What is the Kingdom of God? How do we find it? How should we respond? Dr. Baruch of Loveisrael.org and Ric Joyner of Biblestudycompany.com are discussing this very topic on the latest Podcast for Pew-sitters. Coming to an understanding of the Kingdom of God is vitally important to us as believers. Christ came as a King and He said to Pilate, just before the crucifixion for our sins, that “My Kingdom is not of this world….” We can read a scripture and take the meaning for granted. At Loveisrael and Biblestudycompany, our mission is read scripture to find God’s agenda as our Creator. Thus, everything in this world is made by Him and for His glory. We want to see His plan and will for our lives so that we too can live a praiseworthy life to God. Why should we seek to find the Kingdom of God? Come with us as we ask these questions. Don’t forget to dialogue with us on our blog. https://www.biblestudycompany.com/blog
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