cover of episode IELTS Energy 1444: How to Ace the Computer-delivered Reading Exam

IELTS Energy 1444: How to Ace the Computer-delivered Reading Exam

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IELTS Energy English 7+

Aubrey Carter
Jessica Beck
Jessica Beck: 电脑版雅思考试与纸质版考试有所不同,许多考生可能只练习了纸质版考试,从而在电脑版考试中遇到一些意想不到的挑战。例如,电脑版考试中需要使用高亮显示功能来标记关键词,而不能像纸质版考试那样用笔下划线。此外,电脑版考试的题目呈现方式也与纸质版有所不同,例如寻找段落信息题型在电脑版考试中以表格形式呈现,而非纸质版考试中的列表形式。考生需要提前适应这些差异,才能在考试中取得好成绩。 电脑版雅思考试中,时间非常宝贵,考生需要高效地利用时间。不建议在电脑版雅思考试中做笔记,因为这会浪费宝贵的时间。考生应该充分利用电脑版考试提供的各种功能,例如高亮显示、复制粘贴和标记复习内容等,来提高解题效率。 All Ears English 提供了针对电脑版和纸质版雅思考试的课程,帮助学生练习考试功能和掌握特定策略,以便更好地应对电脑版雅思考试。 Aubrey Carter: 电脑版雅思考试虽然已经存在多年,但与纸质版考试相比,针对电脑版考试的练习资源相对较少。许多考生可能仍然使用纸质版考试的练习材料进行备考,这可能会导致他们在电脑版考试中遇到一些问题,例如不熟悉电脑版考试的界面和功能。 电脑版雅思考试的总体策略与纸质版考试相同,都需要找到关键词,并根据关键词在阅读文章中寻找答案。但是,电脑版考试的执行方式略有不同,考生需要熟练掌握电脑版考试的各种功能,例如高亮显示功能,才能高效地完成考试。 电脑版雅思考试中,阅读文章通常无法完整显示在屏幕上,考生需要滚动查看全文。如果考生没有注意到这一点,可能会错过一些重要的信息,从而影响考试成绩。因此,考生需要在备考过程中注意练习滚动查看文章的功能,并养成良好的阅读习惯。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the key differences between the computer-based and paper-based IELTS Reading exams?

The computer-based IELTS Reading exam requires highlighting keywords instead of underlining, allows for copy-pasting answers, and presents questions in a table format rather than a list. Additionally, the entire passage may not fit on the screen, requiring scrolling. These differences can impact performance if not practiced beforehand.

Why is highlighting keywords essential in the computer-based IELTS Reading exam?

Highlighting keywords is crucial because it helps track important information in the text, especially since underlining is not an option. It ensures efficient skimming and scanning, saving time and improving accuracy in locating answers.

What are the advantages of the computer-based IELTS Reading exam?

The computer-based exam offers advantages like the ability to highlight text, copy-paste answers for spelling accuracy, mark questions for review, and view both the passage and questions on the same screen without flipping pages. These features streamline the test-taking process.

Why should test-takers avoid taking notes during the computer-based IELTS Reading exam?

Taking notes is a waste of time during the IELTS Reading exam because it diverts focus from answering questions efficiently. With only one minute per question, test-takers should prioritize highlighting and scanning rather than note-taking.

How can test-takers prepare for the layout differences in the computer-based IELTS Reading exam?

Test-takers should practice with computer-based mock exams to familiarize themselves with the layout, such as scrolling through passages and using table formats for questions. This preparation ensures they are not caught off guard by the differences on test day.

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