Each week I like to do a live English lesson where I give all the English learners who attend a chance to ask a question about the English language. Usually I can answer each question and I can help clarify some things that you might be wondering about the language.I start at 11AM Eastern Standard Time, and I usually answer questions for about an hour or sometimes even more.I hope that you can come to this English class. I think you will enjoy it and have some fun. There are usually quite a few people who attend, and I think I do an OK job of answering the questions.I hope to see you there!This English lesson is from Saturday November 21, 2020.Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrybNoQX3PE or find by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian November 21, 2020"
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