cover of episode Let's Learn English! Topic: Crazy Things People Do! 🪂

Let's Learn English! Topic: Crazy Things People Do! 🪂

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Learn English with Bob the Canadian

Shownotes Transcript

In this English lesson we'll look at some activities that people do that are a little bit crazy. Learning English doesn't exactly give you a rush. You don't get an adrenaline rush from a good English class (or maybe you do!), but there are many things that people do for excitement and entertainment that very exciting.This English lesson will be a combination of a vocabulary lesson, but also a phrase lesson as I talk about a number of crazy things people do. I'll define the terms, help you learn the correct English pronunciation, and I'll give you a number of phrases that you can use to talk about that activity.I hope you enjoy this English lesson about crazy things people do!Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or find by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Crazy Things"

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