cover of episode 318. How Does the US Presidential Election Work? (English Vocabulary Lesson)

318. How Does the US Presidential Election Work? (English Vocabulary Lesson)

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Tom Wilkinson
Tom Wilkinson: 本集主要讲解美国总统选举的整体流程,而非聚焦于今年的具体选举。内容涵盖候选人的提名方式、美国选举的关键特征以及美国选举的独特之处。美国政治体制是联邦共和制和总统制相结合的,权力在联邦政府和各州政府之间分配,同时实行三权分立制。美国实行两党制,民主党通常被视为更进步的政党,主张强大的联邦政府、积极的经济调控、保护公民权利和提供社会服务;共和党是比较保守的政党,主张有限政府、自由市场经济和传统价值观。美国总统候选人的提名过程包括初选和党团会议,最终由选举人团投票选出总统。选举人团制度可能导致普选票数多的人落选,选举结果主要取决于少数几个摇摆州。现代竞选手段包括线下集会、电视广告、社交媒体等。美国大选日为每年11月的第一个星期二。计票方式因州而异,最终结果在选举人团投票后才能确认。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the 2024 US presidential election considered controversial and close?

The 2024 US presidential election is controversial and close due to assassination attempts against Donald Trump, Joe Biden dropping out of the race, and the overall political instability in the United States.

What is the structure of the US government and how does it ensure balance of power?

The US government is divided into three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This separation of powers ensures no single branch becomes too powerful. The executive branch enforces laws, the legislative branch (Congress) makes laws, and the judicial branch interprets laws.

How are presidential candidates selected in the US?

Presidential candidates are selected through a series of primaries and caucuses held across all 50 states and US territories. Voters choose delegates who represent them at the party's national convention, where the official nominee is confirmed.

What is the Electoral College and how does it function in US elections?

The Electoral College is a group of 538 electors who officially elect the president and vice president. A candidate needs a majority of 270 electoral votes to win. Electoral votes are awarded on a state-by-state basis, not by the national popular vote.

What are the key differences between the Democratic and Republican parties in the US?

The Democratic Party is generally more progressive, supporting social reform, a strong federal government, and social welfare programs. The Republican Party is more conservative, advocating for limited government, free market economics, and traditional values.

How does the US election campaign process work?

The campaign process includes primaries, caucuses, national conventions, debates, rallies, and media appearances. Candidates focus on winning support from party members during primaries and then shift to appealing to a broader electorate after securing the nomination.

What methods are used for voting in US presidential elections?

Voting methods include in-person voting at polling places, early voting, mail-in voting, and absentee ballots. Votes can be cast using paper ballots, touchscreen machines, or other voting machines.

What happens after the votes are cast on Election Day in the US?

After votes are cast, they are counted either electronically or by hand. The winner is projected based on the electoral votes they are expected to receive. The official winner is confirmed when electors vote in the Electoral College, followed by the inauguration in January.

This introductory chapter sets the context of the episode, briefly discussing the 2024 US presidential election and introducing key vocabulary terms related to US politics and elections.
  • The episode focuses on the general workings of the US presidential election, not just the 2024 election.
  • Key terms defined include: candidate, progressive, federal, delegate, elector, and campaign.

Shownotes Transcript

On November 5th, the United States of America will elect their next President. The two candidates this year are former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris.

The election has been controversial and close. There have been assassination attempts against Donald Trump, the original Democratic candidate Joe Biden dropped out of the race, and the United States seems relatively politically unstable.

This episode is not going to focus specifically on this year’s US election, but on the US presidential election in general. My aim is to explain how candidates are selected, the key features of US elections, and what makes them unique.

Hopefully, after listening to this episode, you will be able to understand the events of this year’s election day!

**Transcript - **

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- Candidate (Noun): A person who is nominated for election to a public office.

- Progressive (Adjective): Favouring or promoting social reform or new, liberal ideas.

- Federal (Adjective): Relating to a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and individual states.

- Delegate (Noun): A person sent to represent others, especially at a conference or convention.

- Elector (Noun): A member of the Electoral College chosen by voters to officially vote for the President and Vice President.

- Campaign (Noun): An organized effort by a candidate or political party to win an election.

⁠ Borough by Blue Dot Sessions⁠

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