cover of episode #455. 事情想不出來怎麼辦?科學家建議:散步

#455. 事情想不出來怎麼辦?科學家建議:散步

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Kevin 英文不難

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**Your brain isn't like a muscle. **This recommendation comes from Mithu Storoni, a University of Cambridge-trained neuroscientist and author.

  • Neuroscientist 腦神經科學家

Brains aren't like muscles, she explains. If you do a physical job on an assembly line, you can just push your muscles to keep going until they become fatigued. More effort generally leads to more results.

  • Physical job 耗體力的工作

  • 搭配詞 assembly line 生產線

  • 片語動詞 push (your muscles) to keep going 強迫某東西繼續

  • 單字 fatigued 疲憊

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