Another Chance 机会再临 Music:My soul How often we wish for another chance to make a fresh beginning 多少次我们祈求机会再临,便可重头再来 A chance to blot out our mistakes 一个改过自新的机会 And change failure into winning 一个反败为胜的机会 It does not take a new day 用不了崭新的一天 To make a brand new start 便可重新开始 It only takes a deep desire 只须潜心渴求 To try with all our hearts 浑身解数方可使出 To live a little better 日子会过得更好 And to always be forgiving 所过也总归是被原谅 And to add a little sunshine 洒一些阳光 To the world in which we're living 到我们所生活的世界里 So never give up in despair 因此不可终日郁郁寡欢 And think that you are through 要相信自己可渡难关 For there's always a tomorrow 因为永远有明天 And the hope of starting new 永远有崭新开始的希望 机会与时间往往喜欢赛跑,不是因为看到了机会才去做一件事情,而是因为长时间坚持做了一件事情才可能看到机会与希望。