cover of episode 005: The Laws Before Roe v Wade

005: The Laws Before Roe v Wade

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Life Matters

Shownotes Transcript

English Common Law protected children after 'quickening' because that was the most advanced and confirmable science. With the advancement in scientific medicine conception was confirmed as the start of human life when mammalian conception was witnessed under the modern microscope in 1836. The British Common Law followed in protecting children from the time of conception. American Dr. Horatio R. Storer was studying in Edinburgh and came back to encourage each of the United States to now respect those human lives, even as they now had freed and protected slaves. From 1860 to 1880 he campaigned until all states protected that child, his 'second patient.' Dr. Storer is also known as the Father of Gynecology. Air Date: 1-28-2017