Most of us are what we at call "pew-sitters". We are not professionals at studying scripture. Good news. The disciples weren't either. Did you know that when Christ sent us the Holy Spirit, He will teach us? Do you have to be an ancient languages expert? No! Do you need advanced degrees to study the bible? No! can research the languages and definitions and does all that for you with a click of a button or finger push. Join Ric Joyner interviewing Dr. Korman of to learn how to study the Bible and what methods work well. It takes a willing heart praying for the Holy Spirit to open up the Word to us. The Holy Spirit is sent to teach us and bring order into our lives through God's Word. Let's shift our focus from knowledge about the Bible to knowledge about Him and His agenda for our lives. Lord, we pray for your will to come. Come follow Jesus by studying His word!