cover of episode Vol.123 把上班当副业,不上班到哪里收集那么多人生作品灵感!

Vol.123 把上班当副业,不上班到哪里收集那么多人生作品灵感!

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林希言:就职业选择和副业变现等问题与威尔王进行探讨,并对威尔王高效的时间管理和创作方法表示赞赏。 威尔王:分享了十年间多次转行和经营副业的经历,以及对时间管理、创作和职业选择的独特见解。他认为,持续保持高能量状态的关键在于专注于自己热爱的事情,并通过高效的时间管理和持续创作来实现个人价值和职业发展。他强调了个人代表作的重要性,以及在职场中保持自信和底气的重要性。他还分享了自己如何将工作与副业有机结合,并利用工作中的资源和人脉来拓展副业,最终实现个人价值最大化。 威尔王:详细阐述了自己如何平衡主副业,以及如何高效利用时间。他每天的日程安排紧凑而有序,并通过持续进入心流状态来保持高能量,高效完成工作和副业创作。他认为真正的休息不是单纯的休息,而是切换不同的活动,保持身心愉悦。他还分享了如何克服职场内耗和疲惫,以及如何保持创作灵感和表达欲。 威尔王:分享了自己对创作的理解,以及如何克服文字羞耻感。他认为,每个人都有文字表达的天赋,只是文风不同。他强调了阅读的重要性,以及如何从阅读中汲取灵感。他还分享了自己如何将工作和副业有机结合,并利用工作中的资源和人脉来拓展副业,最终实现个人价值最大化。他认为,爆款作品需要击中时代情绪,但要避免跟风,寻找新的创作方向。 威尔王:探讨了AI对创作的影响,以及如何保持个人创作的独特价值。他认为,AI可以作为创作的辅助工具,但无法替代人类的情感表达和独立思考。他还分享了自己如何利用AI来提高创作效率,并保持个人创作的独特价值。 威尔王:分享了自己对职业选择的看法,以及如何将热爱与工作结合。他认为,把热爱变成工作需要考虑其变现能力,因为工作需要养活自己。他还分享了自己如何平衡主副业,以及如何利用副业来提升个人价值和职业发展。他认为,持续创作和个人代表作是保持职场竞争力的关键。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Will Wang believe that fear is a stronger driving force than passion in his career?

Will Wang believes fear is a stronger driving force because it stems from the anxiety of facing potential career instability or obsolescence, especially as he observes peers in his industry being laid off or forced to change careers. This fear motivates him to continuously seek long-term, sustainable work that aligns with his interests and skills.

What is Will Wang's approach to balancing his main job and side projects?

Will Wang balances his main job and side projects by integrating them in a way that they complement each other. He uses his main job to gain insights and inspiration for his side projects, such as his podcast and writing. He also ensures that his side projects do not interfere with his main job performance, often using his free time efficiently to pursue his creative endeavors.

How does Will Wang manage his time effectively to handle multiple projects?

Will Wang manages his time by breaking his day into detailed time blocks, allowing him to focus on specific tasks without overlap. He starts his day early, incorporates physical activities like gym sessions to recharge, and dedicates evenings to his creative projects like podcasting and writing. This structured approach helps him maintain high productivity across both his main job and side projects.

What role does reading play in Will Wang's creative process?

Reading plays a crucial role in Will Wang's creative process by providing him with diverse perspectives and ideas that fuel his writing and podcasting. He reads a wide range of materials, from popular fiction to industry-specific content, which helps him stay informed and inspired. He also sets reading goals to ensure he continuously engages with new content.

Why does Will Wang consider his main job a blessing for his creative work?

Will Wang considers his main job a blessing because it exposes him to a variety of people and situations that provide rich material for his creative work. Working in a large company allows him to observe and interact with different personalities and scenarios, which he can then translate into compelling stories and insights for his podcast and books.

  • 写作兴趣从小培养,并非完全天赋
  • 阅读没有鄙视链,从通俗小说中也能获得启发
  • 模仿优秀作品的句式构造,学习写作技巧

Shownotes Transcript



  • **🥒本期主播:**林希言,在上海的撰稿人,25岁出了人生第一本书,写过超100篇阅读量10w+的爆款文章,多篇被人民日报、新华社等平台转载
  • **🍌本期嘉宾:**在职博主威尔王


  • 1.兄弟,你还上班吗?


  • 2.兄弟,你天天做播客,上班是不是偷懒啊?


  • 3.兄弟,你哪来那么多的时间做副业?


希望这期能对你有帮助,摆脱拖延。 ## 🚄威尔王的一天的精力轴(希言老师整理):

Part 1:互联网大厂人,副业写书、做播客、做博主

01:42 对于创作的兴趣,是怎么炼成的?

03:28 阅读没有鄙视链

05:09 出书背后的故事

07:02 爆款的核心,是击中时代情绪

07:59 离职博主们为什么又回去上班了?

09:31 把领导、同事、面试官都变成播客嘉宾

10:06 做副业要不要藏着掖着?

12:02 底气和自信,都是在长期工作成功里得到的

12:12 主副业并行,普通的一天是怎么度过?

14:10 把时间颗粒度变细致,有利于做好时间管理

Part 2:高能量背后的方法论,简单易操作

15:06 持续进入心流状态,是一种能量补给

15:56 真正的休息,不是睡觉

17:35 趁早远离有毒的人和事


23:48 简历花了又怎样?有自己的代表作比啥都重要

28:21 被恐惧驱动着,往前跑

30:38 写作和演讲,都属于那种改命级工具

Part 3:把上班当副业,才是年轻人最酷的选择啊!


36:36 如何克服文字羞耻?

38:06 做了100+期播客,赚到钱了吗?

40:18 要把热爱变成工作吗?

46:06 用体验代替消费

50:34 把讨厌的人写进作品里,他们都是你的素材

55:00 人啊,一定要找到自己喜欢的事