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Science, business and China

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The Bridge to China

Stephen Hsu
Stephen Hsu: 我在中国上海和北京的大学和中国科学院做了关于物理学研究的学术演讲。之后,为了放松身心,我去了云南的大理、丽江和昆明。我在昆明参观了我父亲在二战期间就读的联大旧址。联大是北京大学、清华大学和南开大学在抗日战争期间的临时校址。这段经历让我对中国在二战时期的学术环境和历史有了更深刻的了解。 我观察到中国在过去30多年里经济快速发展,取得了巨大的成就,成为世界上最先进的经济体之一。如果用购买力平价来衡量,中国已经是世界上最大的经济体。这是一个了不起的故事,值得我们深入研究和探讨。 我的研究领域横跨理论物理、软件工程和基因组学等多个学科。这在理论物理学家中并非罕见。我最初从事理论物理研究,后来对互联网安全和加密技术产生了兴趣,并与我的博士生一起创办了SafeWeb公司。之后,我又对基因组数据产生了兴趣,并将其应用于商业创业。 我创立的公司Othram利用基因组数据帮助侦破案件,寻找失踪人员。这项技术可以从人体单个细胞或少量细胞中提取DNA,进行测序和比对,从而找到失踪人员的亲属。Othram已经成功解决了数千个案件,包括一些备受关注的刑事调查案件。 成为一名成功的企业家需要果断的决策能力和自我批判精神。你需要能够迅速做出决定并付诸行动,同时也要能够及时纠正错误。 我创建播客是为了与各领域杰出人士交流,并分享这些对话。播客为我提供了一个与平时难以接触的人交流的机会,并与世界分享这些对话中的知识。 我的父亲在二战期间在云南联大上学,我本人也有一些亲戚在中国大陆和台湾。我曾努力去拜访仍然健在的父亲的兄弟和他的孩子们。 我认为瑞幸咖啡有潜力进入美国市场,其产品美学、便捷的应用点餐方式以及较小的门店面积等特点或成为竞争优势。 美中两国应增进相互理解,避免陷入‘大国竞争的悲剧’。两国可以同时繁荣发展,关键在于相互信任。美国对中国科学家的不友好环境正在损害自身利益。 未来20年内,风能、太阳能和传统核能将成为主要的绿色能源,而中国在这些领域处于领先地位。美中两国在许多科技领域已接近或达到平起平坐,合作是最佳选择。未来20年内,中国将在许多科技领域超越美国,而美国对中国的认知可能已经过时。 美国人对中国的看法存在巨大差异,部分原因是信息滞后和视角差异。美国媒体对中国的报道已从商业机会转向竞争威胁。贸易战和对中国人才的限制正在削弱美国在科技领域的竞争力。美国政府的反华政策导致孔子学院关闭,错失了增进美中两国理解的机会。 尽管存在挑战,美国企业仍可在华投资,例如通过在华制造产品并销往美国市场。中国高铁的准时性、舒适性和安全性远超美国,这与中国社会日益增长的信任感有关。中国社会犯罪率下降可能与民众生活水平提高和社会治安改善有关。中国社会比美国更安全,美国可以学习中国社会的一些经验。 Jason Smith: 作为节目的主持人,我主要负责引导访谈的进行,并就一些话题与Stephen Hsu教授进行探讨和交流。例如,我们讨论了中国经济的快速发展,以及美国企业在华投资的机会与挑战;我们还探讨了美中两国在科技领域的合作与竞争,以及如何增进两国之间的相互理解和信任。此外,我还就中国的高铁系统、社会治安状况等话题与教授进行了深入的交流。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was Professor Steven Hsu’s itinerary during his recent trip to China?

Professor Steven Hsu’s trip to China included academic talks in Shanghai and Beijing, and personal travel to Yunnan where he visited Dali, Lijiang, and Kunming, particularly the university campus where his father studied during World War II.

How has China transformed itself over the past 30 years?

China has transformed from a very poor, collectivist communist system to one of the most technologically advanced economies in the world. It is now the largest economy by purchasing power parity and has significantly improved its infrastructure, education, and living standards.

Why did Professor Hsu branch out from theoretical physics into other fields?

Theoretical physicists often branch out into other fields because their skills can be applied to various disciplines. Professor Hsu’s curiosity and the practical implications of his ideas led him to start tech startups and explore other areas like genomics and AI.

What is the scientific basis behind Othram’s forensic capabilities?

Othram’s forensic capabilities are based on the ability to extract and sequence DNA from a few cells, such as from hair, skin, or saliva. This data can be matched in databases to find relatives, which helps in solving crimes and identifying remains of missing persons.

What advice does Professor Hsu have for young people who want to become entrepreneurs?

To be an entrepreneur, you need to be decisive and able to make and execute decisions. It’s also important to be self-critical and willing to reverse course if necessary. Decisiveness, while maintaining the ability to adapt, is key.

Why is there a growing trend of U.S. scientists of Chinese descent returning to China?

The trend is driven by the weakening pull of U.S. opportunities, the improving quality of Chinese universities and research facilities, and the deliberate efforts by the U.S. to make it harder for Chinese students and scientists to stay. The Chinese government also offers attractive incentives such as funding, lab facilities, and housing.

What are the potential differentiators for Luckin Coffee if it enters the U.S. market?

Luckin Coffee could differentiate itself with its high aesthetic appeal, convenient app-based ordering system, and potentially lower prices due to efficient, compact store layouts.

What is the current state of fusion technology and who is leading in green energy innovations?

While fusion technology is not yet imminent, China is leading in the deployment of solar and wind energy, and in the development of advanced nuclear reactors. Wind, solar, and traditional nuclear energy are expected to significantly impact climate change in the next 20 years.

How can the U.S. and China increase mutual understanding and trust?

Increasing contact and cooperation between the two countries is crucial. Americans need to understand that China’s system, while different, poses no existential threat. Trust can be built through more balanced and accurate media representation and by fostering scientific and technological collaboration.

What is the impact of the trade war on the flow of talent between the U.S. and China?

The trade war has significantly reduced the flow of talent. U.S. visa restrictions and a less welcoming environment have made it harder for Chinese students to study in the U.S., and many U.S. scientists of Chinese descent are considering returning to China, where they are offered better facilities and support.

What are the business opportunities for Americans in China?

Despite barriers in tech startups, there are still opportunities in manufacturing and sourcing products. Services like Amazon’s shipping from China to the U.S. have made it easier to engage in commerce, and there is potential for American companies to expand into China or set up factories there.

Why does Professor Hsu believe China is becoming a high-trust society?

China’s high-trust society is influenced by increased affluence, reduced petty crime, and widespread surveillance. The sociological deterrence due to the upward trajectory of living standards and the lack of necessity for petty theft also plays a significant role.

This chapter introduces Professor Stephen Hsu, highlighting his diverse background in theoretical physics, computational mathematics, science, engineering, and entrepreneurship. It explores his transition from academia to launching multiple successful businesses in various fields, including encryption, genomics, and AI.
  • Professor Hsu's diverse expertise in physics, mathematics, and engineering.
  • His transition into entrepreneurship and launching multiple successful businesses.
  • The role of venture capitalists in supporting scientific breakthroughs.

Shownotes Transcript

We interview professor Steven Hsu, a theoretical physicist, engineer, and entrepreneur from Michigan State University. We discuss the US-China business landscape, the opportunities for scientific collaboration, AI, Genomics and more. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.