune.


00:00 - Intro

01:47 - Adam’s key realizations as a value investor over the past 20+ years.

13:36 - How the concept of intrinsic value can help anchor us in reality even though it’s just a mental model we use to evaluate businesses.

27:37 - Adam’s updated views on Alphabet and Amazon since he published his book in 2022.

47:40 - Adam’s approach to taking advantage of the AI wave without paying hefty valuations.

54:01 - Why Progressive Insurance is dominating the auto insurance space.

And so much more!

Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences.




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