Host Bob Hercules speaks with the acclaimed documentary filmmaker, Steve James, who’s first film, Hoop Dreams, made an indelible mark on the cultural and sociological landscape in the U.S.. This film won every major critics award in 1994 as well as a Peabody, and picked up many more accolades along with way. James also directed, Abacus: Small Enough to Jail, that was nominated for an Academy Award, and tells the story of a small financial institution that was the only company criminally indicted in the wake of the United States 2008 mortgage crisis. He also teamed up with writer Alex Kotlowitz on The Interrupters, a film that brought us an intimate and fiercely honest portrayal of ex-gang members that transitioned to interrupting conflicts to stop gang violence. His laundry list of vital and important films brings incredible insight to the world around us, and we are thrilled to welcome him to the show.