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The UK is currently preparing for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away last week at the age of 96. While the death of the Queen came as a shock, the government and Royal Family have been preparing for this moment for decades. Today, let’s discuss what happens when a British monarch passes away!
171. The Life of Queen Elizabeth II (English Vocabulary Lesson))
Every Royal Word You Need to Know! (English Vocabulary Lesson))
120. Why Did Barbados Become a Republic? (English Vocabulary Lesson))
67. Who was Prince Philip? (English Vocabulary Lesson))
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Accession (n) – the time when someone starts a position of authority, especially a king or a queen
1952 was the year of Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne
Half-mast (n) – a flag that is at half mast has been brought down to a point halfway down the pole as an expression of sadness at someone’s death
The flags at Buckingham Palace were all flying at half-mast
Sombre (adj) – serious, sad, and without humour or entertainment
The funeral was a sombre occasion
Oath (n) – a promise that you will tell the truth or that you will do what you have said
Presidents take an oath to uphold the constitution
Proclamation (n) – an official announcement
The proclamation of the new king was announced around the UK
To pay (one’s) respects (idiom) – to offer or express one’s condolences or sympathy, particuarly to someone’s family following their death
Thousands of people are expected to pay their respects to the Queen
Procession (n) – a line of people who are all walking or travelling in the same direction, especially in a formal way
The funeral procession will start at 10am
To line a street (idiom) – if people or things line a road, they are present in large in numbers along its edges or sides
Millions of people will line the streets of London
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