How much money is housework worth? A recent court case in China gave a housewife compensation for doing all of her family's housework, while her husband did not help at all. Millions of hours of unpaid work are done every year. Let’s discuss this further on this episode of Thinking in English!
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Vocabulary List
Invisible (adj) - impossible to see
These bacteria are invisible unless viewed with a microscope
Undeniable (adj) - certainly true
She is a woman of undeniable brilliance
Contribution (n) - something that you contribute or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful
This invention made a major contribution to road safety
Paternity leave (n) - a period of time that a father is legally allowed to be away from his job so that he can spend time with his new baby
Many fathers decide not to take paternity leave
Asset (n) - something valuable belonging to a person or organization that can be used for the payment of debts
A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, specialist knowledge, or copyright material
To compensate (v) - to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem
Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries
Commitment (n) - willingness to give your time and energy to a job, activity, or something that you believe in
My manager won’t promote me because she says i lack commitment
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