The term 'Golden September and Silver October' originated from the real estate industry, referring to the peak season for home purchases in autumn. This concept later extended to the job market, marking a period of high job mobility and recruitment activity, especially for fresh graduates and those considering career changes.
The prominence of 'Golden September and Silver October' has diminished due to several factors, including economic adjustments, reduced recruitment by companies, and changing attitudes among job seekers, particularly the more cautious and selective approach of the post-00s generation.
The post-00s generation tends to prioritize stability and work-life balance over high-intensity jobs. They are more selective, often opting for established companies and avoiding roles perceived as stressful or exploitative, such as sales positions.
Companies struggle to recruit for sales positions due to negative perceptions of the role, often associated with high pressure and undesirable activities like drinking with clients. This has led to a mismatch between available jobs and job seekers' preferences.
The role of management trainees has become less common as companies increasingly prefer to hire candidates who can immediately contribute to the business rather than investing in long-term training programs. This shift reflects a broader trend towards immediate utility in hiring practices.
Individuals who missed the recruitment period are advised to remain proactive, continuously seek opportunities, and consider a broader range of industries and roles. Networking and skill development are also emphasized as crucial for finding suitable employment.
The 'Golden March and Silver April' period may also see changes, with companies potentially reducing recruitment due to economic uncertainties. Job seekers are encouraged to start their job search immediately rather than waiting for this period, as opportunities can arise at any time.
## 🚄揭开金九银十之谜
01:38 金九银十求职季的历史由来。
03:46 今年应届生规模1179万人,又是一年历史第一。
06:15 零零后找工作比九零后更“稳当”了。
12:39 求职岗位其实还是有的,很多你不认识的隐形行业第一的公司需要我们的不断普及。
23:00 很多岗位很不错却很多人人不想做,比如销售岗位。
32:37 亚平老师在09年参观日本企业时,看到了当时的日本有很多自由职业者。
36:42 校招黄金岗位“管培生”的存在之谜,好处与弊端。
43:15 如果此时此刻你还没找到工作,不妨听听这段。
50:23 你为什么还要等金三银四,现在的时代找工作是每时每刻的事情。