As you learn English you will learn a lot of phrases to express happiness, and other positive emotions. This English lesson will teach you the opposite. In this video I'll go over some phrases that we use when frustrated, aggravated, or annoyed.I'll also go over how to emphasize each phrase to communicate these feelings more strongly, and I'll teach how to soften the phrases to help you communicate if you aren't feeling these emotions as strongly.All in all this English lesson was made because I was feeling frustrated, and I thought, why not turn lemons into lemonade and use my frustration to teach you something new!I hope this little video helped you learn a little bit more English! Don't forget to share this video, click the thumbs up, and subscribe!Have a great day!Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or find by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Frustrated".
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