On one of my solo backpacking trips, I stumbled upon a British man who was in the same hostel as I was. He had been living illegally in Tel Aviv for a few months after traveling through several countries. He told me of a time when he lived in Rio and got involved in some gang stuff and got caught by the cops selling cocaine.
搭配詞 stumbled upon 巧遇、撞見
I stumbled upon a beautiful park while walking downtown.
Vs. run into 巧遇(人)I ran into my brother on my way to work.
Hostel 青年旅社
Rio, Rio de Janeiro 里約熱內盧
本集節目由【法國Mustela慕之恬廊】贊助播出 慕之幼高效系列,成分源自天然植萃,能幫助肌膚鎖水保濕、柔嫩肌膚改善粗糙,同時提升防護力。淡雅香氛、質地細緻,清爽不黏膩,適合嬰幼兒嬌嫩肌膚及成人夏季保養。7/1前輸入專屬折扣碼「KEVIN」領9折券,優惠傳送門→ https://mwf.one/VRLJN)
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